Chapter 71

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Third POV

Percy walked into Freddy's Pizzeria and cringed at the loud screaming of kids. The little humans were running around and having fun. He watched them for a bit before making his way over to the prize corner, where Chloe stood looking bored as all hell. Even though she was in her phone.

"Someone's not having a good time." He said. Chloe snorted. "Tell me about it." She apparently hadn't seen who she was talking to yet. "I mean, the pay's awesome. Luckily the owner is hella loaded and can pay good. Only good thing about working here." She huffed. "Well, boss sounds pretty damn cool." He said. Chloe huffed and gained a small smile. "Yea. Pretty hot too. I mean I mainly only like girls, but I'd let him do some things to me for a bit extra on my check." Percy raised an eyebrow and saw Max standing not far away, but close enough to hear the conversation. She looked mortified.

"That's fairly inappropriate. What do you think you're boss would say if he heard that?" Percy asked. "I heard that he's a man whore so if that's true he'd probably go with it." She shrugged. "Really? And you'd really put your money where your mouth is?" He asked. Chloe finally seemed to realize that she was talking a bit too much. Well, that or she figured that this 'stranger' was asking too many questions. "You know, you seem really interested in... this...." She said looking up to see Percy smirking at her.

"Yo." He said. Chloe dropped her phone and started sputtering out random sounds and letters, but not even a full word came out. Percy chuckled. "Calm down. You weren't wrong, I am a whore." He said. "Although, I prefer the term 'adventurous'." He smirked. He then got a call. Sighing, as his phone hadn't stopped ringing today, he pulled it out if his pocket and answered. "Hello?" He asked. "Percy!" Daisy yelled making Percy pull his hand away.

"Ow! Cool it Daisy, no need to yell. What's wrong?" Percy asked after his cringe. "Agnes has gone into labor!" Daisy exclaimed, luckily a little quieter. Percy blinked. "Well, that's unexpected. Um, what hospital are you at?" He asked. She gave him the location of the hospital and of course, he'd said that he'd be there before hanging up. "Sorry, gotta go. My kid's being born." He said and suddenly he was gone.

No flames, no poof of smoke, no flash. He was just gone. Chloe groaned and laid her head on the counter. Max walked up and patted her on the back.

"I'm gonna get fired." The blue haired girl groaned. "Nah, you'll be fine." Max smiled reassuringly. "I mean, he did say that you were right." Chloe wasn't listening and just continued to mope.

With Percy, he appeared at the hospital, right in front of Daisy. Said tiny girl jumped and made a cute 'eep' noise.

"Yo, how's Agnes?" He asked casually. "The doctors said that she was doing great. They're still operating." Daisy said. "Obviously." Percy snarked. Daisy pouted angrily. "Can you not be... you, right now?" She squeaked. Percy looked at her and all he saw was an angry, cartoon mouse. Big ears, whiskers and a black button nose to complete the look. "Right, right." He said and shook his head. "I need to be serious." He said. "Birth is a serious event." Daisy nodded. "Yes, it is. Thank you for realizing that." Percy smiled at her. "Hey, I'm not always an agent of complete chaos." He said.

"No, just most of the time." She retorted. Percy pouted childishly and sat down. An hour later, he was on his phone. Six hours later, Daisy was getting anxious. "Are they ok?" She asked. Percy nodded. "Yea, they're fine." He answered casually. "Are you sure? It's been a long time." Percy chuckled and grabbed Daisy's hand. "Honey, they're perfectly fine. Kid's stubborn is all. Just, because things generally goes easy for us doesn't mean we won't have some hiccups along the way." He reassured her.

Daisy nodded, taking deep breaths to calm herself. Four more hours went by before the doctor came out. He looked exhausted and... was that a bite mark on his hand? It was, ha!

"Are you the father?" The doctor asked looking at Percy. "Indeed I am." He nodded. "Makes sense. She came out snapping a mouth full of fangs." He sighed, making Percy chuckle. "Yea, that makes sense. Is she ok?" The doctor. "She's fine. A fully healthy baby girl. Better than healthy actually. No surprise to that though. She is yours." Percy nodded in agreement.

"Normally, we'd take her and run some tests, but seeing as she likely has your healing, we didn't think it necessary." Percy nodded. "That's fair." He said. "You may go in. I'm sure Agnes would love to see you." Percy snorted. "Yea, I'm sure. Thanks doc." He said and walked into the room with Daisy right behind him. Agnes laid on the bed, practically unconscious already.

Next to the bed, being tended to by a nurse was one of those cart beds with his new born daughter laying in it. She was wrapped up in a white nursery blanket. When the door closed behind Daisy, the nurse looked up.

"Oh, Mr. Jackson. Congratulations." She said stepping back from the infant. "Thanks. Especially for helping Agnes." The man nodded and left the room. Percy walked up to the cart like bed and got a good look at her. She had small wisps of black hair and her eyes hadn't opened yet. "Is she cute?" Agnes asked groggily. "Nope. Ugly as shit." Percy replied. "Percy!" Daisy whisper yelled. "What she is? All newborn infants are ugly. She'll grow into her looks." He defended himself. "She's beautiful Agnes."

"She looks like someone tried to rehydrate a raisin." Percy deadpanned. Daisy gasped with a horrified look on her face. "Stop it you monster!" She punched his arm. "Let me see her." Agnes pushed herself up. Daisy gently picked up the baby girl and showed her. Agnes made a face that had Daisy making a shocked and disappointed expression. "Oh, she looks like someone shaved a naked mole rat." Percy laughed hysterically. Daisy scoffed and went to sit down while cradling the baby.

"You, suck." Agnes said looking at Percy. "I'm sure I'm not that bad." Percy smiled. "That is the one time I didn't enjoy you stretching me out." Daisy cleared her throat loudly. "No sex talk or jokes around the newborn. Please." The parents rolled their eyes, but nodded in agreement. "Seriously though, you did good." He said. "Fuck you." Agnes said, but her smile said that she was proud of herself.

"I really wanna go home." She said. "You will when they make sure you're ok. For now, just take a nap." Agnes didn't argue and quickly fell asleep. Percy kissed her cheek and walked over to Daisy. "Gimme." Daisy glared at him. "No, you said that she was ugly." She said haughtily. "I did and she is. Fugly as all hell. However, she's still mine. Gimme." Percy made a gimme gesture with his hands. Daisy sighed and gave him his daughter. Percy made sure her head was supported and smiled down at his sleeping daughter. "Huh, this is a new feeling." He said. "What?" Daisy asked.

"Um, I don't know. Love? But like, different. It's weird." Daisy scoffed out a laugh. "That just means you actually love someone and don't want to show it through sex." Percy gagged. "Oh, yea. That's it. Eugh, just the idea..." He gagged again. "Well, at least you have some lines you won't cross." Daisy shrugged. Percy nodded silently, relishing in the new version of love.

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