Chapter 24

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Third POV

It's been a month since Percy had been to camp half blood and in all honesty, he didn't plan on going back any time soon. The place was horrid. He wasn't even allowed to be on his phone. Agnes was ecstatic when she found out Percy had gotten back. So happy in fact, she didn't even let him say anything before popping his dick in her mouth and sucking every bit of jizz out of his balls. He wasn't complaining though.

However Percy, no matter how much sex he wants to have, was still a business man. An entrepreneur. He had things that to do. With that said he needed to come up with a good name for the strip club. After coming up with about eight different names, he landed on one. Forbidden Desires. Percy liked it and Agnes liked it too so that's what they chose. The had a big sign made placed in right above the door. As for the nightclub, The Dandy Demon, it was still closed since they still hadn't found any workers. No bartender, no servers and no bouncers. Stressful.

Percy was currently sitting in his office with Tifa across from me Valentina in my lap. Agnes was at the booby bar auditioning more girls. Lady was off doing her own thing, no one knows where she is. Tina had a gag on and you could clearly see a bulge in her throat. She looked upset, but no one was paying any attention to her. Percy was on his phone and sipping on a Smoky Death. Never heard of it? I know, I came up with it. Anyways its a black drink with black dry ice to make the black smoke.

"Hey, Percy." The demigod looked up. "I notice you always have a girl on your lap. Well, most if the time at least." Percy shrugged. "If it's Agnes, Daisy or Trish then they're there cause they're comfortable. Don't know why they enjoy it so much. Tina here, however is kind of difficult. She's a brat so she likes making my life hard. Isn't that right, babe?" He asked slapping her ass. Tina yelped and glared at him. "Stop your glaring." He waved off. "She likes it here too, but she'll only sit here when I'm busy doing other things. Or when I want her to." Percy said.

"Oh. So they just randomly sit on your lap and you're fine with it?" He nodded. Tifa nodded too. "Was that all you wanted to know?" He asked and Tifa nodded. "Huh. Ok then." He said and looked back to his phone. That was the end of that conversation and for another half an hour everything was quiet. Thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door. Percy looked up. "Come in!" He called. The door was pushed open and a woman walked in. Admittedly, she looked like if Harley Quinn was born in the times of the civil war/world war 1 and had brown hair.

She had long brown hair that was styles in a high bun, pale skin and pale blue eyes. She wore a skimpy red dress with a old style revolver hanging on a holster in her right hip. Bullets lined the entirety of her belt and she even wore a little red hat with bullets styled into it. She wore a fishnet on her right leg and a Black and white striped legging on her left. She also wore black boots, black fingerless gloves and a choker with a skull on it.

"Ohh, I think I'm gonna like it here already." She said with a seductive voice. "Hello, can I help you?" Percy asked. "The names Mad Moxxi darling, heard you were looking for a bartender for your strip club." She said walking over with a sway in her hips. Percy watches as her breasts jiggled hypnotically. "Well, you got the body for it. However, I'm not so easily swayed. Gotta see how well you make a drink." He said tapping Valentina. The shorter girl stood up and Percy gestured to the little bar in the shop. Moxxi walked behind the bar and took off her gloves. She washed her hands and looked to the pair.

"What'll be hun?" She asked. "I always enjoy a good strawberry sunrise with a strawberry sundae." Percy answered. "Ohh, a strawberry lover. Nice. For the lady?" She asked Tina. Tina looked to Percy who seemed to think for a bit before nodding. Val unbuckled the gag and took it off. Doing so also pulled the seven inch dildo out of her mouth. Moxxi watched with great interest as Valentina did this. "Please tell me that if I get the job I get that treatment." She said. "If you want it." Percy smiled. "I want a Diamond Blue." Tina requested. "Ohh, fancy." Moxxi and got to work. It took six minutes for the drinks to be prepared. Which is impressive since the prep time for a strawberry sunrise is five minutes, a diamond blue is six minutes it's and a strawberry sundae is two at most.

"Well, you definitely work fast." Percy said as Moxxi sat their orders in front of them. "One Diamond Blue, one Strawberry Sunrise and one Strawberry Sundae." She said leaning on the counter. Percy took a sip of his drink and smiled at the taste. "Good work. Perfect amount of sweet." He said. V picked up her drink a drank a bit. She hummed thoughtfully before rolling her eyes. "I've had better." She said. "That's her way of saying you did good. Which means, you're hired. Welcome aboard." He said shaking her hand. "I get the feeling we'll be great partners." Moxxi smiled. "Oh no honey. I'm the boss and you're the employee." Percy said with a smirk.

"Mmm, a man that takes charge. I like that. Gives me a challenge." She smirked. Percy went to say something, but his phone started vibrating. He took it out his pocket and answered. "Yea." He greeted. "Hey daddy, can you come to the club? Need a bit of help making a decision." Agnes said. "Sure. I'll be there in a bit." Percy said and hung up. "I'll be back. See ya, Moxxi. Let me show you where you'll be working." Moxxi nodded and put her gloves back on. The two headed out the door and over to the club.

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