Chapter 26

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Third POV

Percy felt refreshed. Like he was a new man. Probably, because he just got done fucking a man. Adrian had come to sign Agnes' contract and she locked the two in a room. Percy could've easily broken out, but he didn't want to break anything since they were so close to opening so the two talked. Percy told Adrian why he was acted so weird and Adrian told Percy that he understood considering he was openly gay and was heavily ridiculed for it. Adrian then stated that while they didn't have to do it if he didn't want to, a guy's blowjob is way better than a girl's simply because they have to work harder. Naturally, Percy had to confirm this and he did. For an hour straight. Yea, he had some fun.

Anyway, he was currently going over applications for employees for The Dandy Demon. He had quite a few. Definitely enough to open the establishment depending on who and how many he hired. Agnes was at the club getting things ready for their opening tonight, Tifa was out getting to know her new coworkers, Valentina and Daisy was visiting their parents and Lady and Trish, who had quickly hit it off, were out shopping. Adrian was in the back taking a shower so technically, Percy was alone right now. He was just finishing with his paper sorting when the shop's phone started ringing. He looked at it before answering it.

"Devil May Cry." He said. "Yes. You're Percy, the demon slayer. Right?" The voice asked. "I am." He answered. "Great. How much would it cost for you to come to Japan?" Percy raised an eyebrow and stopped sorting papers. "Japan?" He asked and received an 'mmhmm' in response. "How powerful is this demon?" He asked. "Extremely. I'm sure only you can handle it." Percy sighed. "Well, it's gonna cost you. A lot. Especially if I'm paying for my tickets there and back." Percy said. "Worry not Mr. Jackson. I'm sure I have enough to pay you back." He said. "Right. Well, what's you're name?" Percy asked taking out a his mobile phone. "Masaya. No last name. Meet me at Dotonbori. I'll be waiting." Masaya then hung up.

"Weird call." He said. "Welp, gotta tell Lady and Trish that we gotta gig." He said. He texted the girls, before going back to sorting.


Lady and Trish had gotten back a few minutes ago and Percy was telling them about the job they had.

"Japan? I've never been there." Lady said. "Wait, won't we need a translator?" Percy shook his head. "Nope. I speak Japanese." He said. "You do?" He nodded. "Yup. Agnes had an Asian friend that spoke Korean and Japanese. Learned both from her." Percy said. "Oh. Well that's convenient." Trish said. "So, am I packing?" Lady asked. "You Wanna go?" Percy countered. "Who's gonna watch the shop?" Percy waved off that question. "Morrison. He can do it." He answered. "What if there's a demon attack?" Percy rolled his eyes. "If you wanna stay behind just say that." Percy smiled. "I wanna stay behind. I don't trust planes. Not with you in them." Percy chuckled.

"Alright. Fair enough." He said and got up. "I could really use Tina right now." He said. "Why?" Percy looked up and saw Valentina and Daisy walking though the door. "Hey guys. Thought you were visiting your parents." He said. "We were. They got busy and had to leave so we came back." Daisy said. "Yes, yes now what do you want from me?" Val asked. "Well, I got a gig in Japan and I need to go." He said. "Let me guess, you want me to pay for the trip." She said. "Yea." Valentina tsked. "You know what I want." She said. "No gags, whips, pegging or collars. Anything else is fine." Percy said. "Deal. Get up to the bedroom pig." She smirked evilly. "Fucking bitch." He thought and went upstairs. Lady and Trish chuckled and Daisy sighed.

Small Lemon Warning

"Hehehe, I'm going to enjoy this." Valentina said and made her way up the stairs. Percy was laying on the bed without his shoes or socks and shirtless. "Ohhh, you already know what you your master wants. Don't you pet?" She asked tauntingly. Percy hated this, but he'd rather do this than pay for a trip to Japan. V walked over to the closet and pulled out a rope. 'Oh no.' He said as Valentina ties his hands to the headboard. She then stepped back and sat on the side of the bed. Percy tugged the rope, but didn't break out.

Valentina started rubbing Percy through his pants with an innocent smile. She knew exactly what she was doing. Percy slowly got harder and a few minutes later, Percy was a hard as he could be. It took a while considering Percy is used to have way more stimulating sex. Once he was hard enough Val stopped and unbuckled his pants. After getting them off she threw them away and stripped herself. "Lick." She demanded, her pussy hovering over his face and glistening with her juices. Percy did as he was told and started eating the bluenette out.

"Good job dog. Keep it up." Oh how he wanted to bite her. Tina started pumping his dick, her hand going up and down torturously slow. Percy continued to lick and suck on his current dominatrix's pussy while she forced him to suffer. He did this for five minutes with her cumming three times, but she still wasn't giving it up. Wanting to hurry this up he used his shapeshifting and made his tongue longer. He shoved it inside her as far as it would go. Valentina screamed in pleased surprise. "No! No, don't you rush th-fuck!" She came hard, her legs shaking and heart racing. "Fuck you." She muttered. "That's the point." Percy said and phased through the rope. "I'm supposed to be in charge." She growled.

"Let's be honest babe, how long did you think it was gonna last." He asked as he flipped her on to her back. "Oh, just fuck me." Percy smirked. "Gladly."

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