Chapter 42

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Percy POV

Currently, I'm with Cindy while she's working on a new car. She said she wanted to try to make a car from scratch so I was helping her get the supplies to make it. Right now she's working on making the outer parts of the car like the hood, bumper and all that stuff. I would occasionally help out wherever she needed it. Mostly though, I just watched her work. It was oddly interesting. The sounds could be annoying at times, but that was easily outweighed by the way she moved and concentrated on her work.

"You have'n fun?" She asked. "I am. Your work is interesting to say the least." I replied. "My work or me?" Cindy laughed. "Both. It's cute how hard you concentrate and the way you move? Sheesh, you're lucky I have the amount of self control I do." I smirked. Cindy blushed. "Ya know, you can do anything you want. I'm not gonna stop you." She said. "I figured, but I don't wanna do that. I'd feel like I'm taking advantage of you." She gave me a confused look. "Since you're obviously a fan of mine you'd be willing to do anything to make me happy, like letting me have sex with you even if you might not want it." I explained.

"That makes me want to have sex with you even more." She said. "Women are weird." I muttered. My phone started ringing in my pocket and I sighed. I took out my phone and saw that I was Lady. I pressed the answer call button and held it to my ear. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, can I borrow Trish real quick?" She asked. "Why?" I asked. "I got a mission and I wanna get to know her better." I was a bit confused by her reasoning, but eh. "Sure. Do what you please." I said. "Thanks." She said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Cindy asked. "Lady asking if she could take Trish on a mission." I answered. "Isn't Trish a person?" I nodded. "Yea, but Trish doesn't really go anywhere unless I tell her she can. She really takes the 'daughter' thing seriously." I said. "Don't you have sex with her?" Cindy asked to which I shrugged. "Yea, yea I do." I smiled. "Wow, you are kind of a whore? Aren't you?" She asked to which I smiled wider. "A proud one at that." She laughed. "I've never seen a proud whore." I got up and walked over to her. "Well, there's a first time for everything."

I kissed her and she happily reciprocated it. Yea, this car is gonna take while as long as I'm here.


After spending some time with Cindy I decided to just walk around. I was walking down the street when I saw a familiar head of white hair. Considering he was with someone else, I decided to not bother him, but it seemed that he had other plans.

"Hey! Percy!" Adrian called. I stopped and looked as he dragged his friend across the street. "Hey Adrian. How's it going?" I asked when he got to me. "Good. This is my cousin, Lucas." I looked at the purple haired boy. "Nice to meet ya." He mumbled something that I didn't understand. "Speak up Lucas." Adrian said. "Nice to meet you too." The boy said. "He's not all too sociable, is he?" I asked. "Nah. Prefers to keep to himself. Bullying and all that." I nodded. "Well, that's a shame. You're kinda cute." I smiled making Lucas blush and look away. "Sheesh, you are a whore." Adrian laughed. "A proud one too." I smiled.

"I'll see you later Percy. Bye." I waved and continued my walk.


It's been a few weeks and tomorrow Amy, I think her name was would be opening the camp. Deciding that I didn't want to sit through that shit alone I went to convince Thalia to come with me. I reappeared in her cabin, on top of the Zeus statue that stood in the middle of larger cabin. I looked down and saw the punk girl laying on her bed. She looked bored out of her mind. She was dressed in a pair of boxers that was straining to hold in her huge thighs and a bra only. I whistled and gave the scared girl a smile.

"Nice." She glared up at me, having fell out out of the bed. "What the hell are you doing here so late at night?" I shrugged and jumped off of Zeus' head. "I wanted to ask you a question, but I saw you and I couldn't help myself. I had to admire the scenery." I smiled. "Creep." She deadpanned. "Possibly, but back to my question. I'm working security for a camp near Red Grave and I really don't wanna go through this shit alone so I want you to come with me." She gave me a weird look. "You want me to go from one camp to another? Why would I do that?" She asked.

"Fair enough, yes I do. I really don't wanna be bored. I get the feeling that I'm gonna be constantly annoyed since I'll have to deal with arrogant teens all summer." I said standing in front of her. "Um, you're most likely gonna be younger than them." She said. "Only by like two years. Maybe three. That doesn't matter though. I'll need action and if I can't get it in the form of sex, I'll happily take it in the form of fighting or sparing." Thalia shook her head. "You're a whore." I laughed. "Everyone has been saying that. Yes, yes I am. Proudly too." The demigoddess smirked teasingly. "Does that explain you're hands?"

I looked down and much to my surprise my arms were wrapped around her waist and my hands were resting on her ass.

"Huh, would you look at that." I said. "Yea. I'd say that's some interesting placement." She replied. "You gonna move?" I smiled. "Do you want me to? You don't seem too upset about it?" Thalia shrugged. "You're kinda cute. A lot better than my previous crush. Though the sleeping around throws me off a bit." I nodded. "It would for most people." I said. "So, you coming or not?" I asked. She gave a sigh. "Sure. I'll come. However, you're gonna need to let go so I can pack." I faked a thinking face. "I see the logic, but I really like your ass." She laughed and pushed me off. "Yea well you can look at it all summer. Wait, shouldn't I tell Chiron where I'm going?" I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes, but went back to packing.

"What about Annabeth?" I scoffed. "If you didn't want to go you could just say that." We laughed and she finished packing. I teleported her back to the shop and we turned in for the night.

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