Chapter 36

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Third POV

Percy stretched and yawned as he walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. He brushed his teeth, took a shower and got dressed. After he got dressed he picked up his cell phone and called Jackie.

"Hello?" Came the tired voice of the mob boss. "Sup. Got a busy day later today, how about we go buy some cars and check out my nightclub, go to the strip joint. You know, just do random shit before you go home." Percy offered. "Will there be booze and cigars?" He asked. "That's a stupid question, why wouldn't there be booze and cigars?" Jackie laughed. "You speak my language. I'll be ready in twenty." He said and the two hung up. He then called Cindy. "Hey, I'm going to buy a car or three. Figured you'd want to be there to help out." He said. "Really?! Yea, I wanna be there. I'll be there in ten minutes!" She then hung up to get ready. Percy chuckled and walked down stairs where shockingly he saw Valentina.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "Waiting for something interesting to happen. Where are you going?" She asked. "Buy a few cars, strip club, regular club. Maybe some other stuff." He said. The blue haired girl nodded. "Well?" She asked after a bit. "What?" Valentina scoffed. "Aren't you going to invite me?" She asked. "Didn't plan on it. We'll be in a cab for the first two rides and I'm going with two other people." Val apparently didn't care. "I'm going. You can't hope to spend a lot of money without me. Your poor mindset wouldn't know what to buy." Percy sighed, but called a cab. He knew this was going to be an experience.


About ten minutes later Cindy walked through the doors with mostly her normal hat, goggles and boots on, but this time she was wearing a black and gold shiny jacket. Valentina took one look at her and smirked.

"Did you need to order a hooker Percy? We both know you have much, safer options." She sneered. "Oi, would you shut up Val." The boy snapped at her. "Don't mind her Cindy, she's just a natural bitch." He said to the flushed blonde. "If you must know, she's my mechanic. She'll be helping me pick out cars." Tina snorted, but said nothing. "Anyway, come on. The cab will be here any minute."

Another TimeSkip

After picking up Jackie the four went to a car dealership. Right now they were looking around for any cars that they might like. Jackie was in the more expensive section while Percy and Cindy were looking at the more simple cars. Val was off doing her own thing.

"Hey, Percy. What about this one?" Cindy asked. Percy looked over and was indeed impressed. "Nice. What is it?" He asked. "1976 Camaro. It's a classic and a good starting point for a car collection." Cindy stated. Percy looked at the car. It was primarily yellow and had black stripes that started on the hood of the car and continued on the trunk. "Hmm, I like it. Let's go with this one." He smiled. She smiled back and nodded. They spent a few more hours looking around and buying cars. Once they had a few cars each they left the dealer ship using one of the cars Percy bought. They decided to leave in a red Mercedes-Benz.

After that they drove to a liquor store and bought a few bottles of bourbon, scotch, vodka and a case of wine coolers for Cindy. They then went to a nice Cuban place and got some of the best cigars in Red Grave. Once they all had a lit cigar and glass of whatever alcohol they opened they smiled.

"Alright, Dandy Demon or somewhere else?" Percy asked. "I'm in for a bit of clubbing. Girls?" Jackie asked. Valentina sighed. "Fine. Let's see what this filthy cesspool you decided to open is like." She said. "I hate you." Percy told her. "Cindy, you up for it?" The blonde looked nervous. "I've never been to a club before. What's it like?" She asked. "Loud." Jackie said. "Bright and dark at the same time." Percy supplied. "There's a bunch of guys humping your ass trying to either nut in their pants, on your pants or nut in you by the end of the night." Val said.

"Uh, that last part doesn't sound too fun." She said. "Don't let that deter you. I'll be there." She nodded. "Alright. Let's do it." She said. "Alright." Percy said and drove to his club. When they got there and got out. Standing outside the door was a tall woman with bulging muscles, white hair that was pulled up in a ponytail and red eyes. She wore a dark blue suit with a white button up shirt. "Noi, how are ya?" Percy asked. "Good. Peaceful night boss. How's it going?" The woman asked. "Good. This is Jackie, Cindy and Valentina." He introduced. "Nice to meet all of you." Noi smiled. "Come on in and have fun."

The four walked in and just as they said, it was loud, really dark with random colored lights flashing and guys bumping and grinding their dicks on girls asses. "Stick close to me." Percy whispered in Cindy's ear. She blushed and nodded. "Good, now follow my lead." He said and wrapped an arm around her waist. He started bobbing his head to the music with her doing the same. He then started moving his body. It took a while, but the southerner got it down. Well mostly, she has a bit of a rhythm problem that Percy couldn't help, but chuckle at.

"Sorry. I'm more made for line dancing and that stuff." She said shyly. "Don't worry about it. You're doing great." He said and moved her in front of him. He had his hands on her hips, guiding them and helping her sway from side to side. Percy stayed close to her, pressing up against her body. "M' I doing this right?" She asked. Percy simply hummed his approval and started kissing her shoulder and neck. Cindy gasped and her blushed deepened. The two continued dancing while Jackie and Valentina watched from bar. "He's totally gonna fuck her." The monster said with a smile of pride. Tina looked at him.

"Are you really proud of that traumatized mess of a whore?" She asked. "Yup." He smiled and took a drink. Back on the dance floor Cindy hand turned around and started making out with Percy as best as she could. Considering her profession and how she grew up, Cindy never had been looked at as date material. Percy planned on changing that though. Yea, Cindy was in for a ride.

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