Chapter 23

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Percy POV

I stepped through the portal and took a deep breath. Ahhh, the sweet, dusty smell of home. I looked around and realized that no one was here. Hmm, odd.

"Hey, anyone home?" I called. "Percy?" Daisy asked coming out of her room. "Hey, D. How's it going babe?" I smiled. She ran down the stairs and gave me a huge hug. "I'm good. Oh, sorry. I didn't notice you." She said after seeing Trish. "That's Trish. I created her." Daisy raised an eyebrow. "I've learned not to ask too many questions." I nodded. "That's right. Trish, this is Daisy." The blonde shook the shorter girls hand. "I think I'm gonna go explore Red Grave." She said. "Alright." I answered. With that, she was gone. "So, where is everyone?" I asked going to my desk and sitting down. Damn, it feels good to be home. Although Daisy's ass in my lap feels even better.

"Well, Agnes is at Love Planet auditioning some girls, oh yea she hates that name and wants you to change it." I sighed. "Yea, I've been thinking the same thing." I said. "Tina is in Vancouver." I stopped her there. "Wait, Vancouver? As in Canada?" She nodded. "Why the hell is she there?" I asked. "Winter photoshoot." I sighed. "Well, it is her job." Daisy nodded. "Anyway, Lady is on a job and Tifa is at the bar, speaking of she says she needs help. The bar's becoming more popular and the work load is becoming heavier. Probably about two or three other waiters and another bartender." I nodded. "I can try to look for one." I said.

"However, until then." I said grabbing her by the waist and sitting her on the desk. "It's been about a week since I've had sex. Apparently, sex deprivation is a horrible thing for me." I said before kissing her neck. "O-oh." She stammered. I continued to kiss down to until I got to the top of her breasts. She was wearing a crop top so it was easy to slip her shirt off. "No bra." I observed. "I guess the saying is right. It's always the quiet ones." I stepped back from her. "You know what I want." I smirked. Daisy scooted back on the desk and turned around then laid back so she was upside down. I unbuttoned my pants and pulled out my dick. Daisy, despite having seen it plenty of times eeped. I smirked. "Open wide."

Third POV

Daisy did as she was told and opened her mouth as wide as she could and stuck her tongue out. Percy, with a smirk still in his face walked forward and placed his phallus in the bluenette's mouth. He didn't stop there though. He kept going until his dick was all the way in her throat and his ball was covering her eyes.

"Fuck, I missed this feeling." Percy groaned and placed his hands on the desk and grew some claws just to dig them into the wood. "Sorry Daisy, but this is gonna be a rough one." He said and started pounding the poor girl's throat. Daisy choked and gagged on the thick meat that currently occupied her mouth. Spit started dripping from her mouth and flying everywhere with each thrust. Despite the sounds she was making, Daisy wrapped her arms around Percy's waist and pulled him back in each time he pulled out. Five minutes later Percy could feel himself getting close so he started pounding harder. A minute later he came right into Daisy's stomach.

Percy stayed there, with his dick buried in her throat for a solid third seconds before pulling out and sitting in his chair. His dick was a mess of slob and nut, but it was no where near the extent of Daisy's face. Globs of it stuck to her face with a good amount of it in her eyes blinding her. Her face was red and she was panting hard. The girl took a moment to catch her breath before sitting up and wiping the fluids from her face.

"Hope you don't think we're done." Percy said. Daisy looked back in slight fear. "Don't worry. The worst is over. Go lay on the couch." He said taking his clothes off. Daisy did so and took off the rest of her clothes. Percy walked over and spread her legs. Normally he would've teased her, but he was in no mood for teasing. He just plunged right into her pussy and started fucking her. Daisy screamed in pleasure and grasped his arms. "Sheesh, could ya be any louder?" Percy asked with a smirk, his thrusts not halting or even slowing. Daisy constantly let out little squeaks and moans and Percy grunted and groaned. The couch creaking under the force of Percy's strong strokes. After five minutes he stopped causing the girl to moan in pleading desperation.

Percy hooked his arms under Daisy's legs and lifted her up. He started fucking her like this, making Daisy mewl from the new angles he was hitting. Percy wrapped her legs around his waist and she hooked her ankles so she wouldn't fall. He then placed on hand on her plump ass while the other was on her back. He pulled her close to him and bit into her neck. Daisy moaned a bit from the pain, but she loved it. They continued fucking like this until Percy came inside of her and Daisy was barley conscious.

The half demon put her on the couch and snapped a skimpy nightgown on to her form. He snapped himself a pair of jogging pants and sat back down. He went into his desk drawer and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. After lighting one he took a puff and sighed.

"Guess I better work on that club name." He mumbled and started writing down ideas.

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