Chapter 67

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Third POV

Percy sat behind his desk working on his paperwork. For what? Well, obviously the many different companies he has. Tifa and Roulette were there, helping him as much as they could. Roulette was helping with the Casino paperwork and Tifa was helping with the Bar paperwork. That still left him with a shit ton of papers to deal with. It was late at night and all three were tired out of their minds. Well, Tifa and Roulette were. Percy's just annoyed.

He leaned back and rubbed his forehead. The demon took a deep breath and smiled at the other two.

"You guys can go home." He said. "There's still more work to do though." Tifa said. "I'll handle it. You two need sleep." He said. Roulette and Tifa looked at each other with uncertainty. "It's fine. Go." He said. The girls stretched and nodded. They stood up and said their goodbyes. Percy waved them off and the two left. Percy continued to work and even created a few clones to help him. A few hours later, Agnes came walking down the stairs. Percy looked at her oddly. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I fell asleep in the bed upstairs." She answered simply. He hummed and went back to his work. "Can you finish all of that?" She asked and Percy nodded. "Of course. It'll take a while, but I can do it."  He said. "You need to get an assistant." She said and Percy honestly thought about it. He could definitely do all of this on his own. He didn't really need sleep so he could go on for hours. However, he was still a busy person. With multiple different businesses to focus on. He also still had business investments to focus on. He might just look into getting an assistant. Percy was about to get back to work when the phone rang. He looked to it and sighed.

"Devil May Cry." He answered. "Percy Jackson, am I correct?" The voice on the other line asked. "You are. Can I help you?" He asked. "I am Walter C. Dornez, butler of the Hellsing Organization." The man said. "I would like to request your services if it is no trouble." Percy shook his head. "Of course it isn't. It's what we do. Tell me, what do you need killed?" Percy asked. "You see, we are having a problem with a vampiric pests. Do you think you can help with that?" Percy smiled. It had been a while since he fought a vampire. "I can. Tell me the the location." He said. "As long as you can get to London, we shall handle the rest." Walter said. "I can get there." Percy said. "Wonderful, Hellsing shall send a car for you."

Percy and Walter ironed out some minor details like time before hanging up. He sighed and got back to work.

The next day

Percy, Trish, Lady and Lucia were all sitting on a plane on their way to London. Well, the original Percy was. A copy of him was still in Red Grave placing assistant job calls on websites and the such. Just hours later he got a response. Odd, it normally took days. He checked the message and saw that it was from someone named Elma Joui. Percy raised an eyebrow. She had no background and her speech pattern was odd. Wanting to know more he set up an appointment for a week later.

With the real Percy

"Ah, you must be Percy Jackson." Percy gazed into the eyes of the aged man. "I am. These are my 'assistants', Lady, Trish and Lucia." Percy said. Walter bowed and motioned for them to come in. "Please, follow me." He said. The demon hunting group walked into the manor and followed the old butler to a room where they sat while Walter left to get the boss, Sir Integra Hellsing. Percy looked to the blonde girl in the corner who was looking at him with a nervous smile plastered on her face.

"No need to be shy, come over and introduce yourself." Percy said with a smile. He decided to use his special smile to put her more at ease which, of course, worked like a charm. The girl walked over and sat down across from him. "Hello." She said with a heavy British accent. "My name is Seras Victoria." Percy smiled warmly at her. "Morning Seras, names Percy. Percy Jackson. I'm here to help with your little vampire problem." She nodded. "I heard and thank you. We can use it. Though, I'm surprised you believe in monsters honestly." Percy smirked mischievously. "I'm very well versed in the world of the supernatural. This wouldn't be the first time I've fought vampires either. I fought one years ago, when I first started hunting demons. We became friends though we haven't talked in a while."

Percy and Seras continued to talk while Trish read a magazine, Lucia wiped and sharpened her cutlaseer and Lady was doing an arsenal check. They were having a nice conversation until the door opened and in walked a woman. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes behind glistening round glasses. She was dressed in a brown suit with a white shirt and a purple tie. It didn't really match, Percy has worn and seen weirder.

"Perseus Jackson." Percy narrowed his eyes, but his smirk never left. "Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing." Percy greeted. "Just Sir Integra will do." She said. "Then simply call me Percy. Seriously, I won't acknowledge you if you call me Perseus." He said. The woman scowled at him. "You are here to replace the men that I lost in a recent vampire attack." Percy nodded. "Walter told me that over the phone. Although I would like to to clarify that it's temporary. I still have multiple businesses to run." Integra raised an eyebrow. "Do you now?" Percy smirked. "You found out my real name, you must have known that. It's hard to find my full name, but easy to find all the businesses I own." He said.

"Hmm." Integra nodded. "Anyway, do you have any experience fighting vampires?" Percy nodded. "I do. As I was telling Seras here, I fought one vampire and ended up being his friend. Let him live, but I haven't heard from him before. Wonder what happened to him." Percy wondered. "Right here, dear friend." Everyone looked to the wall where a tall man in a red hat and matching coat was standing. "Percy, you Devil." The vampire smiled in glee. "Alucard. You sick fuck." The two smiled in sadistic glee and pulled out their nearly matching guns. They chuckled and laughed dementedly while everyone else watched.

"Enough! What's going on here?!" Integra yelled. Percy and Alucard chuckled some more before putting their guns away. "Alucard is the vampire I was talking about. The one I met when I started hunting demons." Percy said. "Yes, this is the one that nearly killed me all those years ago." Alucard said. "It was only five years ago. It hasn't been that long." Percy scoffed. "He let me live as he found me amusing and we became good friends. Walter, you couldn't have called in anyone better." The vampire said. "Ah, thank you Sir Alucard." Walter bowed his head. "What are you?" Integra asked Percy.

"Half demon and half greek good." He shrugged. The woman took a step back. "As in a demon like Alucard?" She inquired. "Kinda, but not really. Alucard became a demon. I was born one. My mom is Satan's daughter." The cigar fell from her mouth in shock, but it paused in midair and flew into Percy's. The second he started smoking it, pink smoke rose from it. "Hey, don't waste a good cigar." He scolded. "Satan's daughter? You're Satan's grandson." She said. "Yes, I am and I advise that you get that 'controlling me' idea outta your head. Who knows what'll happen." He said innocently, but Integra still felt like she was staring at a fate worse than death. "Uh, right." Integra coughed and put on her strong face. Percy smiled. 'Can't wait to break her.'

"I'll be sending you and Alucard to Brazil to investigate a lead we have on Millennium." Walter cleared his throat. "Speaking of important matters, a letter came for you, Sir Integra." Integra read the letter with a frown before smiling. "Hmm, this could be interesting. Percy, you're coming with me and Alucard." Integra said as she walked away. "Where are we going, my master?" The no life king asked.

"To meet with the Vatican."

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