Chapter 32

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Third POV

Percy woke up the next day and took a shower. After cleaning himself up he got dressed in a long sleeved black shirt, black jeans and a pair of dark brown boots. He sat down and pulled a phonebook out of one of his drawers. He looked through the numbers before stopping on one and dialing it. After a few rings a man picked up.

"Hammerhead Gas and Repair! Cid speaking." The guys voice was old. "Yea I'm calling, because my friends trailer is making some sort of a clanking noise and it's not going as fast even on a full tank." He said. "Hmm, could be multiple things. Bring it in whenever you can and I'll have a look at it." He said. I thanked him and hung up. "Alright, now that that's taken care of... interviews. Yay."

While Percy is Doing That

Violetta walked down the streets of Red Grave on the way to 7th Heaven. She wore a purple crop top, black pants and black high tops. Elizabeth and Aerith had went ahead since Violetta wanted to take a longer shower. She had her nose buried in her phone and when someone called she answered with an annoyed sigh.

"What?" She asked harshly. "No, I'm heading to work." She said. It was quiet for a bit before the dark skinned girl rolled her eyes. "Well at least I'm fucking trying. You do nothing, but sit on your damn ass all day." She snapped. Violetta took a deep breath. "I'll be home in a few hours. You can take care of yo self until I get there." She said and hung up.


Tifa woke up and stretched, popping her back a few times. She rolled her shoulders and got out of bed. After taking a pretty long shower she got dressed in her usual cropped tank top, black skirt, leggings, red boots and arm warmers and left for the day. Aerith said she could open up, which Tifa was grateful for, but she couldn't sign for all the produce that was coming in. Only her and Percy could do that and she still had to be there pretty early. Luckily Tifa didn't live far and got there fairly quickly. She opened the door to see Aerith taking bottles off the shelves and placing them in their correct spots on the bar and checking the kegs while Elizabeth was cleaning the tables and setting up the chairs.

"Hey, where's Violetta?" She asked. "She had taken a pretty long shower so she should be in her way." Aerith said. "Oh, ok." She said and helped Elizabeth set up. Once that was done Violetta had finally arrived. "Hey, sorry I'm late." She sighed tiredly. "Nah, it's fine. We're done setting up though." Tifa said. "Oh, ok I'll make the first few batches of drinks then." She said and stepped behind the counter. "Oh, thanks." Violetta smiled. "No problem."


Daisy sat in her room playing gta 4. In her opinion it's one of the best in the series. Way better story than gta 5. Then someone knocked on her door.

"Yea?" She called. "Hey, our little session interrupted before." Trish said walking into the room. "Oh, right. Uh, we were playing smash bros, right?" The blonde nodded and sat next to the much smaller girl. "So, ready to get your asked kicked?" The demoness asked. "I'm pretty sure I was kicking your ass before, but if you're confident you got it down then you're welcome to try to claim my throne." The two laughed and started playing. Twenty minutes later and Trish wore a large smile.

"Ha! Five to one." She taunted. Daisy looks down right murderous. "Hey, ever heard of Five Nights at Freddy's?" The bluenette asked. "No, what is it." Trish asked. "Let's just play it. I want you to be surprised." Ten minutes later the power flickered and there was a large boom accompanied by Trish's scream. Percy, who was interviewing a bouncer looked up and sighed. "Damnit Daisy. I know that's you fucking with Trish!" He yelled up. "I did nothing!" She yelled back. He shook his head and continued with his interview.


Nico was driving to this Hammerhead place that Percy told her he called with an annoyed expression. She had managed to block out the noise with music, but how slow her trailer was going still pissed her off. What normally would've been a five minute drive had become a twenty five minute cruise. She finally pulled into the shop and noticed that no one was around. She stuck her head out the window and called out, but no one answered. Finally she honked the horn and some old dude came out the back.

"Yea, yea calm down! I heard you! Can't an old man eat in peace?" He asked. "Nope." She said cheekily. "Ugh, you remind me of a certain someone. Cheeky, southern, sarcastic and overall a bitch." He grumbled. "Aww, you flatter me old timer. Though that does sound like my grandma." Nico said jumping out of her van. "Any, I'm Cid. Cindy, my granddaughter is out right now, but should be back soon. I'll take a look and she'll fix it up." He said. "As long as she gets fixed, I don't care how it's done." Nico said. "So, who's this grandma you talked about? Might just be the one I knew in college." He said grabbing a stool. "Only the best gunsmith ever. The .45 Caliber Virtuoso, Nell Goldstein." Nico said proudly.

"Huh, yup. I knew I recognized that asshole-ish behavior. She raised you." Cid said. "You knew her?" He nodded. "Yup, like I said. We went to college together. I chose cars and other vehicles and she chose guns. We kept in touch for a while, before getting too busy and falling off. Nice to know she kept busy." Nico fake laughed at the joke. "She only had one kid. He adopted me and after he did she took me in." Nico said. "Hey grandpa! That trailer come in?!" A peppy southern voice asked from the entrance. Nico looked back and saw a scantily clad blonde girl. She wore a small yellow jacket that showed off her midriff and peach bra, shorts smaller than Nico's that showed her long legs and peach panties and a hat the had the hammerhead logo on it.

"Hey, you must be the customer!" She said excitedly. "Hey, woah." Nico said shaking the happy girls hand. "Sorry, just a bit happy we got some actual business. It's been real slow lately. Hell, we might just have to close down." She said. "Cindy!" Cid scolded. "What? It's true." She defended. "Huh, well I understand it. My grandma had the same problem so she closed down and sent me up here so I could keep working on weapons with my new boss." Cindy raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?" She asked. "Look at the side of trailer." The blonde did so and gasped loudly.

"What is it?" Cid asked. "You work at Devil May Cry?!" Cindy asked in a yell. "Oh fuck." Her grandpa groaned. "What?" Nico asked. "Cindy has a huge crush on your boss. Percy Jackson." He said. "It's not a crush! It's love!" Cindy exclaimed. "Oh boy." Nico laughed. "Hey, think you can help me meet him?" The brunette stared at the blonde. "Hmm, maybe. Depends. How fast can you fix me trailer?" She asked. "Getting right on it!" Cindy saluted and got to work.

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