Chapter 14

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Percy POV

'Fucking finally.' I thought. Hades had claimed me and the sky was darker and thunder boomed loudly overhead. Oh yea. Zeus is pissed. That makes me feel better actually. It was the next morning and I was making my way to the Big House to see what the old horse wanted. Most likely to send him to go out and find the bolt like I planned to. People were giving me off stares and was avoiding me, but I didn't really care. I had reached the Big House and saw Chiron and Dionysus sitting on the porch playing Pinochle.

"Chiron!" I called. He looked at me with a grim expression. "Percy. I'm guessing you're here to retrieve a quest." I gave him a confused look. "That's the only way you can leave the camp. If you get a quest." Dionysus explained. I sighed, but nodded. "Alright. Let's here it." Chiron lead me into the rec room. "Well, in order to get a quest you must get a prophecy from the Oracle. She stays up in the attic." I nodded and left for the Oracle. The attic smelled of mothballs, dust and... zombies? There was a bunch of trinkets littered around the attic, but the main attraction was the actual zombie hippe sitting on a stool at the end of the hallway thing.

I stared at it with a raised eyebrow and a confused face. Was it dead? How is a dead thing gonna give me a prophecy? Is Chiron mentally ok? Just as I turned to leave I heard a hissing sound. Turning back around I saw green smoke pouring out of the Oracle's mouth. It coiled around her like a snake before stopping.

"Approach seeker and ask." She said in a raspy voice. "How do I retrieve the master bolt?" I asked. The mist shifted and reformed into a lady. A familiar woman. "Mom?" I asked. "You shall go west and face the gods who have turned, you shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned, you shall be betrayed by the one who calls you friend and you shall fail to save what matters most in the end." My mom said. Then, she disappeared and the mist was sucked back up into the Oracle's mouth. "Humph." I grunted and left the attic.

"Ahh, I see you're still sane." Chiron said once I got to him. "Again, I've seen worse." I said. "One day you must tell me what you mean by that." I gave him a look. "You don't know? I would've guessed after my show with Dionysus you would've known." This time even Dionysus looked up. "Know what?" He asked. "I'm half demon. Why do you think I'm never worried about my health?" I asked rhetorically. Chiron and Dionysus looked at each other with wide eyes. "Um, when you say demon." Chiron started. "What exactly do you mean?" Dionysus finished leaning forward. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I decided to give them a glimpse of one of my many demonic forms. My skin evaporated from the heat of my demonic power and one off my forms showed through.

The three gasped, oh yes I forgot to mention that Annabeth was here with her invisibility cap on

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The three gasped, oh yes I forgot to mention that Annabeth was here with her invisibility cap on. I quickly released the transformation and allowed my human form to come back. Now we were staring at each other. Dionysus and Chiron were staring at me and I was staring at them while Annabeth was looking between the three of us. The sky then rumbled angrily causing all of us to look up.

"Shit." Dionysus cursed just as a large bolt of lightning flew down from the sky and slammed into me. I guess Zeus really wanted me dead now. Unfortunately for him I simply absorbed the lightning. He kept it up though, continuously slamming bolt after bolt into me until it became too much for me to hold in. So I went with pure instinct and pointed my hand at the floor next to me. I shot a stream of lightning there, watching as it built up and started talking the shape of... a human? Yea, that's a human. Pale skin and blonde hair was built over the pure lightning that was once there. Once the stream had stopped there sat a woman with platinum blonde hair, bright blue eyes and pale skin.

She blinked, looked around at the three of us she could see and stood up. Her breasts jiggling with even the most subtle of movements. Oh yea, she's completely naked. Cooch out and everything. Should I be turned on? It seems wrong that I am.

"Huh, completely forgot I could do that." I said. "Do what exactly?" Chiron asked. "Create other demons. I did it once then never again. I now realize how easy my life would've been if I had used that power." I said. "Ahem. Right, well first. We should get her some clothes." The blonde looked down and in a flash of yellow electricity she wore a black leather corset, black leather pants and boots and a matching jacket. Dear god don't tell me I gave her kinks. "Huh, nice. Hey, do you think I could accuse Zeus of forcing me to have his child?" I asked. "What is wrong with you?" Dionysus asked. "Everything." I answered cheekily. "You created a demon using father's magic. Are we just gonna jump pass that?" Dionysus asked. "Yes." I said. "Hey, you ok?" I asked her.

"Yea. I feel weird, but I'm fine." She shrugged. "Cool. So, you gotta name in mind?" I asked. She thought about it for a bit. "Trish?" I nodded. "Trish it is. Welcome my daughter." I patted her back. "Daughter? You're technically my dad?" I nodded. "That must explain the incestuous daddy kink I have." Damnit! Seems I did give her kinks. Welp, I can deal with it. "The what you have?" Chiron asked. "Nothing! Anyway, she'll be coming on the quest with me along with Annabeth over there. You! Get packed and meet us at the top of the hill. See ya!" I yelled dragging Trish out the door.

Third POV

"Wait, no! She can't go with you." Chiron yelled, but Percy was already gone. "Why not?" Dionysus asked. "She's not a demigod Mr. D." The centaur answered like it was obvious. "Well, technically she is. Gods don't have dna so the thing we leave behind is our godly Magic. She was made from godly magic, hence she's a demigod." Chiron sighed at the dumb logic. "Annabeth, dear?" Said child took her hat off slowly. Still completely shocked. "Would you like to go on the quest." She nodded hesitantly, like she wasn't sure anymore. "Well, you best get prepared then. Go on." The daughter of Athena slowly left the Big House.

Yep, she's scarred for life.

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