Chapter 33

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Third POV

Percy had just finished his interviews and sighed. The people were pretty polite and respectful so that was easy. He was just a bit tired or rather bored. He grabbed his shop's phone and started ordering some food when he felt his personal phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out and answered while still ordering his food.

"Hello? Uh, yea. Five orders of hot wings. The hottest you have." He said. "Hey, I got a quick question for ya." Nico said. "Oh, hey Nico. What's that? No, I'm talking to a business partner of mine. Do you have any garlic bread? Perfect, let me get four orders of that too." He said. "How do feel about cars?" Nico asked. "Lastly a large supreme pizza. No olives, extra bell peppers. Thank you." He said hanging up with the food place. "Alright, now what's going on Nico?" He asked. "Are you a car person?" She asked again. "Meh, kinda. I do like cars. I honestly wanna become a car collector, but I have no idea how to take care of a car. Why?" Percy asked.

"No reason. See ya soon." She said and hung up. "Ok then." He said and put his phone down. He kicked his feet up and put his hand behind his head. Then someone knocked on the door. "Holy fuck how busy am I?" He muttered. "Come in!" The person walked into the room. It was a woman with fair skin and freckles dotting her face. She has dark hair that was tied up with bangs covering her forehead and brown eyes. She wore a red turtleneck with a leather jacket. Lastly she's wearing boot-cut denim jeans and brown boots with butterfly necklace that was broken in half. "Hello, I'm Percy Jackson. Although I'm pretty sure you know that. You are?"

"Hi, I'm Marianne Rekowicz." She introduced, shaking Percy's hand. "Ah, Dutch? Right?" She nodded with a smile. "Yea, actually. You guessed?" Percy nodded. "Yea. I went with what sounded right." He said. "Well, good job." She said and sat down. "Thank you. So, what can I help you with?" Percy asked. "Well, I heard that you accept business partners?" The demon hunter nodded. "I do." He said. "Well, I was hoping to offer a bit of a different branch. May I ask, what's your experience with ghosts?" Percy's eyebrows shot up. "Ghosts. Wow, never thought I'd hear about that." He said. "What, you don't believe in them?" Percy shook his head.

"No, no. It's not that. It's just I've never worked with or against them. Which is weird since I'm the son of the Greek god of the underworld." Marianne looked impressed and shocked. "Oh? That's Hades, right?" She asked and Percy nodded. "Yup, that's my dear papa I guess you could say. He's not all that loving though. Left when I was five and when I saw him last year he told me my mom would be disappointed in the way I turned out." Marianne winced. "Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that." She said, but Percy waved her off. "Don't worry about it, I don't really care enough. Now, let's talk business. Shall we?"

With Nico

"Hey, uh Nico?" Cindy called. "Yo?" The tattooed girl asked. "What do you do with this thing? It's completely blown in most places. I'm surprised you were still able to drive it." Nico chuckled. "I guess it's not built for my style of driving." She said. "Is that style consisted of stupid stunts and taking it off ramps?" Cindy asked. "Yup." The blonde gave her an unbelieving look before sighing. "Hey grandpa! Can you call Mikaela! Gonna need her help if I wanna finish this today." Her grandfather called back agreeing. "Thanks." She called back and stepped down.

"So, what's Percy like?" She smiled. "Frustrating. He's smart mouthed, sarcastic, cheeky and an asshole. Though, he is a good guy I guess. Always willing to help. He's a business man too. Most important thing to know about him though is his sex drive. It's fucking huge. He fucks most of the girls that spends time with him and even one of the boys. Only one he hasn't had dick in is me and and I think four other girls. That's more cause I'm busy working on guns and the such." Nico described. "Oh, wow." Cindy said. "What about the other girls?" She asked. "They don't really put out. They're more reserved and while Percy loves sex, he's a respectable guy. Won't push if you don't want him too." Cindy nodded.

"So, who's this Mikaela girl?" Nico asked. "Oh, a friend of mine that's new to Red Grave. She's only been here a few months, but since she knows a lot about cars and her and her dad had a motorcycle shop we get along well. The three of us might be good friends since we're all mechanics in a way." She said. Nico nodded, glad to have another girl that shared her interests and will be meeting another soon. "Wait, she's knew to Red Grave? How she feel about you having a crush on a fifteen year old?" Cindy shrugged. "She ignores my ranting most of the time. She might like him too though. He's pretty much a hero in Red Grave." Nico raised an eyebrow.

"Hero?" She asked. "Yea. The government kinda abandoned us when the demons started showing up more and more. Even went as far as taking us of the map. So when Percy showed up and started actively hunting them down and killing them we saw him as a hero." Nico nodded. "I always thought that demonic magic kept people away. That's what Percy said." Cindy laughed. "That's just because he's way more humble than he lets on." Cindy said. "Hey!" The two southern girls looked over to see a tan girl with black hair walking into the garage.

She was probably around Nico's height and wore a white tank top, blue denim shorts and a pair of brown cowgirl boots.

"How are we the southern ones and she's the only ones wearing Texas boots?" Nico asked and Cindy shrugged. "Hey, I'm Mikaela." She said holding a hand out to Nico. "Nico. Gunsmith." She introduced. "Oh, cool. Never met a gunsmith before." Cindy coughed into her hand. "Hey, I'm tryna meet Percy today. Let's get to work." Mikaela rolled her eyes, but gong down on the lithe roller thing and slid under the trailer while Cindy went back under the hood.

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