Chapter 56

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Percy currently looks like this.

Third POV

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Third POV

Percy stood at a locker in the locker room of Beacon. He was getting ready for the entrance exam just like everyone else. Ruby and Yang were next to him talking, but Percy was paying much attention. He didn't exactly care about whatever they were saying.

"Right Percy?" He looked over in confusion. "Huh?" He asked. "You'd be happy to be on my team, right?" Ruby asked. "Oh, sure. You seem like cool kid. If only childish." He shrugged. Percy cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants with black boots. He also had his mother's necklace around his neck. It's a simple silver chain with an obsidian stone. He grabbed his large sword, Rebellion and attached it to his back with magic and pulled Ebony and Ivory out of the locker and put them in their holsters. "See! Percy wants to be on a team with me!" Ruby exclaimed.

"I never said that I didn't want to be on a team with you. I just said that it would be best if you weren't. You need to get used to other people." Yang said. "She's right, Ruby." Percy said. "Branching out is a good thing. Friends could be of use later on or just good to have." He said. "See! Percy also agrees with me." Yang gloated. "All students, please make your way to the cliff just outside of Beacon." They heard over the PA system. Just as they were about to go, a blonde guy flew past them with a red and gold spear in his hood. He landed against the wall with a thud and a groan. A red head that Percy had to admit, was absolutely gorgeous walked by and snatched the spear out with a sorry.

'Damn. How did she get an ass like that? Wonder if she's single.' He thought. "Trouble in paradise?" Yang asked the boy who just moaned in disappointment. "Don't worry, you'll get her eventually." She said and they all left. Ozpin had all the potential students standing on gray plates as he gave them a speech that Percy didn't listen to. He was going over business things that he would have to do when he got back, the potential of heroes popping up in Red Grave and who might be a good business partner in this place. 'Ozpin might be a good ally, but he's too much of a liar and he hides too much. Hmm, I need to know more people." He thought and suddenly he was flying through the air.

"Huh? What happened?" He asked. "Ahh, shit. See kids, this is what happens when you don't listen." He said looking at the camera and flew into the forest. He landed on his feet without a scratch and checked himself over to see if he needed to dust anything off. Once he found nothing he started running in a random direction hoping to find someone that knew what they were supposed to be doing. As he ran, he killed any grimm that came his way easily. A simple sword swipe and they were dust. He ran until he almost bumped into something or rather, someone.

Scene Changing cause I can't come up with team mates

Percy sat in his chair looking a papers and signing things. He sighed in annoyance, much rather being in the position of his counterpart that was currently in Vale. Paperwork is a curse that no one should have to bear. He was currently going through the applications for the kids restaurant he was opening while also trying to see if there was any other businesses that he could start working on. Funny enough, Adrian had put his cousin's application in the stack. It was awkward since Percy barely even remembered the feminine boy. As he was looking through things Tifa walked in with an envelope in her hand.

"Hey Tif, how's it going?" He greeted. "Hey. I finally managed to get your cut out of the last time the bar was open." She said. "Thanks." Tifa handed Percy his money and sat down in front of him. "What're doing?" She asked. "Going through applications for the new pizzeria." He sighed. "A pizzeria? You work fast." Percy snorted. "Yea, sometimes a bit too fast. It's not even tiring, just boring." Tifa nodded. "Hey, think you can help me with something?" Percy nodded. "Sure, what do you need?" He offered. "My friend, Cloud is a mercenary and is in need of some money. Think you can give her a few jobs to get her started?" Tifa asked. "Sure, I got a few jobs backed up. She can take those." He said and reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a few papers.

"Woah, thanks." Tifa smiled. "No problem." Percy said and waved her off. "Um, I actually have another question." Percy motioned for her to continue. "Does every girl you meet eventually end up having sex with you?" Percy gave her an odd look. "No. There's a multitude of girls I've met haven't had sex with." He said. "Why?" Tifa blushed and looked down. "Well, I just wanted to see what was good about you." She said quietly, but Percy heard her. He raised an eyebrow. "Really?" He asked. Tifa nodded. "All the girls are constantly going on about how good you are and I guess my curiosity got the best of me. Now I'm here." She shrugged. Percy chuckled. "You sure about this?" He asked. Tifa nodded and Percy smiled. Naturally, he agreed and they went to his room.


After helping Tifa see a completely different world, Percy sat at his desk, doing paperwork once again. He took a deep breath, marking certain applications for an interview and marking other to remind him to look further into them. Some he marked to call to let them know that he wouldn't even consider them. I course, that's not what he was going to say, but of course he wouldn't say anything. Agnes was.

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