Chapter 40

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Third POV

Percy was sleeping peacefully in his bed with Adrian laying next to him. He was tired from searching for casino places for hours on end, but luckily they finally found one. The basement was dismal, but thanks to Percy actually remembering that he was a super powered badass he simply made the room bigger and gave it some decorations. Now he was resting. That is until he was woken up by his phone vibrating on his nightstand. His eyes fluttered open and he looked over. After a heaving sigh and a while of considering if he should answer it or not he picked up the phone and pressed answer.

"Hello?" He asked. "Hey Percy, sorry for waking you, but this was the only time that I could help you get a look at that pizzeria." Percy groaned. "Don't worry about it. How long do I have to get up?" His agent was quite for a bit. "An hour." Percy cursed in his head. "Alright. I'm up. I'm up." He said and sat up, pushing Agnes off his chest as he did so. The blonde woman groaned at the loss of body heat and got up. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Remember that pizzeria I wanted to open?" She nodded. "Miranda called. This is the only time I can go take a look at it." He said and stood. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"Alright, I'm going too so I'll need a shower too." Agnes said and stood up. "Are you just trying to have shower sex?" Percy smirked. "It wasn't my plan, but I'll happily oblige." She said, giving him a smirk back.

TimeSkip(has there been a Agnes lemon?)

Percy and Agnes stepped out of his 2008 BMW. Miranda was already there wearing a pencil skirt and a button up shirt.

"Miranda." Percy nodded. "Percy. Agnes, looking as slutty as always." Agnes gave a tight smile. "Says the bitch with a stick up her ass 24/7." Percy shook his head. "Could you two not? Please?" Miranda rolled her eyes and lead the two into the building. They walked in a was met with a large dining area. To their right was a stage for performing and to the left was where you would pay at the cash register. "You can look around and see if ya like it." Miranda said and Percy did exactly that with Agnes following. They checked out every room, the back stage, another room with a smaller stage, the office and more.

"So, how ya like it?" Agnes asked. "I like it. I'm already getting ideas." He said. The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Like what?" Percy smiled. "You know how how all my businesses are for adults?" Agnes nodded. "Well, what about a kids place? Get some animatronics, a few tables and some food and we got the perfect pizza place." Percy said. "Mhm, yea I see can it." Agnes nodded. "Great. So I'm buying it." He said. The two walked back to Miranda. "So? You like it? Please tell me you do, because one of my rival agencies Wanna sell this land and I really wanna stick it to'em." Percy chuckled. "Don't worry, yea. I'm gonna buy it." He said. "Great! Let's get the paperwork started." They all went outside and the agent gave Percy the papers.

He had just finished signing everything when an expensive car pulled up. A short man in a dark blue pinstripe suit stepped out with an obviously forced smile. He looked at Miranda with a sneer, then at Percy and finally at Agnes where his sneer turned into a smug smirk.

"Miranda. How are you?" The man asked and you could just tell he was an asshole. "Fine. Just making a sale." Miranda said with a smirk. "Really?" He scowled. "Yup. Papers have been signed and we're going to secure the payment." Percy smiled at Miranda's smug tone. The other agent sneered then turned to Agnes. "Well, what's your name?" He asked holding out a hand. "Agnes." The blonde responded, completely ignoring the man's hand. "Pleasure to meet you. The names Mason. Mason Jones." Agnes sighed. "Ok, I'll say it once. I'm not interested. If you press on, I'll literally suck his dick right here, right now." She said point over to Percy.

"Him? Really? Come on, you'd rather be with a child than an actual man." Mason asked. "Percy'a basically an adult." She argued. "One night is all it'll take to show you who's better." He smiled. Agnes smiled and squated down, not willing to mess up her knees on the rough street. "Um, what are you doing?" Mason asked. Agnes ignored him and pulled out Percy's cock. She jerked it a few times before putting in her mouth. She moaned as his dick slowly grew in her mouth. "Hey, you can do that in public." Mason exclaimed with a red face. Red with embarrassment or anger? Who knows. Agnes deep throated him, keeping his dick in her throat for a bit before pulling back and spitting on it.

"You brought this on yourself." She breathed and went back to orally pleasing her 'boss'. "This is disgusting, unnecessary and immoral." Mason yelled. Agnes simply slurped on Percy's dick. Percy himself was just on his phone, enjoying the blowjob. "Agnes, let it be known that this is the one time I appreciate you being a whore." Miranda said. Agnes have her a thumbs up and kept sucking until Percy grabbed the back of her head and blew his load down her throat. He sighed in content while Agnes moaned at the hot liquid flowing into her stomach. She stood up and Percy put his dick away.

"Enjoy the show?" She asked the disgusted man. "Cause if you did I can pop the dick back out and fuck him right here." She smiled. Mason got back in his car and hurriedly drove away. "Hah. Bitch." Miranda said. "Alright. Let's get the payment over with." She said and they all got into their respective cars and drove off.

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