Chapter 51

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Third POV

Percy was helping Eva learn how to harness magical power when the phone on his desk started ringing. He reached over a picked it up while still coaching the girl.

"Hello? Nope, you're gonna explode if you do that." He said. "Hey, Percy. You busy?" Thalia asked on the other line. "Not really, what's up?" He asked. "Grover, a saytr found two kids at a school in Maine. Think you can help us out with getting them?" Percy sighed. "Yea sure. I'm on my way." He said and hung up. "Where are you going?" Eva asked. "To help out my cousin. Don't worry, I'll leave a clone with you." Percy said and got up. Another him appeared and the real him disappeared. "You can just do that?" Percy nodded. "There is no limit to what I can do."

Scene Change

Percy reappeared in Maine in front of a large, castle like building. He had tracked the Thalia's aura here so he knew exactly where to go. From what he was feeling, she was behind the school and in a fight. He sighed and jumped up to the school's roof. I looked at a clearing and saw a group of people fighting. Ohh, time to test out that new sniper Nico made for me. I pulled out of my pocket, GTA style and looked it over. It was definitely beautiful.

"Thank you Nico

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"Thank you Nico. Gotta increase your pay." I muttered and took aim. There was a man with a pencil mustache, lion paws and a scorpion tail holding two kids. I looked at the kids, noticing just how familiar they looked. I put that to the side and aimed at the head of the man. Then I paused again. "Holy shit." A wide grin spread on my face. "Now I know why those kids look familiar." I chuckled evilly.

"Call me Swiper with the Sniper." I said and took the shot, popping the man's head open. "Cause I snipe." I then teleported down and grabbed the kids by their shoulders. "And swipe." Then I teleported back home. "Ahhhh!!!!" The siblings yelled. "Hey, hey! Calm down!" I said covering their mouths. "Now, I'm gonna uncover your mouths and your not gonna scream. If you don't, I'll tell you exactly who I am and why I just snatched you up. Kay?" I asked. They nodded and I uncovered their mouths. They scrambled away from me and hugged each other.

"Good, now I'm Percy Jackson." I introduced myself. I then explained that they were demigods and that their father was an greek god. The boy took it well, but the girl was in denial. Like, heavy denial. I sighed and put her in a corner. Asking her about the monsters and demonstrated some of my powers. She was silent and looked down. "Exactly. Now, I know exactly who your godly parent is." I smiled. "Really?! Who?!" The boy asked excitedly. "Easy, same as mine. Hades, god of the underworld and lord of the dead." I smiled. "Woah! He's my favorite god!" Nico exclaimed happily. "Ehh, he's alright." I shrugged. "Kind of a dick though." I muttered. "You met him?"

"Yup." I answered. "I mean, just because I don't really like him. He's still my dad. Gotta help him out a bit." I smiled. "Wait, did you say 'your dad'?" The girl asked. "Yup. Hades is my dad too. Which is why I kidnapped you. You two, are my little sibling!" I exclaimed. "Wah?" She asked in shocked. "Yup and since I don't trust Chiron or the gods you'll be staying with me. Which means your stuck with me." I smiled the paused. "Shit." I muttered and pulled out my phone. "One second." I said and dialed a number.

"Hello?" The other person answered tiredly. "Hey, Miranda." I said. "What?" She asked in annoyance. "I need you to start looking for houses. Big houses with multiple bedrooms." I said. "Why would you need that?" Miranda asked. "Just discovered that I have a little brother and a little sister. Kinda need a place for them to live." My real estate agent sighed in annoyance once more. "I hate you." She said. "Aww, love you too." I smiled and hung up.

It's short, but so what.

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