Chapter 58

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Third POV

Percy sat next to the tall moth demon with a glass of bourbon in his hand. He knew it was spiked, but it wouldn't bother him since he's well... him. The giant lanky man was smiling down at him as he took a swig.

"Valentino, your breath smells like liquor, cum and drugs. Back up." He said. "Just call me Val." The demon smiled wider. "I'm gonna call you dead in a minute." Percy threatened with a glint of power in his eyes. He doesn't know why, but egotistical demons who thought they were on the same level as him just pissed Percy off. Val backed off a bit, sensing a danger he hasn't felt since he accidentally pissed of Jezebeth. That woman was scarier than Lilith and Lucifer combined. Vox and Velvet sat across from them with the living tv glaring at the boy.

"Is there a problem?" Percy asked. "I don't like you." Vox sneered. "You don't know me." Percy retorted. "And yet you still believe you can speak to us any way you want." Vox growled. "If you're annoying me, then imma tell you to fuck off. You think you're special?" Percy asked with an amused smirk in his face. "Do you know who the fuck we are?" Vox growled as he sat forward. "Nope. Don't care either." Percy shrugged. "You should. We could kill you with a flick of our wrist human." Percy gave him a confused look then started laughing uncontrollably.

"What's funny?" Velvet asked. "You think I'm a human?" He asked between his laughing. "Ahh, now you're a liar." Vox said. "No. You're just dumb." Percy's phone vibrated and he pulled it out. Husk had sent him a message telling him to meet him at some hotel, because he needed a drinking buddy. "Well, I gotta get going. Val, you're a dick to your employees, but you amuse me. Velvet, you're adorable. Vox. You a bitch." The tv demon got angry and lunged with lightning surrounding his hands. Percy let it happen and was being 'electrocuted'.

"You thought this was gonna work?" He asked and shot Vox in the head before absorbing the rest of his power and his soul. "Bitch." He said, turned around and left. Val and Velvet stared at Vox' withered and decayed body in shock befor Valentino sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I knew there was something off about him." He said. "Who, Vox?" Velvet asked. "No, that Percy guy. His power is way to close to Satan and Jezebeth's." Velvet blinked. "Wait, but he's not a full demon and those two never leave hell." Velvet said in confusion. "No, but their daughter, Sally was gone for a few years." Val said and Velvet finally understood. "Ohhh! Fuck."


Percy walked up to the 'Hazbin Hotel' as it was called although it was previously called the 'Happy Hotel' according to Husk. It was a tall building with a cobble stone driveway and large double doors. Wait, is that a ship? Percy shook his head in shocked amusement and knocked on the door. He waited a bit before the door was yanked open and a smiling puppet greeted him.

"Hello! Welcome to the Happy" She trailed off with a huge blush. "Hello. Sorry, but I'm not a patient. Husk wanted me to come here, he's a friend of mine." The demon shook her head. "Right, right. Sorry about that. Come in. Um, I have a question if you don't mind." She said. "No, I'm not a human. I'm a demon mixed with a Greek god. I just don't look like either. Hidden true forms and all that." Percy said. "Oh, yea. This isn't my true form either." She said. "I'm Charlie." She stuck out a hand. "Percy." He shook her hand and they walked into the lobby where Percy spotted Husk behind a bar. "Wassup, Husk." He said. "About Damn time." The cat grumbled.

"Hush you depressed old man." Percy smirked and sat down. "You know what I drink." He said. "Are you old enough to drink?" A gray skinned, white haired woman asked with a frown. "Are you alive enough to judge me?" Percy retorted while Husk smirked and slid him a glass. The woman, Vaggie growled and the X covering he other eye glowed. Percy took a sip and coughed. "Ugh, is this cheap?" Percy asked. "Yup." Husk smiled evilly. "Fucking bitch." He said and pushed the glass away. "Percy, this is my girlfriend Vaggie, this is Niffty and Angel Dust is upstairs." Chaise introduced. Percy gave a smirk and a salute to the glaring Moth.

"Hi! I'm Niffty, but you already knew that. You're a man. A handsome man, a really handsome man. Are you single? I am. I might be small, but I'm actually twenty-two." She would've kept going if Percy hadn't put his hand over her mouth. "Ok, I get it. You like men." Percy said and dropped her. "You're cute tho." Niffty blushed and fainted. "Ok then." He said. "Charlie! Val just texted me. Said to look out. Some guy just killed Vox and took his power or some shit." A tall, pink and white fuzzy guy said as he walked down stair. He wore a pink and white coat, a black choker, a black bow tie, black short-shorts and knee high boots. "Someone killed Vox! Who, I must thank him!" Alastor exclaimed as her burrs out of the kitchen with a killer smile.

"Don't know who. Val's tryna get a picture of the guy from his cameras." Angel said. Husk looked at a smirking Percy with a unbelieving stare. "Shush." He told the cat quietly. "While, I'm waiting for that~." Angel sauntered over to the demigod and lightly laid hand on his chest. "Hello there, names Angel." He said. Just then Angel's phone beeped. "Might wanna check your phone." He said. Angel raised an eyebrow and did so. "Oh, it's Val. He said the guys name is Percy." Angel said. "His name is what?" Charlie asked. "Uh, Percy." Angel said. "Heh, kind of stupid name." The spider demon said. "Uh, Angel." Charlie pointed at the smirking half demon. "Hi, names Percy Jackson." He smiled. "Ohh, hehe. Percy's such a cute name. What's it mean?" Angel chuckled nervously.

"It's short for Perseus. It means to destroy or to avenge." He said. "Oh. That's pleasant." Angel said then was pushed out of the way by Alastor. "Well, i must say thank you good sir! The tv was such an... annoyance." Alastor said as he shook Percy's hand. "It's cool and yes. Yes he was. Only reason I left Valentino alive was because he amused me. Despite the way he talks to his staff." Percy said. "Heh, it ain't just what he says." Angel muttered. "What was that?" Percy asked. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." Percy raised an eyebrow and stared at Angel. "What?" He asked. "Do you know what clairvoyance is?" Percy asked the demon. "Uh, no." Angel said.

"Husk, explain it to him. I'm gonna help out an idiot real quick." He said and left. "Uh oh." Husk groaned. "What!?" Angel yelled. "Clairvoyance means he can know everything about you with just a look. He knows that the pimp has done to you now and he's gonna to kill him."

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