Chapter 19

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Percy POV

We found a nice little diner to eat at and we all sat down. It took about five minutes of different waiters and waitresses walking past us and giving us side glances before a brunette walked up to us. She looked extremely nice and nervous. Probably her first day here or something.

"Um, hello. Can I start you off with anything to drink?" She asked nicely. "Just water for me." Annabeth said. "Strawberry lemonade please." I told her with smile enhanced by my demonic magic. She blushed and seemed to ease up. "Ok, water and strawberry lemonade. For you?" She asked Trish. "Same thing he's having." She answered. The waitress nodded and wrote it down. "Um, I hate to ask this, but just to make sure, you do have the money to pay, right?" Trish tilted her head and smirked. "Of course. Why wouldn't we?" She asked.

"I know we look kinda rough, but sheesh." I smirked. "I'm so sorry, it's just-." I stopped her. "It's fine." She gave a little nod and walked away. "What was that?" Annabeth asked. I looked at her. "What?" I asked. "That... weird energy I felt. It wasn't godly." She said. "Oh, that. It was demonic magic. I'd imagine it feels the same as when I created Trish." She shook her head. "That felt different. I still recognized the godly power from lord Zeus." I nodded. "Probably ignored the demonic power to focus on what you already knew." I said. Annabeth nodded. "That makes sense, surprisingly enough." She mumbled.

"Was that an insult to my intelligence?" I asked. Before she could answer the ground started shaking. I looked down, wondering is Poseidon was causing an earthquake when I heard a motorcycle. The whole restaurant looked at the doors and noticed a bike as big as a small elephant stop in front of the doors. The light glared an angry red and the seat looked like it was made of a caucasian human's skin. That's just nasty. The man on the bike honestly wasn't a looker either. He was tall, but buff. Too buff. He had a buzz cut that kinda looked crooked. He wore a black leather duster, a red muscle shirt, black jeans, black combat boots and black sunglasses.

He walked into the diner and straight over to us. His boots thudding heavily on the tile floor. The ozone in the air picked up and I could hear electricity crackling. Looking back, Trish was starting to literally buzz with power. I laid a hand on her hand and told her to cool it. She calmed down, but still looked angry. So, this guy can piss people off just by being in their presence. Interesting. The man came up and slid into our booth, right next to Annabeth.

"Who are you?" I asked right off the bat. He chuckled. "Hold you're horses kid. Ain't it polite to introduce yourself first?" He asked. "Too bad I'm not polite." I said. "Percy! Be respectful. He's a god." Annabeth scolded. "Shut it, bird brain. I wasn't respectful to Dionysus or Zeus so why should I treat him any differently?" I asked. She looked like she wanted to say something, but decided against it. "Thank you, now. I ask again, who are you?" He looked me up and down before laughing loudly. "I like you kid. Ares." He held out a hand and I shook it.

"I'm sure you already know who I am." I said. "Percy Jackson. Half god, half demon. Didn't know that was possible." I shrugged. "I'm one of a kind I guess. Anyway, I'm sure you're not here for a social visit. What do you want?" I asked. "You're right. I'm not here to talk. I need a favor. There's a water park a few miles away. I left my shield there and I need you to go get it." I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what's in it for us?" I asked. "Hmm, a ride west and information." I shook my head. "I don't want your information. If I've learned anything in the short time I've been part of this world all information is some cryptic riddle that only makes sense after you suck a few dicks." I said. Ares grunted and gritted his teeth.

"Anyway. What ride would you be giving us?" I asked. "Does it matter? You better be lucky I'm helping at all." Ares snarled. "Calm down buddy, damn. I just asked a question. Will there be fighting at least?" He smirked. "There'll definitely be some action." He said. "That's extremely unsettling nor does it answer my question at all, but fine. We'll help. After we eat." I said as the waitress brought our drinks. "Oh, hello. Will you be ordering as well?" She asked the god. "Nah, he was just stopping by." I waved her off. "Oh?" Ares nodded. "Yea. I was just leaving." He said and left. "Well then, are you ready to order?" She asked and we nodded.


"This must be it." Annabeth said as she looked up and the gate. "How are we getting over that?" She asked. Trish and I looked at each. "Not it!" I yelled and jumped over the large gate. "Damnit." I heard the blonde demon mutter and she grabbed Annabeth before jumping over the gate. Annabeth yelled in shock and a bit of fear, but we ignored her. "A little warning next time?!" She yelled. "Gotta be ready for everything no matter what." I chided. "Now you're just being annoying." She grumbled. "Correct. Now come on, let's find his stupid shield." I said.

"I bet it's in the tunnel of love." Trish said. "Why would it be there?" I asked. "Think about it. Why would the god of war come to a water park? He had to have been on a date with Aphrodite. Hence, the tunnel of love is where his shield would be." Annabeth explained. "Huh. Guess you're a daughter of Athena for a reason." She smiled proudly. "Still a bitch though." Her smile instantly dropped into a frown. "Ha! That was hilarious. Let's go. Am I saying that too much? I feel like I am. Gotta get another phrase." I mumbled as we made out way to the tunnel of love.

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