Chapter 69

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Percy POV

I followed the woman into her house and she lead me to her couch.

"I'm Amber, what's your name hun?" She asked. "Percy." I said. "That short for something?" She asked. "Perseus. Ya know, the Greek hero?" She nodded. "Yea, I know him. It means destructive or something, right?" She asked. "It specifically means 'To Destroy', but yea basically." I said. "So, you gonna destroy this pussy or what?" She batted her eyelashes. "Isn't that what you wanted me for?" Percy smirked. Amber smirked back and pulled him into a sloppy kiss. Not sloppy as in bad, but sloppy as in messy. Her mouth was full of saliva and she tried to pour as much of it into Percy's mouth.

Percy, using his strength picked the woman up and put her on his lap. Amber pulled back and smiled.

"Woah, didn't think you'd be able to pick me up." She said. "I'm surprisingly strong." He said and went back to kissing her. Amber started grinding on his lap, her huge ass rubbing on his clothes cock. "Fuck, you feel huge." Amber moaned. "Take it out and get a good look." Percy smirked. Amber slid off of his lap and onto the floor. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled out Percy's dick. The woman licked her lips and wasted no time shoving it down her throat. If Percy wasn't so used to blowjobs he would've jumped from the sudden feeling.

Amber slurped loudly and messily on his dick, she was giving him the definition of sloppy toppy. Percy didn't even have to help her, she was deep throating him on her own perfectly. Percy leaned his head back and his eyes rolled back. Amber was a throat goddess. She the pulled off his dick with a smile. She then took her shorts and panties off while untying her shirt. Her large breasts flopped out and rested on her belly. Percy was used to perfectly formed women so when he sat the saggy breasts and cellulite on her thighs and ass, he had to admit that it was refreshing.

"How strong are you?" She asked saucily. "Strong enough." He said. "To pick me up and make me squeal like the pigs we got in the barn?" Amber asked and Percy stood. He removed his clothes and picked the woman up under her thighs. "Yes, yes I am." He smiled and Amber smiled back, guided his dick into her dripping pussy. Percy slowly lowers her down on his dick, but Amber was way too horny for that shit. "Just fuck me." She said. "I can take it." Percy chuckled and thought.  'No, no you can't.' Despite his thoughts he did as she asked and started pounding her pussy. Amber yelled out in pleasure.

Her giant ass clapped on his thighs which caused it to ripple like a pond once a rock has been thrown in. Percy started sucking on her neck causing Amber to let out a throaty moan. Her pussy clamped on Percy's dick, but he didn't stop. Percy hammered her pussy through orgasm, making her squirt all over his stomach and waist. Percy came soon after, filling her with his seed. He dropped her on the couch with a smirk.

"Got any more rounds left in you?" He asked. Amber smirked back. "Give me a fucking baby." She replied. Percy smiled and held her legs up, pushing her tits together and making her stomach stand out more. He slipped himself back into her snatch and started to give her long, yet hard strokes. He pulled out until only the tip of his head was left inside only to slam back in making her fat ripple. Percy didn't notice until now, but Amber apparently didn't shave and had a small bush of curly red hair above her slit.

Percy, who was cleanly shaven couldn't help the little chuckle that escaped him when her pubes tickled his pelvis. He didn't let that deter him though as he kept smacking away at her crotch. Hooking his arms under her knees, Percy leaned in closer and captured her mouth in a kiss. The two fought each other for control over the other's mouth as Percy grinded his dick into her flesh walls. Amber groaned into Percy's mouth and Percy lightly but her lip.

Amber came again and Percy pulled out of her. He didn't wait and stepped on to the couch. He placed his dick in her mouth and thrusted into her throat. Amber, while taking a bit to adjust, wrapped her arms around his waist and held him in place. Percy felt her throat muscles and tongue work and massage his cock. Her brown eyes started into his black ones sensually. Percy felt his balls tighten and didn't even bother to warn her before his dick shot his sperm straight into her mouth. Amber choked in shock, but continued to hold him there and made sure to swallow as much as she could. She released his hip and Percy pulled back before hopping down to the floor.

"Hands and knees." Percy commanded and Amber obeyed. He kneeled behind her and pushed back into her messy and abused cunt. He grabbed her arms as handholds and started fucking her fast and hard. "Come on pig, squeal for me." He smirked and put her arms behind her back and gripping one of  her ass cheeks. Amber either didn't hear him or ignored him in her pleasure haze and continued to moan loudly. Releasing her arms completely, Percy spread her cheeks and saw her asshole winking at him.

With a smile he pushed his thumb into her sphincter. This would cause her to squeal and stick her tongue out. Percy used his other hand to reach up and place two fingers in her mouth while he kept fucking the chubby woman. At this point, Percy was grunting as he put a good amount of strength into his thrusts. The living room was full of a constant clapping sound accompanied by shrill moans and deep grunts. Percy grabbed Amber by the neck with both hands and started fucking her harder and faster until he came so hard Amber's uterus stung from how hard the first shot hit.

"OHHH FUCK!!!~" Amber yelled. Her face was an absolute mess. Tears streamed down her cheeks, slob spilled out of her mouth, snot ran down her lip and her hair was matted with sweat. Percy dropped woman and she slumped down panting and huffing and puffing. "Fuck. I've never fucked a woman as big as you. That was fucking amazing." He said and blew out a breath. " my mom." She said in between pants. "That is a big beautiful woman." Amber said. "Damn, I'm definitely pregnant now." She said and slowly and shakily pushed herself to her knees. "Damn, if I wasn't busy I'd wait for her to get back." Percy said.

"Oh, right. You can look around for that symbol. I'm tired." Percy nodded, redressed and started searching for Daedalus' labyrinth symbol. He found it in the kitchen and walked back to Amber. "Found it. I'll be going now. Ever need a good time, here." He said and placed a napkin with his number on it. "Call me."

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