Chapter 13

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Percy POV

Damn you Annabeth. Making me guard the creek. Of all places, the creek? I'm literally the best sword fighter here and she has me guarding the creek? Isn't that some bullshit. There was nothing to do, making my condition worse. As an intelligent demon, I live off of doing things I'm not supposed to and saying fuck you to anyone who complains. It's simply how I live. So being confined here, not allowed to do any of the things I normally do is really frustrating. Being told what to do by some stuck up prepubescent blonde doesn't help that. Shut up, I know I'm her age. I'm more mature than her so I can complain.

Anyway, here I sat. Fiddling around with Rebellion waiting for either someone to attack me or for Annabeth to come out of that bush she was hiding in. I swear I hate her. She has a nice ass and I absolutely want to fuck it, but I hate her. Just when I was gonna shoot myself in the head out of boredom the bushes across the creek started rustling. I sighed at how bad these people were. What kinda training was Chiron giving them? How to get killed the slow way? I stood up and faced my attackers. Five children of Ares, including the buff Clarisse jumped out like they had surprised me. I just stood there. Waiting.

"Well if it isn't Prissy." Clarisse sneered. "My names Percy." I corrected, but she scoffed. "You known I owe you for throwing me into that tree. Right now, technically I can do whatever want." She said. "Technically you can't. No maiming or killing." I said. "Oh. I'm so scared. I can go a few weeks without dessert." She said and I raised an eyebrow. "That's all the punishment is? No dessert?" I asked. One of her brothers nodded in confusion. I smirked. "Say less." I said and lunged. The first guy copped a hard Rebellion swing to the chest, my blade completely ignoring his armor and throwing him to the side with a large cut on his chest.

The second and third was pretty much ripped to shreds. Nothing too bad, but they had a bunch of cuts on them them that would definitely sting once the shock and adrenaline had worn off. The fourth guy ran at me, but I batted his club away and decided to play a bit. I dodged an attempt to probably knock my head off and backed away from a shield bash. Clarisse ran up and tried to stab me with her spear which I sensed electricity in. I sidestepped and dropped in order to avoid being bludgeoned. I rolled away and popped back like a crack head.
(If you got that reference I love you)

"You know, you're not that good." I taunted. The club guy ran at me, but I didn't want him to used the flat of my sword to bitch smack him away. He most definitely has a concussion since he's wearing a helmet and I hit him hard enough to send him into a tree, but eh. Not my problem. "All alone now Clarisse. What shall you do?" I asked. "I'm gonna kill you." She growled. "Oh yea, speaking of death." I said and green ball appeared in my hand. I threw at the first guy. His cut stopped gushing blood and healed enough so that he wouldn't die. "There. He'll live." I said and looked back to beef-cakes.

"Alright. Let's see just how good you are." I smiled and ran at her. She blocked my swing with her shield and tried for another stab that I spun around. I swung at her feet, but she hopped over it and jumped back. Seems she's being lot more careful now. "What the hell is your fighting style?" She asked. "Whatever works I guess." I said with a shrug. "What?" I sighed and dumbed it down for her. "I don't have a fighting style. I just do whatever the hell works." I said. "That's bullshit." She said. "Meh." I shrugged and charged again. This time she swung her spear at me, but I got low and let it go over me.

She blocked my stab with her shield, but I smiled and pushed harder making it go right through her protection and cutting her cheek. Her helmet also suffered a bit. I yanked Rebellion to the side and broke her shield before bringing it up and back down on the shaft of her spear. It was instantly severed in two. Clarisse gasped, but I refused to let up. I could sense Luke getting close and he was moving fast so I assumed he had the flag and was making a run for it. I backhanded the daughter of Ares with Rebellion and booted her across the creek. With a spin for momentum I threw my sword, but held on to it so it would drag me just as Luke broke the tree line.

He reached the other side before me and the horn blew just as I stopped my Stinger attack. Clarisse now stared at the tip of my blade in failed hidden fear. Oh, you got lucky bitch. I pulled my sword back and swung it back. Stopping just centimeters from the invisible daughter of Athena's neck.

"Next time you set me up like that, at least tell me. I'd like to know when someone is gonna try to fuck me. It's all about consent." I joked and placed Rebellion on my back. Chiron and Mr. D as these people called Dionysus had come out of their hiding position and started congratulating the winning team. Well, Chiron did anyway. Everything was stopped though when a loud growl came from the trees. We all looked over as a large black dog with glowing red eyes jumped out and pounced at me.

"Disappointing." I mumbled and punched it in the nose so hard it's entrails shot out of its ass with the velocity of a bullet before both the dog and it's guts exploded into black smoke. "Please tell me that's not the scariest monster you got." I said. As I was insulting the pathetic hellhound in my head I heard the crowd gasp and looked around. They were all looking above me so I did as well. Floating over my head was a black helmet that seemed to suck up the light. "All hail Perseus Jackson. Son of Hades, god of the dead and lord of the underworld. The silent one. The rich one." Chiron announced grandly and bowed. The rest of camp followed suit and my only thought was...

'So many girls on their knees... and none of them with my dick down their throat. Where's Daisy when ya need her?'

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