Chapter 72

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Third POV

A week later, Percy sat on the couch in his loving room with newly born, and named, Karlie Jackson held securely in his arms. Agnes had been released and was up in the bedroom taking a much needed nap. Percy was currently feeding his daughter a bottle of normal baby formula, for once. They forgot to buy a breast bump so until then, they had to switch between formula and breast milk whenever Agnes needed a break.

Percy was just chilling when the doorbell was rang. He groaned in annoyance and created a duplicate to go get it. Said copy walked through the foyer and opened the door. On the other side was an excited Tifa, a nervous Elizabeth and a smirking Trish.

"You know why we're here. Where is she?" Tifa demanded playfully. "Living room." The clone said and disappeared with a pop sound. Tifa ran in to the house and into the living room. Trish and Elizabeth slowly made their way inside and closed the door behind them. Percy looked at the black haired barmaid with a tired gaze. "Please, no baby talk." He begged, but Tifa ignored him. "Awww! Who's a cute wittle baby. You are! Yes you are!" She said, taking Karlie out of Percy's arms. He rolled his eyes.

"Hey Trish, hey Beth." He waved. "Hey, that's my lil sis, huh?" The blonde said looking at the baby in Tifa's arms. "In a way, yup." Percy nodded. Trish scrunched up her nose. "She looks like Dobby." Trish snorted. Percy laughed and there was a groan from the kitchen. "Oh yea. Daisy doesn't like it when we insult the baby." He said sarcastically. "No! I don't!" Said the small blue haired girl. Percy ignored her.

"Why? It ain't her kid." Trish shrugged. "Because it's a precious baby and she deserves the world!" Daisy exclaimed. "Save that for when you have your own kid." Trish said. Daisy looked at him. "Let's try to wait until Karlie is at least two. I'd like her up and walking around before I have another infant." She shrugged and went upstairs, likely to check on Agnes.

"You can any and everywhere you want. You're telling me that you need to wait before taking care of a kid?" Tifa said disbelievingly. "It's not just about me. It's also Agnes, Daisy, Alexis, Bianca and Nico. They'd need to spend a lot of time around the kids and I don't wanna overwhelme them with baby after baby." Percy explained. "Yea, that's fair I guess." The bartender agreed. Percy then noticed Elizabeth eyeing Karlie nervously.

"Are you scared of babies, or do you want to hold her?" He asked. Tifa turned to the platinum blonde who looked like a deer caught in headlight. "Um, I'd lik to hold her. If it's ok." Elizabeth said. Tifa held the baby out and Beth gently took her, making sure to suppoer her head like Tifa was. "Awww, she's precious." Elizabeth melted. She didn't even stutter this time. Karlie cooed adorably and started laughing when Beth poked her in the stomach.

"Oh!" Elizabeth yelped seeing the infants mouth full of fangs. "She already has teeth!" Percy nodded. "Yea. Don't exactly know how that works. I'd have to ask my parents if I had teeth and hair when I was born." He said. "Ohh! How did they react to Agnes' pregnancy?" Percy paused at Tifa's question. "Yea, and seeing Karlie for the first time?" Trish continued. Percy's eyes widened and he sucked his teeth.

"You did tell them. Right?" Daisy asked walking into the room. She folded her arms and glared when he smiled nervously. "Really! How could you forget that!" The small woman yelled. "It slipped my mind, ok!" Percy rolled his eyes. "I wasn't really worried about having a kid so I must not have registered that I'd need to tell my parents." He waved at the air dismissively.

"To be fair, he hasn't properly seen them as parents since he was what? Eight?" Trish shrugged. "Eight, yes. Also Hades can't be around as he's a god. It's literally against godly law for him to be here." Percy said. "You can still tell him that he has a granddaughter." Daisy argued. "He wouldn't care. He's not very Family oriented." Percy groaned. "What about your mom?" The all powerful hybrid froze up again. "Exactly." Percy sighed.

"Fine. I'll send some clones to tell them. Will that make you happy, queen Daisy?" He sassed. "Very" She said and stomped back into the kitchen. Everyone stared as she left. "Did... did she not add punctuation to that 'very'?" Perfy asked. "She did." Trish answered, then paused. "Did not? No she didn't." The blonde said in frustration.

"How did we hear that?" Elizabeth asked. "Better question is how the hell she said it out loud." Percy retorted. He shook his head and made two clones. "One of you go to hell and tell my mom the news. The other go to the underworld and tell my dad. For some reason." He added under his breath. The two clones nodded and disappeared. Trish grunted. "I think that's the first time I've seen you actually tell your clones what to do." She noted. "Typically I don't. Just felt like it." He shrugged.

Everyone heard the front door open and Alexis, Nico and Bianca walk through the foyer.

"Hey Percy!" Nico called excitedly. He ran over and hugged his older brother. Percy hugged the smaller boy back. He wasn't home much so this was a rare occurrence. "Hey man. How was school?" Nico shrugged. "It was fine. Making friends is still hard." He shrugged. "Yea, most kids are dicks." He whispered, making Nico laugh and Bianca slap him upside the head. "Stop cursing in front of him! I heard Nico call a girl a wench yesterday." She complained.

"Did she deserve it?" He asked. "Yes." Nico immediately replied. "Ok then. Don't be a wench and you won't be called a wench." Percy shrugged. Bianca sighed dramatically and walked away muttering about dumb brothers. "Love you too Bi!" He called with a cheeky smile. Percy then looked at Nico, who had wandered over to Elizabeth and was playing with Karlie. The game? Keep my fingers while booping the snoot.

Great for reaction time training.

Just a lil note. You can thank TheViridi for Karlie's name tho I tweaked the spelling a bit. Also, if you didn't know I've been a bit more active over on FanFiction-God so go over there and give me validation.

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