Chapter 21

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Percy POV

"Ahh, yes. Just like my younger brother, my symbol of power was stolen. I don't know by who and as a son of Hades you were my only lead. I didn't mean to blame you, but considering the hate your father holds for me and the fact that he raised you until you were five I don't know if he kept in touch with you." I nodded. Using a God's logic it made sense. "Wait, if both you and Zeus' weapons were stolen why wasn't my dad's?" I asked. "That's actually why you were my first lead. Hades Helm was the only weapon not stolen." I hummed in thought. "Someone wanted to set my dad up. For some reason." I said. "It definitely seems that way, but who?" I shrugged. "Don't know and I honestly don't care. I'm guessing you don't have the bolt." I stated more than asked.
Poseidon shook his head and I nodded.

"Alright then. I'll be going then." I said. "I'll send you back to the beach." Poseidon said and I nodded in gratitude. He waved his hand and I was sent flying through the currents again. It took another five minutes for me to be spit out of the ocean where I saw a very interesting sight. 'Hmm.' I took Rebellion off of my back and threw it as hard as I could. I flew through the air and pretty soon, a loud 'clang' rung out. I landed on the sandy beach and watched as Triton regained his bearing. "What are you doing there water boy?" I asked. He glared at me before hefting his three pronged spear. "My father was meant to kill you." He growled. "Oh? Why would he do that?" Off to my right, there was a red flash.

"You're screwing up our plans punk. Cant let you finish this quest." Ares said. I looked over at him, my eyebrow up in a suspicious way. "I could see why you'd want me dead. A war between the gods would make you powerful as all shit. However, what confuses me is Triton. What's your angle in this?" I asked. "My father is naive. He could rule Olympus with the combined power of his trident and the bolt. He's simply blind to it." I laughed. Like, seriously laughed. Bent over, eyes screwed shut, stomach cramping laughing. It took my three minutes to finally calm down. "Oh shit, you're serious!" I said.

I was astonished. Was this guy an idiot? He must be. That's the only explanation for such a dumb ass sentence to leave his mouth.

"My guy, don't you think Poseidon has thought about that. Especially when Zeus pisses him off?" Triton stumbled over himself. "Of course he's thought about it. Who wouldn't? The only thing is he doesn't want to. It's too much unnecessary trouble. He has to steal the bolt, probably make copies, wage war against Olympus and any gods that side with Zeus and if he loses he has dead people a destroyed kingdom and a horrible punishment. If he wins he has prisoners to deal with, punishments to dish out, and two kingdoms to take care of now. It just wouldn't be practical." I explained. Triton sputtered and stammered before shaking his head. "No! It doesn't matter." He yelled.

"If he doesn't have the heart to do it, then I will." He said and went into a satchel on his side. Annabeth gasped at what he pulled out. "So you had the bolt? Hmm, interesting." I noted. "Ah, ah Triton. You know the laws." Ares chided and snapped his fingers. In another flash of his signature red light a giant boar appeared. I looked at it with an unimpressed expression. "Hmm, I guess I do need to practice more with my powers." I said as I focused on my demonic powers. It's been a while since I actually used anything of them other than to enhance myself.

I could feel my appearance change, but I didn't know what I exactly looked like. I put my hands on the ground and dug my fingers into the sand. The sand quickly turned into black sludge. I kept pumping power into the pool until it was the size of a large lake. I got to my feet and stepped back. Out of the pool stepped a huge elephant with black skin, bony white armor and spikes and red eyes. The beast towered over the boar. I sighed and relaxed my power.

"Well, that's a thing." I smiled. "I'm gonna call you a Goliath." I announced proudly. The Goliath literally stepped on the boar, completely squashing it. Unfortunately it couldn't do much else since Ares waved his hand and the it caught fire. The fire, of course destroyed my precious demon. "Awww, dick." I said. I held out my hand and Rebellion flew into it. "Alright, who's first?" I asked. Triton didn't even wait for Ares response. He ran at me like a mad man. Unfortunately, in his rage he forgot that his element was water. Not land. Just like Delphin and Palaemon his moves were awkward and overshot. I'd say he was much more dangerous with the bolt if he actually knew how to use the damn thing.

He was trying to use it as bat which was obviously not the intended use for that specific weapon. It was meant to be thrown or keep enemies at a distance, but he was using it to swat at me which did nothing since I just kept batting it away and absorbing and lightning he tried to shoot at me. Overall, this fight was pretty boring. I swatted the bolt away once more, spun around a stab with his trident and once I was behind him I shoved my blade into his shoulder. He screamed in pain and dropped the master bolt.

"You know, the worse part about this fight was your arrogance. You were so sure that you were going to win that you didn't try to force me into the ocean where you'd be more powerful or hell, you didn't even use the ocean. You can control a really powerful element, but you didn't even use it. How dumb." I said and ripped the sword from his shoulder. I then kicked the bolt over to Trish who caught it. I then looked to Ares, who was just chilling on his bike. "Ready for your ass whopping?" I asked. He looked at me and brandished a large sword with a skull on the pommel. We both got into a stance and on a silent agreement, we charged.

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