Chapter 18

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Agnes POV

"My life isn't interesting or bad. I grew up in a small village in Russia called Nibelheim with my best friend Cloud Strife. The government chose her and five other kids to become their little test subjects for a new energy called Mako. I managed to keep in rich with her for two years before the place was destroyed and all their progress was lost. The facility exploded and everyone was evacuated from the village. She's not dead, I got a note from her after the explosion saying she was fine. She was just on the run since she helped in destroying the place. I did a few waitressing jobs along with some vigilante work before ending up here." She said. "Any parents?" I asked and she shook her head.

"We were orphans." I nodded. "Agnes? How about you?" Lady asked. "Meh, normal human shit. My dad died when I was young, my mom was a drunk, my stepdad kicked me out for being a mooching whore and I ended up being a prostitute so I wouldn't be homeless." I shrugged. "Hmm, nice. Valentina, Daisy? What about you guys?" Tifa asked. "Humph." Tina said and ignored the group.

"We didn't have a rough upbringing. Our parents are still alive and they love us. We still talk to them actually. Tina is a lot like our Aunty. She was just naturally photogenic. Our aunty put her in a bunch of beauty pageants and always dolled her up so she became a model. Personally, I'm more like my dad. He loves video games and is a game designer. I love video games and started playing them at a young age. My dad, told me that he could help me start making money working with video games, but I was horrible with making them so playing them online was the only answer." She shrugged. "Huh, well. Let's drink for the only ones that doesn't have childhood trauma." I said and drank some more. "You just want an excuse to drink." Lady deadpanned.

"No, if I wanna drink I'm gonna drink. I just want to congratulate them." I defended. "I can believe that." Tifa said. "Good, you're learning quickly." I smiled. "So, what else is there to talk about?" Lady asked. "Tifa, vigilante stories." She nodded and started the first one.

With Percy
Percy POV

We had made it to Missouri by train after raiding Medusa's lair and taking any money or food she had. The train had stopped for a bit and Annabeth was pretty much pissing herself to go to the Gateway Arch. Reluctantly we decided to go if only to shut her up. Currently we were up at the top with Annabeth sprouting random architectural facts that I don't think neither I or Trish was paying attention to. The only thing I'm focused on is the two monsters in here with us. A fat lady and her chihuahua specifically. Only reason I haven't killed them yet is because they were strong. I wanted to see how strong exactly.

"Alright people, times up." The ranger said. Everyone started filing on to the elevator. Although, there's was no more room for me. "We can get off." Annabeth offered, but I shook my head. "Nah. You two stay on. I'll meet you down there." I said and the cart went down. "Family? You don't look much like them." The fat lady said. "Nah. She's my girlfriend." I stated. "Um, which one?" She asked. "The blonde one." I smirked. "They're both blonde." She said. "Hm? Interesting. I know another similarity two people have." I smiled. "Oh, who and what might I ask." She said. "Us, we're both monsters." I said smiling at her.

She gasped and took a step back

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She gasped and took a step back. Her little chihuahua started barking and growling loudly. Foam started to drip from its muzzle as he grew larger and larger. It's body shifted into that of a goat's and its head into a lion's. It's tail turned into a ten foot long diamond back rattle snake. I could also see the collar clearly now. It was pink with silver studs.

"Well, that's a big boy." I smiled. "Come on boy, come on. Let's go for a walk." I said, giving a few claps and whistles. The beast growled and spewed fire at me, but naturally, it did nothing. I stood there patiently and waited for him to stop his torrent of flames. Once he did I smiled wider and ran forward. The snake hissed and shot at me, but I cut it head off and then pro to jump up. I landed in its neck and jammed my blade into its head. He didn't even have a chance to roar before he disintegrated. The lady screamed in anger and forced me to jump over her clawed hand.

"So, what are you exactly?" I asked. "I am Echidna. Be lucky demigod. It's rare Zeus sends me to test a demigod." She smiled evilly. "Zeus sent you? Sheesh he must be desperate. Hey! You ain't getting out of this child support!" I yelled upwards. "What?" Echidna asked. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, come on. I'll let you attack before I kill you." I said as I rested Rebellion on my shoulder. "Your arrogance will be your end." She hissed and lunged at me. I jumped to the side then brought my sword down on her neck. Her head fell off before turning to dust with the rest of her body. "What, what the hell just happened?" The ranger asked keeping the people behind him.

"Huh? Oh right, humans outside of Red Grave can't comprehend these types of tings." I mumbled and looked at the group of people. "Forget." I said as my eyes glowed red. Their eyes glowed red too and the ended up forgetting everything. The elevator came back up and we all got on like nothing happened.

Third POV

"Am I the only getting hungry?" Percy asked. "Nope, I'm too." Trish said. "It's 'I am too' or 'I'm hungry too'." Percy corrected. "Ahhh, got it." She nodded. "Anyway, Annabeth?" The shorter blonde nodded. "I could go for some food too." She answered. "Good, let's go find a place to eat." Percy said and stood from his seat. Trish and Annabeth got up and followed him. "Where are we again?" Percy asked. Trish looked up at the little screen and and read. "Denver."

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