Chapter 22

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Third POV

Percy and Ares clashed and if he were being honest, Percy was really looking forward to this fight. Can you blame him though, he was going up against the god of war. A godly being who's whole shtick was fighting. Plus he had thousands of years of experience. Come on, considering Percy's skill level with a sword you have to give him a break. He had a right to look forward to this fight. Luckily, Ares didn't disappoint. Percy was much faster, but Ares seemed to be just as strong and seemed to have some sort of battle precognition since he seemed to be ready for all of Percy's moves.

There was a few time he got caught with a cut or two and that helped Percy realize what was going on. Ares couldn't sense any of Percy's moves no more than Percy could sense his. He simply knew all fighting styles. Well, the ones that were created over the years. Percy was a random fighter. He didn't act, he reacted. He controlled the battle by letting the opponent think they were in control. Ares, couldn't combat against this. Still though, he was good. The two clashed blades so often their respective metals heated up and caused sparks to fly. To Annabeth, the two were nothing, but blurs. The two dodged, blocked and parried each other continuously. Neither could actually land a hit on the other.

Trish watched on with interest. She faired much better than Annabeth when it came to being able to see what was happening, but it was still a bit too fast for her. The interesting part was that both seemed to be having fun. Both of them had a large smile on their faces as they fought. There was no proof that Percy had been hit, but Trish was sure he had. Well, maybe. She doesn't know if she had seen red blood or Percy's coat reflected off of the water they threw around. Even if he had no one could tell since Percy healed instantly.

The two continued to fight until sundown and still couldn't land a hit on one another. However, Percy knew he had a deadline to complete so he decided it try and finish this. Instead of reusing the same moves he saw Luke use in the sword arena he started fighting how he normally would. Random and erratic. Ares couldn't handle the sudden switch up and started gaining more and more cuts. In an act of desperation he went for a powerful overhead that Percy just swatted away and stabbed Rebellion into the god's chest. He sputtered out ichor and glared at the demigod.

"You'll pay for this, punks." He wheezed and started glowing. "Look away!" Annabeth yelled and turn as well as covering her eyes. Percy and Trish simply stared as the immortal went into his divine form and disappeared. "Anticlimactic." Percy said. "Your clothes are gone." Trish called. Percy looked down and saw that he was indeed, completely nude. "Huh, so they are." Annabeth blushed and kept her eyes averted. "Interesting. I don't think this belonged to him." Percy said picking up a bronze trident. He also used his outfit alteration to summon clothes on his body. "I believe that belongs to me." Percy turned and saw Poseidon, holding a healed, but unconscious Triton. "Poseidon. Here ya go." Percy tossed the trident to the god who caught it.

"Thank you. I shall not forget this favor." Percy nodded. 'Yea, keep that same energy when I'm pounding your daughter's guts into her chest.' Percy thought with a smile. "You should probably get this to Zeus." Percy caught the lightning bolt and nodded. "Alright hot blondes." He said summoning his katana. "Let's go." He said opening a portal. "Ladies first." He bowed. Trish and Annabeth walked through the portal with Percy making sure to get a nice look at the demigoddess' ass before he walked through himself.

On Olympus

The trio walked through the portal and into the throne room of the Olympian Council. However, the only gods there was a brunette woman with grey eyes, a man with electric blue eyes, black curtly hair and a black and grey beard and another man with pale skin, black hair and black eyes. The three looked at the three demigods with interest. Especially Percy and Trish.

"So, the son of Hades finally returns what he has stolen." The man in middle said. "Ok one, I have a name. It's Percy. I highly doubt you want me calling you 'son of Kronos'. Two, I didn't steal shit. Three, are you Annabeth's mom?" Percy asked. "I am?" The goddess questioned. "Percy, I'm begging you. Please no. Just do me this one favor." Annabeth literally begged. "Ugh. Fine. Never mind. Anyway, here. Take your bolt." Percy said throwing the weapon at Zeus who caught it. "Hmm, Dionysus told us of your disrespect." Percy rolled his eyes. "No, it's called equality. You don't respect me, I don't respect you." Percy corrected. "Do you know who stole the bolt?" Hades asked. "Nope. Ask Triton. He had it." Percy waved.

"So it was Poseidon?" Athena asked. "No. By that logic Zeus was try to steal Poseidon's trident since Ares had that. All I could care to figure out was that someone was trying to frame me and my dad." The three looked at each other then started speaking Greek. Percy had learned Greek at a young age so he knew what they were saying, but didn't make that known. They were talking about who would want to frame Hades and no one came to mind. There was one being that came to mind, but Zeus quickly shut that down and he didn't listen to reason. "Enough. We will not be speaking any more of this." He said and flashed away in large lightning bolt.

"Drama Queen." Percy snarked. "Could you show at least a little bit of respect?" Annabeth asked. Percy gave her a look. "Common courtesy?" She asked. "I did. I didn't tell him to go fuck himself." Annabeth shook her head. "You have quite the mouth. Your mother would disagree." Hades scolded. "Well, I guess it's a good thing she's not here, eh?" Percy joked. Hades hummed. "Anyway. I think it's time I go home." Percy said opening a portal. "That'll take you back to camp." He told Annabeth. She looked at the portal and then back to him. "Chiron will Wanna talk." She said. "Here." He said summoning a piece of paper. "That's my number. Just give it to him. Bye bye." He said pushing her through the portal before closing it. Percy sighed and created another portal.

"Let's go Trish." He said and they walked through.

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