Chapter 30

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Third POV


Masane had just gotten back from her lame nine to five job and only had three hours before she had to go to her other job and pull an all nighter. She sighed and laid on her bed, glad that Nora and Aoi had taken Rihoko to an amusement park for the day. Unfortunately she heard a knock on her door. The busty woman groaned and got up to answer it.

"Yes?" She asked opening the door. "Package for Masane Amaha." Thr delivery woman said. "Thats me." She signed the paper and dragged the large box inside. "What the hell is this?" She mumbled and grabbed a knife to open the box. Once it was open she saw a bunch of packing peanuts with a letter on top. "The hell?" She open the letter and started reading. "Welcome to the business, newest member of the Devil May Cry team. Here's your check and your sign. Have fun, slay demons and rock on babe.

If ya have any questions or concerns, call me."

Then there was a number. She then looked at the check in the envelope and the amount of zeros after that seven. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. She dug through the packing peanuts and pulled out a large neon sign that said Devil May Cry with a lady with guns standing sexily behind the letters. A smile stretched on to her face and she started hopping around and cheering. Knowing she won't have to work two jobs anymore. Of course, she'll need to keep one job until her branch of Devil May Cry takes off, but honestly she's just happy to be able to quit one of them.

With Percy

Percy sat in Seventh Heaven getting to Aerith since she and Tifa were the only ones in today. Elizabeth had something else to do and Violetta had gotten so drunk last night she got sick so she wasn't in. Luckily it wasn't exactly a busy day so Tifa and Aerith were all that was needed. The two were talking about their favorite flowers which shocked Tifa. Aerith made it known that she loved flowers and wanted to grow a garden, but Percy was what surprised her. He didn't seem like that type to know much about gardening, but he was actually quite knowledgeable. Never judge a book by it's cover she guessed.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I wanted to let you know that I booked a singer for tonight." Tifa told Percy. "Oh. Who?" He asked. "Haven't met her in person. Someone named Jessica though." Percy nodded and decided to stick around until this Jessica made an appearance. Well, he did until he got a call. He answered and after a bit of silence he sighed and said ok. "Sorry girls. Gotta go. Duty calls." He said getting up. "Alright, see ya Percy." Tifa waved. "By3!" Aerith said. "Did you put a three at that end of that?" Percy asked. "You could hear that?" She asked. "The better question is how the hell did you say that out loud?" Aerith shrugged.

"Dear gods." Percy said and left the bar. He walked over to the shop and entered. Standing in front of his desk was a tall, tan woman with red hair that was in a single braid in her shoulder. She wore a grey crop top with grey pants and brown boots. She also wore brown gloves, two holsters on her hips that held two short swords and a white cape. "You are Percy Jackson, no?" She spoke with a thick French accent making Percy raise an eyebrow. "I am, how may I help you?" He asked sitting behind his desk.

"I am in need of urgent assistance. A man by the name of Arius is attempting to bring a powerful demon here from the demon world." Percy nodded. "Alright then, how powerful is this demons exactly?" He asked. "His power is equal to that of Mundus and second only to Satan himself." Percy looked impressed. "Well this should be fun then." Percy said with a smirk. "Agnes, where's Lady and Trish?" He asked. "Lady's on a personal job and Trish is upstairs with Daisy." She answered. "Damnit, she's always busy. Trish! We gotta job to do!" Percy called. The blonde came out of the shorter girls room and walked down the stairs. "A job you say?" She asked.

"Yup. Demon hunting. Alright... um, didn't catch your name." Percy said looking to the French woman. "Lucia." She answered shortly. "Well, Lucia. Let's get going." She nodded. "Do you have a vehicle? I walked here and it can be quite tiresome." Percy nodded. "Nico! Feel like driving!?" The tattoo covered teenager came out of the back with a welding mask and apron on. "Where we going?" She asked. "A few towns over." Lucia answered. "Alright then. Come on." She said.


Percy, Lucia and Trish stared up at a large building. It was in the middle of a pretty empty city. Or rather, it was empty compared to everywhere Percy had been. Nico wasn't there since she had

"So, this Arius guy is at the top of the building?" Percy asked. Lucia nodded. "Yes. He's most likely heavily guarded so it would be best to use stealth." She suggested. Percy smirked. "What, and miss all the fun? Nah. Screw that." Percy said and walked right into the building with Trish. Lucia watched the two with a shocked expression before taking the more stealthy approach. Inside, Percy looked up at the impending challenge. "So, how you wanna tackle this?" He asked. "I'll take the stairs and any enemies I meet out and meet you at the top?" Percy nodded and Trish went to the stairs.

"Alright Arius, let's see what ya got."

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