Chapter 37

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Percy POV

Dear god, my head hurt. I had to have drank at least three bottles of something strong. I opened my eyes and sat up. When I felt something shift next to me I looked over and saw a mess of short blonde hair and a bare back. Slightly moving the hair out the way I saw that it was Cindy.

"Of course. Well, I fucked her. Probably won't be the last time either." I said and got up. "Might as well make something to eat." I through on a pair of shorts and walked downstairs where Nico was in the kitchen. "Hey Nico. How's it going?" She gave me a glare. "What?" I asked. "Well, I was taking a nice nap until someone came in and started fucking up stairs." She said. "Oh. Oops." I chuckled. "Sorry about that." I said and started making some food. "So, who was it?" She asked. "Cindy." I shrugged. "Seriously? Already?" She asked in disbelief causing me to laugh.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "She hasn't even been around for a month." She argued. "Yes she has. If only a little over a month." Nico shook her head. "You're a slut." She muttered. "Aww, is someone jealous?" I teased. She scoffed. "As if." She said simply. "Come on Nico. Admit it, you want me." I said coming up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Get off of me." She said, but made no actual effort to get away. "Just say it and I'll let go." I said and kissed her cheek. She stayed quiet so I kissed her some more. "Alright, alright fine. Maybe I do, now get the hell off'a me." I chuckled and let her go.

After finishing the food and making three plates Nico and I ate. We were almost done when Cindy came down wearing one of my shirts. It was regular black shirt that reached her knees surprisingly. I'm not too tall, being about five ten and a half.

"Hey Cindy, you ok?" I asked. "Yes. A bit sore though." She said and came over. She had a slight limp that you wouldn't notice unless you were actually looking for it. "You want something to eat?" She nodded so I got up and made her a plate. "Thanks." She said after I placed it in front of her. "Mhm." I sat back down and continued eating. "So, what are you doing for the rest of the day." Nico asked. "Looking for a casino that could double as an underground fighting ring. Should be easy, right?" I asked sarcastically. "Well, you're the one that likes taking business opportunities." Nico said. I rolled my eyes, but stayed quiet.

After eating I washed our plates and got in my yellow Camaro. I drove to where Roulette was staying and picked her up. We then went to my real estate agent and asked for any large buildings with large basements or underground bunkers. Of course, she questioned why I needed that, but I just told her what he wanted it for. Veronica was still shocked that Red Grave didn't really have any laws. Anywho, she took us to multiple different places, none of which were to our liking unfortunately. There were a few good ones, but the lower rooms just weren't big enough.

Third POV

Percy had come back to the shop after dropping Roulette off. He went in and took a seat where his phone instantly started ringing. He groaned and picked it up.

"Hello?" He answered. "Hello Percy." The demigod froze at that voice. "Chiron?" He asked. "Ah, glad you remember my voice." He said. 'Son of a bitch!' He thought. "What's up Chiron?" He asked. "Well, considering you don't like camp I'm going to make this quick. We have someone here that would like to meet you." Percy raised an eyebrow. "Who exactly?" He asked. "A cousin of yours, Thalia." Chiron replied. "Cousin?" Percy was curious. He had already met one cousin and she was pretty cute. While he did keep in touch with her it was never anything too important. Just small talk and her horribly awkward attempts to flirt.

"A cousin you say? Who's kid?" He asked. "Zeus." He answered causing Percy groaned. "Please don't tell me they're not an asshole." Chiron let out a nervous chuckle. "No, no. She's quite nice. If only a bit difficult to work with. I'm asking for you to come, because she feels cooped up in the camp. I'll tell you everything when you get here." Percy sighed. "Fine. I'm on my way." He said and hung up. Percy rubbed his face. "What's wrong? Agnes asked as she walked into shop. "Chiron wants me to meet some cousin of mine on the Hades' side. I said I'll meet her since she feels cooped up in her camp." He said.

"Aww, you're being a good family member." Agnes teased with a smirk. "Keep talking and I will spank you." He said. "Oh, please spank me. I've been a naughty girl." She begged, then proceeded to bend over and look back at Percy innocently. Percy smiled and walked over and rubbed the blonde's plump cheeks. Agnes moaned a bit at the massage before jolting forward with a gasp as Percy smacked her ass. "Ahh~! Harder." She smiled. Percy's smirk grew as he smacked her again, this time harder. He pulls up her skirt and spanked her a few more times, before saying 'fuck it' and rubbing her through her panties.

