Chapter 61

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Third POV

Percy stood in the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel. His mother stood in front of him, shock evident on her face. There was myriad of things going on in Percy's head. Most of them negative, but for some reason, the positives rung louder. His breathing was even, but his heart thumped against his chest violently.

"Percy, you. You're alive." She stated as her shock turned to happiness. "Me? I'm alive. I think the more shocking thing is that your alive." He said. His voice was distorted and raspy, but also gargled. "Ok, you're obviously upset." Sally began, but was cut off. "Upset! Doesn't begin to describe my emotional state currently." He growled. "I'm sorry." Sally hung her head. "I came back to look for you, but the house had  collapsed when I did. My father wouldn't let me leave for a week." She explained. "Apparently he felt that I had ignored my duties for too long." She said.

"But I'm here and so are you. I have so much to ask you. How has your life been?" She asked. The others wondered how she could just ignore her son's fucked up voice, but considering Alastor could change his voice too, it wasn't too surprising. Percy took a deep breath to calm himself. "It's been... fine." He said. "A few hiccups here and there, but overall fine." Percy blinked. He had gotten control over his emotions once more and had put on his normal defense smirk. "Really? That's good. How's school? Oh, I missed so many of your birthdays." She said in shame. Percy waved her off. "It's fine. I don't celebrate them anymore." He said. Sally was hurt even more at that.

"Also, I don't go to school. Haven't since I was ten." He said. "Started my own business though." He said. "Oh? At seventeen?" Sally asked. "Not really, when I was fourteen. I kill any demon stupid enough to come to the human world and threaten the human race." He smiled cruelly. "I also own a strip club, two night clubs, a bar, a casino and soon a pizzeria. Guess you could say I'm doing well." He said, knowing damn well what his mom's reaction will be. Of course, he got said reaction. Her eyes hardened and the disappointment was clear. "A strip club? A bar? Nightclubs?" She asked. "Percy, what happened?" Sally asked. "After you left, my life went to shit and I was taken in by a prostitute." He said.

His mother was silent. She was obviously contemplating some stuff, but Percy didn't really care. After getting over his initial shock his emotions had become much more manageable.

"I'm sorry. I should've come back for you." She said. Percy shrugged and somehow ended up with a lit cigar in his mouth. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm happy with my life though. Plus it's in the pass now. Nothing you can do now." He said. "You can stay down here with me. We could reconnect." Sally suggested. "While that sounds good and all, I've built a good life up on the surface and I don't plan on leaving it behind. It wouldn't be fair to anyone up top." He said. His mother smiled sadly. "At least you have morals. I did something right." She said.

"Well as much as I'd love to stay, I can't. Business to take care of and all that good shit." He said. Percy snapped and a portal opened up next to him. "Until next time everyone." He said and walked through the portal. He sighed, looking around the empty shop. He looked at the clock and cursed in annoyance. "Damnit. Alexis is still in school." He cursed. There was a knock on the door, then it opened. "Percy, that pizzeria open yet?" Tifa asked poking her head in. "No, why?" He answered. "Um, when will it be open?" She asked. "Little over a week." He shrugged.

"Oh, well are you taking applications now?" Percy raised an eyebrow. "I mean. Sure, why not." He said. "Cool, um. Come in." Tifa said and three girls came into the shop after Tifa. "This is Max, Chloe and Rachel." Tifa introduced. "Um, are you sure this is the guy?" Chloe asked. "Ow, dick." Percy muttered. "Yea. This is him. In Red Grave, maturity isn't measured by age. More so by common sense and actions." Tifa explained. "This place must be crawling with crime." Max said softly. "Actually no." Percy said. "People in Red Grave are actually intelligent and know as long as they work hard money will come. They also don't put themselves in situations where they would need more money than their making like some dumbasses that get pregnant despite working at fucking McDonalds." Percy said.

"Oh. That's nice." Max blinked. "Anyway, is this going to be a joint interview or do you want to take it separately?" Percy asked. "Um, joint?" Rachel asked. "I'm cool with that." Chloe said and Max just nodded. "Ok then. Take a seat. Tifa, how's V?" The brunette gave a shrug. "She's ok. Better than she was before." Percy nodded, siting in his chair. "Good. Good." He said. "Before you go, can you make me a drink?" He asked. "Sure, what do want?" He shrugged. "Don't know, something purple." He said.

"Purple?" Tifa asked with a giggle. "Yes, purple." He shot back with a snarky tone. "Alright girls. Let's get this interview on the way."

That's Boring so I'm going to something else

After the interview finished, Percy was just chilling on his couch in the shop. Waiting for something interesting to happen. Luckily it wasn't long before Adrian walked into the shop. His heels making loud thuds on the wooden floor. Percy looked at the white haired man as he made his way to the little bar and grabbed a bottle of Bourbon. He pulled out the cork and took a long gulp.

"Tough day?" Adrian jumped, his grip on the bottle tightening. He looked at the couch and saw a smirking Percy. "Asshole." The stripper breathed. "Sorry, it was funny though." He said. Percy sat up and waved for Adrian to come over. He did so and sat beside the Nephilim. "So, I'm guessing work was stressful." Adrian nodded. "Yup. Just everyday stripper stress I guess." He said and took another swig of the liquor. "Well, how about some relief. God knows I can use some too." Percy said and took the alcohol, downing nearly half the bottle. "If ya wanna fuck. Just say that." Adrian smirked. Percy gave him a look. "Just suck my dick."

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