Chapter 20

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Third POV

The trio had gotten to the ride and was now standing where you would to get on. There was a little boat, made to fit two people sitting in a dried up lake thing that would lead into the actual experience of the ride. Inside the boat was two things, a bronze shield and a pink scarf that seemed to be oozing love magic.

"Alright, there's the shield. Stay here, I'll go down and get it." Percy said. "Wait, it's most likely a trap. Gods tend to send demigods to do something that they don't want to do." Annabeth warned. "I doubt any trap they have can hurt me." He said and started making his way down. Percy got to the boat and picked up the shield. He heard a wire snap and a bunch of whirring and clicking. "Percy, get out of there." Annabeth said, but he stayed put. He wanted to see where this was going. The Cupid statues turned towards him and flashed bright light.

"Tuning into Hephaestus TV in 50 seconds." An automated voice said. Tiny spiders then flew out of little openings in the floor and surrounding Percy in a net. "Really? This is what he was scared of?" He asked himself. Percy just turned into neon light and went back to the girls. "If gods are scared of things like that, they really need to reevaluate their godly status." I said. "How'd you do that?" Annabeth asked. "Demonic power." Percy replied. "Right. Should've guessed that." She stated. "Don't know why you didn't." Percy smiled and climbed down.

"Not it!" He yelled. "Damnit!" Trish yelled. "You're gonna have to carry me again, aren't you?" Annabeth asked. "Yup." The demigod sighed. "Fine." She said. The three made it back to the diner where Ares was waiting with a scowl on his face. "That's what you were scared of? Really? A few tiny spiders?" Percy asked. "Here's you're shield." He tossed the bronze disk to the god who caught and it turned into a bulletproof vest that he slung over his shoulder. "You ruined my fun brat." Percy raised an eyebrow. "How? By not getting caught in your trap?" Percy smirked. Ares just grunted. "There's you're ride west." He said jabbing his thumb at a truck.

"Kindness International?" Trish asked. "Yup." Ares said and snapped his fingers. The door to the back of the truck unlocked and the god held out a back pack to the kids. "Since I'm nice, here's some supplies." He smirked. "Nah, we're good." Percy said. Again, Annabeth looked like she wanted to argue, but decided against it. Ares shrugged then disappeared along with his bike in a flash of red light. "One of these days you're gonna die, because of your disrespect of the gods." She said. "Let's just go." Percy said and the three snuck behind the truck and opened the door. "Oh for the love of Satan." Percy groaned seeing the horrible state that the animals were in. There was an albino lion, an antelope and a zebra.

"Damnit." Percy muttered and summoned a katana to his hand. "What are you doing?" Annabeth asked. She was ignored as Percy sliced at the air, creating two crossing cuts in space and time. The cuts opened up to reveal a portal leading into a dark void. "Alright animals. This portal will take you home. Get outta here." He said and cut the ropes holding them. Somehow the animals understood him and hopped out of the truck. They nuzzled against the demon before jumping through the portal. "Should I ask why you didn't do that before?" Annabeth asked. "Nope. I call shotgun and Trish is driving since she looks the oldest." The Nephilim smirked.

"What? That's not fair." Annabeth argued. "I mean, you could sit on my lap." Percy offered. "Eww, no. Perv." She insulted. Percy shrugged. "Meh." He said and hopped into the passenger seat. Annabeth looked between the dirty bed of the truck and the passenger seat, where a demon's... parts were probably gonna poke her in the butt. So, she has a choice. Dirt, a horrible smell, dust and most likely moldy food or get poked in the butt. She sighed. She might be a warrior, but she's still a girl and dirt is disgusting. She sighed and climbed into the passenger seat with Percy. "Oh? Well hello." He said.

"Don't take this the wrong way, I just don't like being dirty if I have the choice. I swear, if I feel something poking me I'm going to stab you." She threatened, but Percy didn't seem worried. "No problem." He said and wrapped his arms around her waist. Annabeth blushed and looked back. "You do remember that this is her first time driving, right?" The demigod huffed and sat back. "Ohh, lemon scented." Percy purred. She punched him in the thigh. "Stop sniffing my hair, creep." Percy chuckled. "Kinda hard not to when it's in my face." Percy said.

'This is gonna be a long drive.' Annabeth thought as Trish pulled off.


"I honestly expected worse." Annabeth said as she climbed out of the truck. "Oh come on, I have more self control than that Annabeth." Percy said. "Apparently you do and I applaud that." The son of Hades rolled his eyes. "Here we are. Santa Monica Beach." Trish said as she looked out at the sand and water. "I'm gonna go down. You guys stay here." He said as he walked across the beach and stepped into the water. Just as his head went under the tide swept him away. He couldn't see or hear what was happening or where he was going, but it was kinda fun. He didn't dare open his mouth though. Didn't want to drown. After about five minutes of this Percy was dropped on his face in a large room.

"Rise child." Percy got up and looked around. "I have temporarily allowed you to breathe in my domain." Percy released his breath and shook his shoulders. "Nice trick. Dropping me in a kneeling position like that. You know how I am, don't you?" Percy asked. The god smirked crookedly. "Guilty as charged." He said. "Alright. As fun as you seem, I have a question." Percy said. "You have a question?" He got a nod in return. "You're obviously Poseidon. So here's my main question, what exactly do you think I stole?" Poseidon raised an eyebrow. "What do I think you stole?" Poseidon asked. "Yea, cause I'm confused." Percy shrugged.

"We don't think you stole anything. We know, you stole father's Trident and you shall return it or we will have your head." Percy turned around and saw a male with the bottom half of a fish. "At ease Triton." Poseidon said. "The boy seems genuinely confused." Triton's scowl deepened. "He lies father. You are simply to nice to see it." The merman held up his trident. "Return what you have stolen and your punishment will be lenient." Percy simply summoned Rebellion to his hand. "I'm gonna ask you to put your weapon down so we can talk like adults." He said. Triton went to attack, but Poseidon appeared between the two and grabbed Triton's arm.

"Enough!" He bellowed. Triton cringed back, but Percy simply stood there. "Leave us Triton." The son of the sea glared at Percy before swimming away. "Well that was eventful." Percy joked. The sea god sighed and sat down in his throne. "Apologies. Triton has always been impulsive." Percy waved him off and put Rebellion on his back. "Don't sweat it. Now, what's this about a stolen Trident?"

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