Chapter 46

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Third POV

The next day Percy sat in his chair in Devil May Cry while Hange was taking blood from his arm. She was filling up a pretty big syringe, but Percy wasn't worried. As long as it wasn't being used for harmful purposes he had no problem with it. Once she was done she put a droplet of it on one of those glass things and looked at it under a microscope.

"Hmmm, that's odd." She said. "What?" Percy asked. "From how quickly you heal I'd expect that you're cells are constantly regenerating." She answered. "Oh, yea. I only heal when I'm in injured in anyway, shape or form. I'm not constantly healing when I don't need to." Percy said. "Fascinating. That's probably why you're able to age regularly. If you healed constantly you wouldn't be able to physically age since your healing would keep you younger." Hange started mumbling about random things. Percy simply watched them with an amused look on his face.

"So, any other experiments you wanna run?" Percy asked. "Hmm? No, nothing I can do right now." She shook her head. "Well then, how about our first date?" Percy smirked. Hange looked back, face red. "Uh, sure. A deals a deal I guess." She said. "Great. Let's go."

At the Camp

Thalia watched as Percy texted vigorously. Responding to multiple people. He looked oddly cute while focusing which is something he rarely ever did. Percy was a very laidback person and never really stressed over anything in life. He was perfectly happy with where he was in life even if he had a fairly negative outlook when it came to the human race. Thalia looked around at the campers she'd be protecting for the summer, well she'll be helping Percy protect them. A wide assortment of characters here. For some reason there was mostly girls though.

Amy, the head councilor was telling them of what they'd be doing this summer. The teens were forced to listen since Amy had taken all of their phones and other things like PSPs, gameboys and other hand held things. Alexis was sitting next to Percy, paying attention to the lady. Thalia wasn't, she wouldn't be forced to participate so it didn't matter to her.

"Hey." The punk girl looked over. It was a blonde girl. Well, she thought it was a girl. They had long hair and tan skin. "Yea?" Thalia asked. "That your boyfriend?" They asked nodding to Percy. "Uh, no. He's my cousin." Thalia said. "Cool, can you help a guy out? Put in a good word?" Thalia blinked. "Guy?" She asked. "Yep, born a guy. Still a guy." Thalia still couldn't really comprehend what she was hearing. "What? Never seen a trap?" The daughter of Zeus shook her head. "Huh, well I guess that's understandable. We're not very common." The boy said.

"I'm Jade." He stuck out a hand. "Thalia." She said and shook the blondes hand. "Alright! That end the welcome so you can now go off and explore the camp. Just be sure to come back for dinner." Everyone got up and left to do their own thing. "Come on Lia. Let's go patrol for demons. You good Alexis?" The boy nodded. "Yea, I'm just gonna hang with my sister." He said. "Yo! Can I tag along with you? It'll be cool to know another trap. Other than my brother." Alexis looked surprised, but nodded.

"Nice. I'm Jade." The blonde smiled. They shook hands and walked towards Pelo who was going towards the lake with a short brunette girl. "So, what are we looking for?" Thalia asked. "Any demons stupid enough to come up from the depths of hell. She nodded and followed him into the woods.

With Percy and Hange

Hange smiled with pure excitement as they picked up the claw of a Riot.

"Fascinating! Demons disintegrate just like Titans." He said. "Do they?" Percy asked. "Well, not exactly. There are some things left behind like claws and teeth. Can I keep this?" Hange asked. "Sure. Ya know, when I said a date I assumed you'd enjoy a place to eat or something." Percy said. "I'm special." Hanji smiled. "Guess so, I'm not complaining though. Whatever floats your boat. Personally, killing demons is one of my favorite pastimes." Percy said shooting a Fury in the face. "What's the others?" Hange asked. "Drinking, watching tv. Sex." Percy shrugged. "Huh, ok then." Hange nodded then gasped. "What is that beautiful creature?!" He exclaimed. Percy looked over.

"A Chaos." He said simply. The demons curled in on itself and started rolling towards them at high speeds. 'Huh, reminds me of Levi.' Hange thought before being pulled out of the way. "You might be able to dodge titans, but demons are a different story. Might wanna be a bit more careful." Percy said. "Uh. Right. Hey, think you can get me one of those scales?" Hanji asked. "Depends, can I get a kiss?" Percy smiled. "Afterwards, sure." She nodded. Percy rolled his eyes and used the Rebellion to bat the Chaos away. He slowly walked towards the demon and got to fighting.

It was only slightly annoying since the beast seemed to invincible as long as it's spikes were there. He managed to knock off all of the 'scales' and kill it. Hanji quickly picked up one of the spikes and looked at it. "It feels so weird! I have to study it!" He exclaimed. "Well, since there's no more demons, I'm gonna say this concludes our date." Percy said. Hange ran over and gave him a kiss. "See ya later!" He said running off with her 'prizes'. Percy chuckled. "I like their energy." He mumbled and walked away.

Back with Thalia and Percy

Percy sat with the rest of the camp eating dinner. Thalia sat to his right Jade was on his left. Next to Jade was Alexis who was talking with his sister quietly. Percy and Jade were flirting lightly with each other, but other than that nothing was happening. Dinner ended and everyone went to bed for the night.

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