Chapter 59

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Percy POV

'Overlords'. The strongest demons in the pride circle of hell supposedly. Yet, they die to a bitch slap. Now, don't get me wrong. I know I'm powerful as all shit, but come on. They're hyped up so much you'd think they'd be able to take on anything, but no. I groaned and looked over at at tv that was sat in a window shop. I raised an eyebrow in pure wonder. "Hmmm, what's this?" I asked allowed.

"Immediate Murder Professionals, huh?" I asked out loud. "Guess I can see what they're about." I said just I dodged a literal bullet. I looked over with a raised eyebrow and saw a bunch of random demons. Probably the ones that are pissed that I killed Val. I sighed in annoyance. "After I handle some business I guess." I muttered and pulled out Rebellion. "Ok you fucks, who really wants to kill me and who was just hired? If you were hired, just leave. I don't want to kill you." Everyone stayed. "Alright then. Have it you're way." I spun my sword around and ran in.

Bullets were dodged and body parts went flying. I easily sliced the demons into fine ribbons. Honestly, I don't think I even needed my sword. My hands would've been enough. Once I was done I put rebellion on my back and started looking for someone to lead me to IMP City. Surprisingly, the streets were mostly empty. Finally I came across a pretty cute cyclops. No where near as ugly as ones from Greek mythology. I walked up and tapped her shoulder. She turned her giant pink eyes with a pale yellow x for a pupil to me. It widened a bit, then she gained a sexual look. Uh oh, no Percy. Stay strong.

"Hey there, what'cha need?" She asked. "I just need someone to lead me to IMP City." I said. "Well I don't know the way to IMP City, but I do know the way to my bedroom." She smirked. 'Strength slowly decreasing.' I thought and cleared my throat. "I see. Thanks." I said and tried to walk away. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Hold on a second, I might have one eye, but I can definitely see you and I having a some very rough sex." She said and kissed my cheek. 'Strength gone.' I thought and grabbed her oddly round face. I brought her into a kiss and wrapped my hands around her waist while she placed hers around my neck. "Let's go back to my place." She huffed after we broke off. I smirked.


Cherri as I found out her name is pushed me onto her bed and sat on my lap. We continued to make out while stripping our clothes off. I moved my lips to her neck and breasts. Giving her butterfly kisses, sucks and nibbles. She moaned, apparently not being used to they treatment. Oh you poor soul, you have no idea what your in for. I gripped her small, but bubbly ass and started grinding myself up into her. She pushed my coat off of my shoulders and pulled my shirt up, letting her hands drag against my abs and chest. We separated so she could finish taking my shirt off. After she did, she pushed me on my back and started kissing my neck and collarbone.

She trailed down with her kisses, going down my chest and stomach and to my waistline. Cherri gave me a large, toothy grin and unbuttoned my pants. She pulled them both my pants and underclothes down and was literally slapped in the face with my dick. Her smirk fell and her eye widened.

"Oh." She said. "Is there a problem?" I asked. "Uh, no. I just thought it would be smaller." She stated and started stroking me. "Most demons are smaller so I kinda go used to their sizes. This is probably gonna hurt at first." She said and took me into her mouth. She started off by sucking lightly on my tip and stroking the shaft. She the started bobbing her head and swirling her tongue around. I breathed deeply and laid back. Cherri started taking more of my dick into her mouth and massaging my testicles.

"Does this even feel good?" She pulled off and asked. "You don't seem that affected." I chuckled. "I get a lot of blowjobs so it feels good. Just not enough to affect me a lot." She nodded and sat back in her feet. "Well then let's make it affect you. Do your thing. Be as rough as you want." She said, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out. I smirked and stood up, caressing her cheek and running my fingers through her hair. I placed my member on her tongue and slowly pushed into her throat. I grabbed her head and started to slowly thrust in and out of her mouth.

When she had no reaction I amped it up until I was basically slamming my dick into her throat. Not as hard as I could, I'd probably kill her if I did that, but I was going hard enough to probably give her a sore throat afterwards. She wrapped her arms around my thighs and would pull me back into her throat when I 'took too long' to thrust back in. Apparently I tasted good. Eventually I came down her throat. She kept me there until I was done then let me go.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed, sucking in a breath. "Why do you taste so good?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't know honestly." I said. "Well, it doesn't matter. You know how to eat pussy?" I smiled and picked her up only to lay her on the bed. I pulled her skirt and ripped leggings down, as well as taking off her boots and socks. I then spread her legs and got to work. I kissed her inner thighs. I trailed up to her opening and gave it a long lick. She shuddered and I pulled her lips apart. I started licking her insides, but not going completely into her. Cherri was panting and moaning. Deciding to give her what she wanted I pushed my tongue into her hole and used my powers to stretch it further into her.

Despite her name being Cherri Bomb, she didn't taste like cherries or bombs. She actually tasted like strawberries. I continued to eat her out while she moaned loudly. I heard ringing and pulled my tongue out to check my phone, but it wasn't mine. Huh, must've been Cherri's. Shrugging I delved back into her pussy and started eating her out again.

"Hello?" She breathed into her phone. "Oh, hey Angie." There was a pause in which Cherri made no attempt to stifle or quiet herself. "Yea, I'm with this... OH FUCK!" She exclaimed as she came out of nowhere. That might've been my fault since I pinched her clit. "Hold on." She said. "Hey, you into guys?" She asked me. "Yea, but I'm not a bottom." I replied. "That's cool, my friends not a top." She said and got back on the phone. "Hey you gotta get over here. This guys a fucking master." Cherri said. "Cool see ya soon babes." Cherri hung up and looked at me. "My friend'll be here in about twenty minutes, how long can you last?" I just smirked.

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