Chapter 60

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Third POV

Percy sighed in content as he made his way around Pentagram City. He was amused when Angel Dust came over to Cherri's house only to see him pounding into the spider demon's cyclops friend while said cyclops moaned and screamed his name in mind numbing pleasure. Angel was a bit hesitant to have sex with the guy that obliterated his former boss, but quickly agreed when his lust took over. After that, Percy completely rewired Angel's brain too. Now he was genuinely looking for a way to IMP City. Well he was before, but he got distracted.

Percy stopped and his ear twitched. He heard something a few miles away. Raising an eyebrow he teleported to where he heard the noise. Walking out of an alley was a huge bear like demon. He looked at Percy and snarled. The demigod simply raised an eyebrow at the demon. He didn't like the look he was getting. It was setting off his hostile demon side and Percy didn't like losing control of himself.

"The hell you looking at, bitch!?" Percy lost it. Just a lil bit. Out of reflex his hand come up and he slapped the bear demon. Not hard. Just as hard as he would slap Trish to make her moan. Unfortunately, he forgot just how fragile these demons were and the bear exploded. Literally, blood, bones, brains, guts. It all went flying all over the place. Percy cringed a bit. "Oops. Forgot how soft these demons were." He muttered and looked back down the alley. In said alley was a short hellhound or at least, this hell's version of a hellhound which is basically just a furry, fixing her red dress and black jacket.

"Hey." He said. She looked up at him. "The hell you want?" She barked aggressively. "You good?" He asked. He could tell consensual sex from forced sex and this was the latter. "I'm fine." She growled. "Doubt it, but ok. Hey, you know where IMP City is?" Percy asked. "Why would I help... you, uh. What happened to that guy?" She asked, seeing the huge blood splatter and the bones and guts everywhere. "Oh, that's the bear you were with. He looked at me funny and used a tone of voice I didn't like." Percy shrugged. The small hellhound gulped. "Um, yea. I know where IMP City is." She said. "Great, could you lead me there? Been trying to get there for hours now." Percy said. "Yea, yea. I can do that." Percy smiled widely and the hellhound got a chill. "Great."

Scene Change

A different Percy, who had just finished his quest to save Artemis stood in the Olympian throne room with boredom clear on his face. The gods were trying to decide whether or not to kill him and Thalia and it was boring him to near death.

"Ok, ok. Can we all be honest. Who here can actually kill Percy?" Apollo asked. Everyone looked at the demon. Said boy was staring at Athena with a questioning expression. "Can I help you?" She asked. "You made Annabeth in your head, right?" He asked. Athena looked to her daughter who was as red as the fresh blood on her shirt. The demigoddess shook her head and Thalia was trying to hold back her laughs. "I did." She answered skeptically. "So... did you mean to give her an ass that fat?" Athena gasped and looked appalled. "Percy!" Annabeth yelled in embarrassment. Thalia burst out laughing and actually fell from laughing too hard.

"I know you're mother didn't raise you that way." Hades sneered. "I know, but the prostitute that took me in when I was ten did." I smiled. "What? What happened to Sally?" Percy shrugged. "Somehow a fire was mysteriously started on my eighth birthday. Mom hid me in a closet and that's all I remember. From that day at least. I just assumed she was dead." He said. Hades was silent and if you had a keen eye you'd see his confusion and grief. "I hate you Percy." Annabeth said with a harsh glare. "Love ya too big booty Judy." Percy smirked. "Anyway, I gotta go, stuff to do and all that. See ya later Thalia." He said.

"Hold on, how do you know I'll still be alive?" She asked. "Cause I like you and I doubt they'd kill you as long as I like you." Percy waved and disappeared.

At the Jackson House

Sasha sat in the kitchen, eating literally everything in the refrigerator and cabinets. Nico, Bianca and Alexis were all cowering in a corner as the monster devoured as much food as she possibly could.

"Alexis? What do we do?" Nico asked quietly. "Shhh. Don't let her hear you." She responded. The trio kept watching the monstrous girl as she devoured all of the food in front of her in fear.

In Honnō City

"So, let me get this straight." Percy started as he sat across from Satsuki. "Your mom wants to take over the world using alien clothes?" Satsuki nodded. "You don't want that so you made this school to see who could help you in the fight, so far the only person that stands out is some girl with a literal scissor sword and a suspiciously familiar background that pokes a few holes in what you thought about your past and you want me to help kill your mother when the time comes?" The long black haired woman nodded. "Well, is she strong?" Percy asked. "She's already making a name for herself." Satsuki stated.
Percy smiled and finished his tea. He then stood up and started walking away. "Where are you going?" The student president asked. "Pop quiz!" He called.

Back in Hell

Percy stood in the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel. His power was barely being restrained just as his emotions. Speaking of his emotions, he had no idea what he was feeling. Anger? Sadness? Happiness? Excitement? The residents of the hotel were all hiding in fear of the boy accidentally wiping them from existence. All except for one.

"Percy?" They asked with a confused and shocked expression, worry on their face. Percy's smile stretched to impossible lengths. Literally ripping his cheeks open and curling around his eyes.

"Hello mother."

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