Chapter 6

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Third POV

"Huh, not supposed to be an trees around here." Nico said as she slowed down. "No?" Lady asked. "Nah. Supposed to be just a flatland." Percy grew interested at this. "Stop the van." He said. "Here?" Nico asked. "Where else?" The girl shrugged and stopped the van. Percy hopped out and looked around. "What is it?" Lady asked, sticking her head out the window. "If this is supposed to only be flatland then we're most likely dealing with a hell gate." The teen said.

"A what?" Nico asked. "A hell gate. A literal gate to hell. If it's fucking with the environment like this then only demons could use it. Specifically, whatever demon that opened it. Most likely a hell lord or something." Percy explained. "Woah. You know a lot about this." Nico praised. "I've dealt with it before. That's how I got my sword, Alastor." He said. "Ohh, Ohh. Can I see it?" Nico asked excitedly. Percy raised an eyebrow, but held out his hand. A few seconds later, a blue and silver blur flew out of the tree line and Percy snatched it out of the air.

It was a simple looking sword. A silver blade with a guard in the form of a dragon's head with wings. The hilt had a spiral pattern lead down to skulls for the pommel with a spike pointing out. Nico got out of her van and ran over. Her mouth was in a 'o' formation and her eyes were wide.

"Woah! This is a beauty." She whispered in amazement. "Really? I thought you'd like more futuristic stuff." He said. "I like cybernetics, but I also enjoy the classics." She smiled. "Hey, you called Kalina Ann old." Lady said, obviously offended. "That's cause the rocket launcher can and needs to be upgraded. This doesn't need anything." Percy laughed and put Alastor on his back, using magic to keep it there. "We should probably keep going on foot. Lady, come on. Give me your number so I can call you if we need you." Nico gave the boy her number and Percy and Lady continued on with their mission.

"You're a whore." She told him. "I know." He smirked. Suddenly his phone started ringing. He looked back at Nico to see her in the van smoking a cigarette and tinkering with something. He hummed and took out his phone. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey babe." Came the voice of Agnes. "Oh, hey. What's up?" Percy asked. "I'm signing the lease for the night club. What do you want to name it?" She asked. "The Dandy Demon." Was Percy's immediate answer. "Why that exactly?" Agnes asked, but put the name anyway. "Don't know. Just sounds fun." Percy said with a shrug. "Right. Well, the lease has been signed. You can start renovating when you get back." She said giving the guy the papers.

"Good. How's the shop?" Agnes stuck a strawberry sucker in her mouth. "Good. Lights are on and the plumbing's not a problem. It's a bit dusty though." She responded. "It always is. I'll be back in a few days at most." He said. "Get back soon daddy. I need a real dick. These damn customers can't do shit right." Agnes groaned in annoyance. "Someone sounds frustrated." Percy said with a devious smirk. "I haven't cum since you left. My body's aching." Percy chuckled deeply. Lady looked over. She had been ignoring the conversation, but that tone Percy was using wasn't a good sign for any female that could hear him. With that said, she walked faster as to not be affected.

"Ohh, poor baby." He said. Agnes, hearing his tone moaned, a hand going down into her panties. "Keep talking." She said. "Oh? Gonna try to get off with my voice? That's disgusting Agnes." Percy said. "I'm a nasty girl. Now keep talking babe." Agnes said as she put two fingers into her dripping snatch. "Nope! See ya when I get back." Percy said in a cherry voice and promptly hung up. "Fucking shit!" Agnes yelled in anger and sexual frustration. Percy shoved his phone back in his pocket and walked up to match Lady's speed. "You done?" She asked. "Yup." He said. "That was mean." Percy nodded. "Yup." He said popping the 'p' this time. "You're evil." Lady said.

"I am half demon." After that it was silent. They continued to walk and the trees continued to get thicker and thicker until they were walking in a full on forest. "Ugh, I did not dress appropriately for this." Lady said. "You look fine." Percy said. "I meant for mobility." Lady said. "Well, look at it like this. You're training. If you can fight in those clothes in this environment then you'll be a better demon hunter over all." She rolled her eyes, but had to agree. The two had eventually reached a large clearing. "If video games has taught me anything, this is definitely a fighting arena. Lady, look around for health packs and ammo. If you find a lot of it, get ready. We got a boss." Percy said. Lady looked at him and shook her head. "Dumbass." She mumbled.

Percy took Alastor off of his back and twirled. Lady pulled out a gun since she was also getting a bad feeling about this area. The two walked further into the clearing with caution. Well, mild curiosity in Percy's case. The duo surveyed their surroundings for a bit before two vines with large spikes flew at them from the tree line. Lady rolled out of the way while Percy simply side stepped the attack. He looked down at the tendril that was slowly being retracted to its owner. Percy and Lady looked at where the tentacle was being pulled back to and saw a plant based demon. Lady gagged while Percy simply looked intrigued. Its appearance honestly couldn't be explained.

It was taller than Percy and Lady a slight resemblance of human. It's chest was split open with thick tendrils falling out of it. Percy could only see one leg, but it wasn't being used. The tentacles were keeping him up and standing.

"Now that's a face only a mother could love." Percy laughed. "That's disgusting. Think this is a demon or is gonna be like that monster from the train." Lady asked pointing her gun. "Only one way to find out. Let's Rock Baby!"

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