Chapter 48

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Third POV

A rusty pick up truck drove quickly through the streets of Red Grave City. The three girls inside the truck was surprised by the lack of people outside. It was like a ghost town. They decided to stop at a bar and try their luck. All of them had fake IDs, but naturally only Chloe and Rachel planned on using them. They walked in and saw that the place barely had anyone in it, but the music was cool. The trio took a seat at the bar and waited for the girl to turn around.

"Oh, hello. Welcome to 7th Heaven, I'm Tifa." She said. "What can I get ya?" The girls looked at each other. "You're not gonna ID us?" Chloe asked. "No reason to. No age restrictions." Tifa said. "Woah, seriously?" Rachel asked. "Nope. Welcome to Red Grave where law enforcement isn't a thing and common sense rules everything." Tifa laughed. "I think I'm gonna like it here." Chloe smiled and Rachel agreed with a nod.

Camp Crystal Lake

Percy walked around the forest of the camp looking for demons to kill. Instead he found a small shack that seems to be put together haphazardly with random things. The boy's nose scrunched up in disgust. There was a horrible smell coming from the shack. He walked in and saw that it was just one room with a bed and a backroom. He went into back room and saw what was causing the smell. A decayed head, specifically belonging to a woman was sitting on a shrine like thing. Percy blinked, not believing what he was seeing for once. Then he heard a bunch of screams.

"Ah shit."

With the campers

Everyone was running away from a masked woman with huge tits and was honestly dressed like a zombie hooker. A hockey mask covered her face, but her brown hair was still very much seeable. The woman raised her machete above her head to cut down a blonde girl with braces, but before she could die Percy appeared between the two and kicked the murderer away. He looked down at her.

"Well, why are you sitting there. Run." He said making a shooing motion. "Thalia! Damnit, where are you?" He muttered. "Right here. I tried fighting her, but she's strong as hell. Like she could probably take my head off if she wanted." Percy nodded. "So take her mildly seriously. Got it." He said. "Yea, if you've got a plan nows then time." Thalia said. "Question, is seducing her a plan?" Percy asked. Thalia glared at him. "Can you not think about your dick for once?" She asked rhetorically to which Percy shrugged. "Can you blame me? Look her!" Percy exclaimed as he watched the woman's breast away with each step. "How horny can one person be?" Thalia shook her head. "I'm a special case so who knows." Percy smiled cheekily.

"Let's just try to kill this thing." She said and hefted her spear. "Hmm, no fun." Percy said and took out Rebellion. He spun it around a bit and ran forth. "So your Jackie Voorhees, huh? Well let's see what ya got!" He said and swung his sword at her neck. Only to be surprised that it didn't even cut her. It just indented itself there. "Huh, isn't that something." He said. Jackie said nothing, but kicked him so hard he was sent flying at least ten yards back. "Ow. That hurt." He groaned and hopped up. He dusted himself off and summoned Rebellion back to his hand. "Thalia, light the bitch up!" He yelled. "Gladly!" She yelled back and summoned a lightning bolt to her spear which she shot at Jackie.

The lightning hit and sent the sexy zombie into the tree line. Percy ran in after her and stabbed down into her chest. He used way more strength to see of it actually did anything and luckily it did. He stabbed through her like hot butter. Unfortunately, she didn't give a shit since she brought up her machete and lodged it right in Percy's head. The demi demon fell off of her and laid there for a bit. He mentally cursed and stood up, taking the giant knife out of his head. He teleported back to Thalia and sighed.

"Ok, I have an idea. Here take this." Percy said and handed her Alastor. "Try to build up as much lightning as you can." He said. He then pulled out Ebony and Ivory and pumped them full of demonic energy. Thalia nodded and held up the sword. Lightning started striking the blade like crazy. To the point where it glowed and crackled with power. "On my mark." He said. As Jackie walked out of the trees and towards them Percy took aim. He pulled the trigger multiple times, blasting bits and pieces of Jackie off. He slowly made his way over to her, still shooting. When he got close enough he put Ebony and Ivory away and took out Coyote-A them pumped that full of demonic magic.

"Eat it bitch." He said and blasted her face off. "Thalia!" He called with a roar the daughter of Zeus brought down the sword and lightning followed completely destroying Jackie and even some of the landscape. "Whew! Impressive." Percy smiled and looked back at Thalia who just dropped. "Huh, seems like that was a bit much for her." He said. With a snap of his fingers the camp was back to normal. He picked up Thalia and walked to where the campers were. "Alright, everything's safe now. Hot, zombie lady is dead now." He announced causing everyone to sigh in relief. He sat Thalia down and turned around. "I'll be back. Just gotta do one more thing." He said then left.

He burned down the disgusting shack that had the decapitated head in it.


Percy stretched. It was the end of the summer and he was finally able to go back to doing his own thing. Well, not really since he ha business interests to look into, but still. He had gotten to know everyone he spent the summer with, but honestly he only remembered the females. Especially the blonde he saved that's named Brianna. She was set on trying to get him to have sex with her. Surprisingly enough he denied her every time thought that was probably because Amy was watching him like a hawk when she found out that he didn't share her ideals on teenage sex. Now Percy could fuck whoever he pleased and while him and Alexis got along perfectly fine and Pelo and Brianna were practically throwing themselves at him he wanted a certain white haired stripper.

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