Chapter 49

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Percy POV

I walked into the shop and instantly noticed that something was wrong. First of all, Valentina was here. That's wrong in itself. Second of all, she brought friends. That was wrong since they'd most likely be stuck up just like her. Third of all, they had poor Daisy waiting on them hand and foot. I sighed.

"I would say that's it's good to see you V, but seeing how you're treating your sister it's not." I said. "Well its about time you got back. We've been waiting for about thirty minutes now." The model said, ignoring my comment on Daisy. "These are my friends Brittany and Ashley." She said. Brittany is a tan woman with long blonde hair. Like Valentina she wore expensive clothes and high heels. She seemed like the 'hot girl' type. Not exactly stuck up like V, but her entire personality is her looks. Ashley was taller than Brittany, and bustier too. She was thicker in the hips and ass area too, but her waist was tiny.

Oddly enough she has a weird colored hair. It was pink a blue with the top being pink and the bottom being blue. Just by looking at her I could tell she was a bit of an airhead. She just has this dopey look in her eyes that says 'I'm slow'. I sighed and greeted the two.

"Hey Daisy." I said. "Hi Percy!" She smiled. "Where have you been?" I sat behind my desk and kicked my feet up. "Guarding this camp for a woman. Oh yea, we're gonna have a teenage apprentice coming in tomorrow." I said. "Oh, ok." Daisy nodded. "So, don't you have something better to do than be here Val?" I asked. "Nope. Fucking with you is a favorite pass time of mine and I can't do it if I'm not here." She smiled. "I hate you." I sighed. "Anyone seen Adrian?" I asked. "Nope." Daisy said and the rest of them shook their heads. Just then, my phone started ringing. I fished it out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked. "Hey, Percy. Gonna need some help." Marianne said on the other side. "Sure, what's wrong?" I heard something happen on her side. "Uh, ghost, demon thing problem. Uh, definitely not my forte." I hummed. "Alright, where are you?" I asked standing up. "A bar a few miles out of town. Might wanna hurry though. I heard someone call the cops." I groaned. "Damnit. Alright, I'm on my way." I said and left as quickly as I could.


When I got there, there was at least four guys dead. Marianne was standing outside her car with her hand up. I'm assuming she was using her medium powers to keep up a shield.

"Marianne! What's the situation?" I asked. "Teenage girl with some sort of spirit attached to her is going out of control. Apparently some pervs tried to rape her and the spirit defended her, but now it won't stop. It's killing anyone that gets two close." I nodded. "Ok then." 'Time to test out my ghost powers.' I thought and started walking forward. "Want me to come with?" Marianne asked. "Sure." She nodded and we both made our way into the bar.

Inside was a girl that looked about my age, maybe a tad bit older. She was shorter than me though. Seems like she was going through a goth phase too since it looked like Gwen from Total Drama and Sam Manson from Danny Phantom threw up all over her. What was next to her however was what interested me. It was a boy, probably her age with brown hair and her skin complexion. They also looked a lot a like. Well, I think I know why he's so protective. As we got closer the boy flew towards us to which Jodie made a barrier around herself and I teleported away.

"Hey, now! We're not here to hurt anyone!" I called at they guy. He looked at me and noticed that I was staring directly at him. His lips pulled back in a snarl and he flew at me again. I held my hand up and tried using my demigod powers to stop him and stop he did. For like two seconds before he broke free and flew at me. He managed to get his hands around my neck and start choking me. I could hear the the girl yelling in the background, but ignored it.

'Damnit, this is why I prefer demons. Much more simple.' I thought and sent out a pulse of demonic energy. I then used my powers to give me control over his soul. "Alright, let's try this again. I'm not gonna hurt your sister. I just want you to stop killing people, alright?! Just wanna talk." I said. The boy seemed to struggle a bit more, but eventually calmed down. "Brother, wait. No, I don't have a brother." The girl said. "Maybe not in life, but he's definitely your brother. Looks exactly like you and he's your age." I said. "But, how?" She asked. "Probably a still born twin or something." I shrugged.

"He hates me though." I shook my head. "He wouldn't keep you alive if he hated you. Letting you die probably means that he gets to move on to the afterlife so he want you dead. He loves you. Most likely you pushed him away when you were younger so he doesn't like you. It could also be that he's cursed to follow you around without a choice." I said.
"Anyway, what's your name?" I asked. "Jodie. I don't have a last name. He's Aiden. Wait, you can see him? I can't. Even when I could he was just a floating ball of light." Jodie said. I hummed. "Well, we can't stay here. Police are coming and I don't fuck with them." I held out my hand and she looked at it. "Wanna go to jail or do you wanna come with me?" She weighed her options and took my hand. "Good choice."

"Marianne, well see you back at the shop." I said and teleported away with Jodie.

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