Chapter 38

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Third POV

Percy stepped out of a portal on Half Blood Hill. When he did he heard a loud huff. He looked over and saw a dragon with copper scales and a snake like head.

"Hello there." The thing stared for a bit before huffing and laying back down. "Ok then." He said and started walking down the hill and into the camp. "So, where would Chiron be?" He asked. He looked around and saw two demigods. A big burly African American guy and a girl with blue eyes, black hair and fair skin. "Ah, hey! You two." He called to the what looked like to be a couple. "Hmm? Oh, uh yes?" The guy asked. "Could you tell me where Chiron is?" Percy asked. "He's most likely in the big house." The girl said. "And that is?" The guy chuckled. "You new?" Percy shrugged.

"Technically. I've been here before, but I don't exactly remember the layout." He replied. "Oh well it's in the middle of camp technically. Just keep walking and you'll see it. Giant baby blue house and white porch." The girl said. "Thanks." Percy said and walked away. He did just as she said and walked deeper into the camp. He walked past multiple people that gave him odd looks. Percy took a look at himself, but saw nothing wrong. He was wearing a normal outfit. Black shirt, black pants, black shoes, a silver necklace with a wolf on it, a bunch of bracelets on his left wrist, a watch in his right and two rings.

Was that the authors way of telling you what he was wearing? Maybe, maybe not. You read it so who cares?

Percy found the big house and walked up to it. He didn't even bother knocking and just walked into the rec room.

"Wassup fuckers." He smiled. "Language." Chiron scolded. "English. Although I can say it in Italian too if you'd like. Wassup stronzi. One second." Percy pulled out a phone and called someone. "Hello?" A female answered. "Hey Marianne. How do you say 'wassup fuckers' in Dutch?" He asked. "Why?" She asked. "Ask no questions." He said. Marianne sighed. "Wassup klootzakken." She said. "Thank you." Percy hung up and looked at Chiron. "Wassup klootzakken." Dionysus chuckled. "Nice to see you too Percy." The old horse stated. "I would say the same, but you kinda throw off my vibe and fuck up my normal routine so I'll just say hi." Chiron shook his head.

"Why were you late?" The centaur asked. "Kinda got caught up having sex. The power of vagina. It's so strong it's scary." Percy said. "You shouldn't be having sex at your age." Percy waved him off. "Yea Yea. Anyway, who wanted to meet me?" He asked. "Her name is Thalia. She was waiting here, but you were late so she went back to her cabin." Percy nodded. "Ok. Where is it?" Chiron told him where the caning were and told him which cabin to go to. Percy left and walked to the cabins when he saw something that made him smile. "Big booty Judy. How ya doing babe?" Annabeth froze before turn to the smirking demon.

"You! What are you doing here?!" She exclaimed. "Some Thalia girl wanted to meet me so here I am." He said. "Ugh, I told Chiron no!" The blonde said rubbing her head. "I have a question." Percy said. "What?" She asked giving him a look. "Can I smack it just once?" Annabeth recoiled in shock with a large blush on her face. "What?! Eww, no!" She yelled smacking his arm. Percy chuckled and kept going. Then he noticed that she was following him. "Can I help you?" He asked. "There is no way I'm letting her be alone with a perv like you. Wherever you take her, you take me." She said crossing her arms. "Ok then." He shrugged and kept walking.

Once Percy reached the large cabin made of white marble and knocked on the door. Afte a while of no answer he knocked again.

"Go away!" The sleepy voice of an annoyed female demigod. "You got five seconds to open this door or I'm coming in!" Percy called back. He counted to ten and shrugged. "Percy don't-" Annabeth was ignored and Percy kicked the door open. The sky rumbled angrily, but Percy just looked up and scoffed. "You tried that once. You really wanna waste your power!" He yelled at the sky. Thalia had jumped up, obviously still groggy. "So." Percy started looking to the demigoddess in front of him. "You're Thalia. Im impressed. Looking good." He smirked. Annabeth shook her head and slapped him upside his.

Thalia looked down and was reminded that she was only dressed in a black crop top with no bra and a pair panties with a skull on the front. She blushed and grabbed her spear.

"Who the hell are you?" She demanded. "Name's Percy. The cousin you wanted to meet. Sorry I'm late, got caught up in some vagina. Well, vaginas. Plural. Anyway I didn't come here for no reason so get dressed. You got five minutes and I suggest you do it. I have no problem with dragging you out of this cabin naked with ya fun bags hanging out." Percy said and stepped outside. "Annabeth?" Thalia asked. "I told you you didn't want to meet him." She said. Thalia sighed and got dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, a bra and a different Green Day shirt, a leather jacket and her combat boots. She grabbed her shield and spear and walked out of the cabin.

"You're an asshole." She told him. "Thank you." Percy said and snapped his fingers, opening a portal. "So, what do you wanna do? There's a lot outside of camp." He said. "Well since you woke me up, food. I'm gonna need energy." Thalia answered. "Alright, food it is then. Let's go babes." He says and lead them through the portal.

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