Agnes moaned louder as she pushed her hips back against his hand. Agnes pushed Percy's hand away and got on her knees. She hurriedly yet expertly unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his dick before placing it in her mouth. She bobbed her head, stuffing his entire cock in down her throat. Percy sighed in satisfaction and started stroking her short hair. Once he was at as hard as she could get him she stood up and pulled her panties down.

"Fuck me." She smiled. Percy returned the smile and easily slid into her pussy. Since Agnes was a veteran in taking his cock and fucking in general he didn't bother going slow. The blonde mistress moaned loudly as her godly lover pounded into her. She gripped the wall as hard as she could and bit her lip. Luckily Marianna was out right now. Although Nico wasn't. The weapons crafter walked into the common area and instantly blushed at the sight. "Really? Out here?" She asked. "Oh, hey Nico." Percy greeted, not even bother to stop thrusting or even look away from rippling ass cheeks of his current attraction. "What? You wanna join?" He asked. Nico scoffed. "Pfft, as if." She said.

"Come on. You know you want to. Come here." He said, finally looking at her. Nico gave him a look. "Come here. You said yourself that you wanted me. Now's your chance." He said. Nico hesitantly shuffled her way over to Percy who pulled her into his side. Nico kept her gaze averted from the ass of the still moaning Agnes until Percy kissed her cheek. "Give me a kiss." He murmured against her skin. Nico turned and their lips met. Percy wrapped an arm around her waist and squeezed her ass through her shorts. After a few gropes he brought his hand around and unbuttoned her short.

He then put his hand in her panties and started playing with her cunt. Percy noted that she had very puffy lips. Percy stuck a finger in her pussy and started pumping it in and out of her, eventually stuffing another one in her.

"Ohh, a virgin?" Percy asked with a smirk. "Gotta say, as a demon, I like that." He said. He then turned from Nico and looked back to Agnes, who had cum at least twice by now. "One second." He grunted and started pounding into her harder, causing the blonde's voice in octaves. After a few thrusts he came inside of her, giving Agnes one of the biggest cream pies of her sexual experience. Once he had finished pumping her full of cum he pulled out, letting his spunk flow out of her. Agnes sighed and wobbled over to the couch to sit down. "Alright Nico, I'm gonna ask once. You sure you're ready?" The girl nodded and pulled her shorts and panties down.

"Alright then." He said pushing her against the wall and sunk down to his knees. He spread her legs a bit and planted a gentle kiss on her bottom lips. Nico gasped when he gave her a tender lick then used his thumbs to spread her labia. Percy passionately ate Nico's pussy while the girl whimpered and moaned. He did this until she came in his mouth and he lapped up all of her juices. He let her rest against the wall for a moment before standing up and rubbing his still hard cock head against her sensitive pussy. "Just fucking do it already." She breathed. "Your wish, is my command." He kissed her, lifted her legs up and plunged into her wet pussy. Nico inhaled sharply from the sudden pain in her lower stomach.

"Shit, no one told me it would hurt." She said and grabbed his shoulders. "Alright. Go ahead." Percy nodded and slowly started thrusting, just so she would get used to the feeling. Once she had grown accustomed to his dick he started thrusting harder, not as hard as he was Agnes, but definitely enough to make her tits jump. Speaking of, Percy dropped one of her legs to pull up her shirt and place it over her head. Once her tits were free he picked her leg back up and started nipping and licking at them. Nico wrapped her arms around Percy's neck and ran her fingers through his hair. Percy could feel her pussy tightening up, clearly signaling that she was going to cum again.

"You gonna cum?" He asked teasingly and Nico nodded. "Go ahead then. Cum." He said a lightly bit her nipple. Nico screamed as her loins exploded and she came all over Percy's waist. The tightness helped Percy cum himself and he emptied his liquid kids into her tight love canal. He sighed and pulled out of her. "Fuck. That was great." He smiled and picked up the delirious gunsmith. "I'm gonna take her up to my bed. Just in case I end up bringing company could you clean up?" Agnes nodded and Percy took Nico upstairs to his room.

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