Chapter 63

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Third POV

Percy looked at the newly opened Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria with a smile. He was currently standing in the party room while kids ran around with huge smiles on their faces. They watched Freddy and his 'friends', Bonnie and Chica preform on stage. Foxy tell his pirate stories and kids buy things from the prize corner where Lucas worked. A man walked up to Percy. He wore a black suit with an unnerving presence. He stood with the boy, watching the kids have their fun.

"Reminds me of you, when you were young." He said. "Nah, I'd be tripping the other kids and spitting on their pizza." Percy said. "You would be." Hades said. "I visited hell recently and ran into mom. She's doing well." Percy said. "That's good. Although, I sense some hostility." Hades noted. "More so annoyance. I spent years thinking she was dead only to find out that she was alive in hell." Percy explained. Hades nodded. He could understand to am extent. "Percy!" Agnes called, she was actually dressed appropriately though that was most likely due to her being in a room full of children. "What is it?" Percy asked. "I think Chucky Cheese's is tryna sue us." She said. "What? We haven't even been open for a month." Percy said with a frown. Agnes shrugged them looked to Hades

"You must be Hades." She said. The god raised an eyebrow. "You caught that quickly." He said. "You have the same angry look in your eye that Percy had in his eyes when I first met him." She said. "Just pissed off at everyone and everything." Percy smirked. "Maybe it's because Persephone doesn't give him any. I mellowed out when you took my virginity." He said. "That's disgusting and my sex life with my wife is perfectly healthy." Hades said with a sneer. "You keep telling yourself that." Percy said.

"Anyway, it was nice talking to you dad. Unfortunate that we'll have to cut this short. I have a lawsuit to deal with apparently." He said. Hades gave a ghost of a smile that only Percy noticed. "You take care of your business. We'll talk another time." He said and turned to walk away. "I'm proud of you son." He said quietly. "Thanks dad." Percy smiled and the two went their separate ways. "Aww, that was sweet." Agnes smiled. "Ill fuck your throat until you lose your voice." Percy 'threatened'. "That's hot." She smirked. "Fucking freak." He rolled his eyes. "Well, someone had to have created you." She laughed.

"Fucking dick." Percy sighed. "You are what you eat."


Percy sat in Devil May Cry, behind his desk twirling Alastor on his thumb. How, you ask? Well, to that I ask why are you asking so many questions. Trish was sitting on the desk with a slice of pizza in her hand. Lady was sitting over on the couch with a bunch of guns surrounding her. Hange was with Nico in the back on a video call with Scarlet, talking about the science behind a weapon they wanted to make. Yes, Hange was nowhere as smart as the other two in this regard since Paradis and Eldia in general weren't as advanced as the rest of the world, but she was catching up quickly. Even Lucia, the French redhead was there. You know, the one that gave Percy the most boring mission he's ever had in his life.

"So, you got a bunch of kids that like to play hero coming to see you?" Lady asked. "Basically. Scarlet said that most was just curious while a few actually wanted to fight me. I also got a group of suicidal criminals coming here. Don't know why, but we'll find out." Percy said. "You get into to much trouble." Trish shook her head. "No, people just fuck with me too much. I never told anyone to come to Red Grave and bother me." Percy said. "True." Lady said. Percy's ear twitched and he smiled. "I'm guessing they're here." Trish said. "Yup, meet you there." The demigod then disappeared.

Scene Change

Percy reappeared in front of a group of people. At the forefront was a woman with pale skin dressed in a black and red jester suit with a black and red jester had and a domino mask. She had intense blue eyes and Percy had to admit, he loved the toned stomach the clown had. There was a bunch of other people there, but Percy was solely focused on the jester girl.

"Harley Quinn. I killed your old lover." Percy said. "Joker's dead?" She asked. "Yup. He's gone and Punchline is my maid." Percy said. Harley looked shocked. "Oh cut the act. You're happy and you know it." Percy snarked then looked to Deadshot. "I hear you never miss a shot." The man loaded a pistol. "Not once." He said smugly. Percy smirked. "Well, since I can't convince you all to not fight. I guess all I can do is test that. Let's go bitches." Percy said as he cracked his knuckles. "You sure you wanna do this child? We were just told to capture you. We don't have to fight." Deathstroke said. Percy pulled out Rebellion and twirled it. "Bring it pussy." He smiled.

"Enough talking! More skull crushing!" Harley yelled and lunged at him. Percy dodged her giant mace, grabbed her by the face and yeeted her through the window of an abandoned building. "Anyone else?" He asked. Deadshot pulled out another gun and started blasting. Percy dropped Rebellion, pulled out Ebony & Ivory and started shooting back. Every bullet that the criminal sent was intercepted and destroyed by Percy's demonic bullets. Deathstroke ran in with a metal bo staff and Boomerang started throwing.... well boomerangs at the demonic child.

Percy, being the badass he is, put Ebony back in its holster, kicked Rebellion back into his hand and started deflecting the boomerangs and keeping Deathstroke off of him. Impressive? Duh, Percy's entire theme is being impressive. King Shark and Killer Croc jumped in and tried to rip him to shreds, but they couldn't even touch Percy. He dodged away from the two hulking monsters, kicked Deathstroke into a wall and shot Deadshot in the leg. His armor took the brunt of it, but it still hurt. Harley came back out with glass in her arms and legs, but she was quickly taken out by being pistol whipped. Percy wanted to keep her. Creepy? Yes. Do you care? No.

"Ya know, this is actually fun." He said. "Well, Harley's out. Who's next?"

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