Chapter 57

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Third POV

Percy sat next to Roulette watching one of the match ups in her arena. She had said that someone wanted to meet him so he came over only to find out that she was 'running' late and he would need to wait for her to arrive. He was honestly bored out of his mind, but it was a business proposition and we all know how Percy is with business opportunities. After a while he pulled out his phone and started checking his social media to see if anything interesting was happening. He gained a bunch of new followers that was basically just the people from camp crystal lake along with a few others.

"Why tho?" He asked himself. He mass followed them back and changed apps. A few minutes later he got a picture on Instagram from Alexis' younger sister, Angelia. He raised an eyebrow and clicked on the notification. His other eyebrow raised in surprise. "Huh, noice." He smirked. He received a few other pictures from a few other people with sexual messages and advances before being sent a few messages that didn't have explicit pictures attached to them. He opened the first one and read through it. He smiled, but didn't exactly know what to think of it. It was from a sex worker named Lee.

She apparently wanted to do a few scenes with him and even go live and do things the chat wanted them to do. He was conflicted only for a few seconds before deciding to write least try it out. He sent her a message and switched to the other that was a woman who made nsfw art and wanted use him a muse. He smiled and told her that she absolutely could. He just wanted to see the art, just to make sure he looked as mind numbingly sexy as he did in the real world. She happily agreed and said that she'd start immediately since she's wanted to draw him for a while.

Percy went through some of his other apps before being tapped on his arm. He looked at Veronica and she looked over. He followed her gaze and saw a blonde woman dressed in a elegant red dress. She had blonde hair that was tied up and blue eyes. She looked like the type of woman that Percy would punch in the face for being too egotistical, but then again so did Roulette and she followed what he told her without question. Of course her soul was on the line, but that fact should irrelevant.

"Percy, this is the person I wanted you to meet. Scarlet." The two shook hands though Scarlet looked disgusted. "So, what does she want?" Percy asked Veronica. "I can speak for myself." Scarlet said. "I know, but you seem like a stuck bitch and unless I'm breaking one, I don't tend to speak to them." Percy said. "Please, let's be civil here. Percy, she has valuable information and can be a wonderful asset if you let her. Scarlet, Percy is the one that will be paying you and potentially letting you carry out your plans in Red Grave." Roulette said. Scarlet scoffed and Percy rolled his eyes. "Fine. What do you want?"

Scarlet glared at him, but took a deep breath.

"I have connections in the government and military that tell me about a woman named Amanda Waller. She has a team called the Suicide Squad and she plans on sending them to Red Grave. Whether it's to capture you or kill you I don't know yet. I also hear that Batman plans on coming back with his little 'bat-family'. Most seem to just be curious rather than being an actual threat to you." Scarlet revealed. "That is some valuable information. I can handle it, but it's nice to know ahead of time." He said. "So, what plans did you have?" Percy asked. "I'm a weapons designer and my previous employment has... ended. With that being said I am in need of new employment." Scarlet said.

"A weapons designer, huh? Nico has been running out of ideas lately and she said she wanted to work with Cindy on some weapon/vehicle hybrid. You could make the blueprints." Percy mumbled. "I'm obviously gonna need a few examples of your work, but other than that, your fine." Percy said. "Now, I need to go. Business to take care of and such." He said. "Roulette, tell me when an interesting fight is going on." He said and left. "That boy is annoying." Scarlet said. "He is, but he runs the entirety of Red Grave City. You want to do anything, he will know about it. Just don't do anything stupid, he's not Batman. Killing is completely on the table."


Percy was sitting in Devil May Cry with Husk. The two were having a drink and playing poker with Percy losing badly. He groaned as he lost once again and took a swig of his drink.

"This is bullshit." He muttered. "What can I say kid, I'm a master." Husk gloated. "Of fuck shit, yea. I guess you are." Percy snarked. He huffed and finished off his extremely dangerous and poisonous drink. "You know what, I think it's time I visited Hell." Percy said. "Trust me, you don't wanna do that." Husk grumbled. "It smells horrible, the demons are all assholes and its boring as fuck." The cat demon said. "That might be true, but I wanna see the demons. Test to see if they're as strong as the ones I've fought." Percy said with a smirk. "Let's go kitty." He said. Husk glared, but said nothing.

In Hell

Percy grumbled in annoyance as he wandered through the streets of Pentagram City. His black coat swished awesomely in the nonexistent wind. Husk had abandoned him to gamble some more so he was left to traverse the city alone. He got a lot of weird looks from the residents of hell, but he ignored them. From what he could tell, there was no demon in hell that could possibly touch him so he was completely safe. As he was walking a tall as demon in a red mink coat bumped into him. Percy raised an eyebrow and looked up as the demon looked down at him.

"Watch where you-ohhh, who are you?" He interrupted himself and gave Percy a huge, sharp toothed smile. The demon Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Percy. You are?" The demon smiled wider. "Valentino, darling~." Percy internally groaned. "Never seen a human looking demon. I wander why you didn't change." Valentino said. "Right. Well, I gotta go. Things to do and such." The demigod said, trying to get away from the demon that smelled of cum, sweat and money. "Woah, woah hold on now. Let's talk some more. Follow me to my... 'office'. Let's have a drink." Valentino offered. Percy raised an eyebrow, but smirked evilly. "Alright. Fine."

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