Chapter 43

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Third POV

Percy woke up the next morning with just a little extra annoyance in his attitude. He stood from his bed and took a shower, ignored Agnes' flirting and attempts at getting him to fuck her and went down stairs for some Irish coffee. He had until ten so he had plenty of time until he had to go to Camp Crystal Lake. Unfortunately he had to spend that time having meetings. Specifically four meetings. All with different people who run schools or villages or some shit like that.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Oh, and there goes the first person. Percy sighed, knowing that this was going to be a long few hours and sat behind his desk with his coffee in front of him.

"Come in!" The door opened and in walked or rather wheeled a bald man. Next to him stood a stood a teenager that's wearing a blue sweater, khaki pants and sunglasses with red lenses. On his left was a redheaded girl with pale skin and green eyes. She wore a light pink shirt and khaki pants. "Perseus Jackson." The crippled man said. "Please, just Percy. You are..." Percy trialed off looking at his notes. "Charles Xavier, Professor X." He said. "I am. This is Scott Summers and Jean Grey." The man said. "Nice to meet all of you. So, it said you wanted had started a school for mutants?" The man nodded. "I have, but we've been having a bit of trouble with training so I come with the offer of a more... hands on approach."

"You want me to be a trainer?" Percy asked. "Indeed. We feel with your talent it would be beneficial for the students to learn from such a powerful being such as yourself." Percy chuckled. "Flattery will get you everywhere." He smiled. "Anyway, let's get this contract stuff over with. I've got a lot of shit to do today." Scott frowned. "Language." He scolded. "English." Percy smirked. "Professor, are you sure you want... him? Logan's better than this." The boy asked. "We don't know him yet Scott. One bad word won't harm anyone." Jean was quiet and staring intently at Percy, so much so that Scott noticed and became jealous.

"I'd advise you stay outta there Jean. I might be a year or two younger than you, but I've seen and done things that would make you blush a rosy red." He said with a teasing smirk. Jean was shocked and blushed, but more from embarrassment than seeing anything. After a while of discussing random things on the contract such as hours, payment and transportation. Once that was done the trio left and Percy was alone until he got another knock. "Enter."

This time two people came in. A man wearing a green suit with a cane and glasses and a blonde woman that wore a white blouse with a boob window, a black skirt and a black cape with purple lining. Percy glanced at his papers to see who the man and woman was, but only one name was signed to this time.

"Professor Ozpin, right?" The white haired man nodded. "Pleasure to meet you." Percy said. "The pleasure is mine. This is my assistant, Glynda Goodwitch." Percy nodded to her and she did the same. "So, what exactly did you need?" Percy asked. Ozpin was going to answer when a pale man with a red cape walked in. Well, stumbled would be the correct term. "Sorry I'm late Oz, saw a bar and I had to text it out." The man said. "Could you at least try to have some self control?" Glynda sighed. "Nope. So, this the guys kid or...?" Ozpin chuckled. "This is 'the guy' Qrow." The man looked at Percy with a raised eyebrow. "You're kidding." He deadpanned.

"No, this is Percy Jackson." Ozpin said. "He's a kid. Probably younger than Yang." Percy decided to let them talk and got up to make himself a drink. Glynda watched him and really wanted to say something, but didn't. She was told of how things worked in Red Grave and although she didn't agree with it she wouldn't say anything. He poured himself a glass of wine and gave Glynda a look, asking if she wanted one. Taking a look at Qrow still arguing with Ozpin and sighed. She nodded and Percy poured her a glass. He sat back down and the two waited for Qrow to stop being childish while they drank.

They had a light conversation, mainly consisting of information about themselves. What they did and small summaries of their backgrounds. Basically getting an idea of what the other was like. Glynda would be lying if she said she supported how the boy found work, but after hearing a bit of his 'childhood' she understood his choices.

"Are you drinking with him?" Glynda looked over at Qrow. "I am. You're too busy being a child so I figured why not calm my nerves and have a light conversation." She said. "He's a kid!" Qrow yelled. "We are in unknown territory Qrow. Things work differently here. I don't necessarily support it, but I won't complain about it." Qrow went to say something else, but Percy intervened. "While I love hearing this man in distress, I have a lot of meetings to get through so can we hurry this along?" He asked. "Of course." Ozpin said and stepped up to the desk. "Great! So what did you want from me?" Ozpin took a folded paper from his suit jacket. "I would ask that you become an honorary student of Beacon Academy." He said sliding the paper over to him.

Percy hummed and looked at the paper, reading over it quickly. The man obviously wanted to hide something from his subordinates since this was not a student referral. This was basically a plea for help. It told of a woman named Salem that threatened the cluster of islands that was Remnant. She apparently wanted nothing, but death and destruction. Pretty normal stuff so Percy took a look at Ozpin's past with his clairvoyance and what he saw slightly amused him. The man or rather, soul, was obviously ashamed to have married the woman who had become a monster.

"Well, while I already have a job and all that, I must say this... proposal is quite interesting." Percy said with a smirk. "We are a prestigious school. I have no doubt of your fighting abilities, but it's just in case you wanted to try the life style of a Hunter." Percy smiled. "Well, once the summer is over I'll come check it out. Thank you for the offer." Percy said. "Of course." Ozpin said and they left. Percy sighed and heard someone coming down the stairs. "When you said you were a business man you weren't joking." Percy snorted. "Morning Thalia." He said. "Morning. I thought we were going to a camp or something."

"We are, that's at ten though. I got two more meetings then we'll be leaving." He said. "Ok then. When's the next one?" Thalia asked. She was answered by a light knock on the door. "Well, now apparently."

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