Chapter 66

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Third POV

Percy stood in front of Ryuko Matoi, the girl looking at him in confusion. Her best friend, Mako sat there, eating her food. She was completely unbothered by the boy's appearance which kind of confused him, but he said nothing. She wasn't his target. The other girl was.

"Uh, can I help you?" Ryuko asked. "You Ryuko, Eh? Cute." He smiled making Ryuko blush. "Hey, I asked you a question now answer it damnit!" She screamed in embarrassment. Percy smiled. "I have an offer." He shrugged. "Well, what the hell is it?!" Percy smiled. "Be my entertainment. If you can sufficiently entertain me for ten minutes." Percy paused to trade the last drag from his cigarette before throwing it away. "I'll tell you who killed your father." Ryuko froze. "What. You-you know?" She asked. "Not exactly, but I can use my powers to find out." He said. Ryuko grit her teeth and pulled the pin of her glove.

Percy smiled, not just at the somewhat strip show he just got, but also at the power coming off of the girl. A red scissor themed sword was held in her right hand. Percy smiled wider and pulled out Rebellion.

"Well, let's start." He said and in a second Percy was in front of her. He brother the broadsword down in an over head that was blocked by the overly sexual girl. A crater formed under her heels from the strength of Percy's blow, but he didn't stop. With a kick she was sent flying into the massive walls that surrounded the academy. Percy waited for her to come at him this time, just twisting rebellion on the ground making an annoying grinding sound. Ryuko pushed herself out of the wall and blasted off towards Percy. With a smile, he side stepped the sword slash and ducked when she tried to kick him.

"Oh come on! That's all?! You wanna know who kills your dad, right?! Fight me like you mean it! Try to kill me!" Percy exclaimed. With a roar, Ryuko's anger grew and she swung at his neck. Percy batted the sword away and punched her in the face. He then put Rebellion in a reverse grip and used the butt of the sword to break her nose. "Fight harder!" He screamed and kicked her away again. This time, he went after her. Ryuko managed to right herself in midair and block the sword coming at her. Ryuko pushed out of the sword lock and started swinging wildly, anger blinding her judgement.

Percy rolled his eyes and backhanded her. A tooth came flying out of her mouth and she rolled into a wall.

"Keep your anger in check. I wanna fight, not a death battle." He said. She slowly got up and glared at him. "Just tell me." She ground out and Percy scoffed. "You think things in the world is free? Ha!" He laughed. "Nothing is free. Pain is the price for pleasure and hard work is the price for an easy life. You want something? Work for it. Now show me just how hard you're willing to work." Percy said bringing out Yamato and getting into a stance. Ryuko stayed back and thought about her next plan of attack. He smiled, she seemed to be talking to her uniform.

'Good. Plan. Strength is only matched by intelligence and innovativeness.' He thought. After a bit, Ryuko flew at him with her scissor blade gripped in her hands. With a smirk, Percy parried the attack and thrusted at her chest. Ryuko spun around it and swung at his neck again. Percy ducked under it and tried to roundhouse kick her. Ryuko jumped back, but shot right back at him. 'Ohh, anime protagonist syndrome. Ok then.' Percy thought and started swinging at her. Planned, precise and perfect strikes that Ryuko managed to block and dodge most of.

"Impressive!" Percy exclaimed with a smile. "Two minutes left!" He yelled and that spurred Ryuko to fight harder. The two clashed over and over again, creating shockwaves with each sword strike. Once the two minutes were up, Percy finished the fight by knocking the blade out Ryuko's hand and grabbing her throat. He chuckled as she struggled to get away. He pulled her close and whispered in her ear. "Ask your sister who Nui, is." He said. "S-sister?" Ryuko managed out. "Of course, both of you are stubborn, you bother have a god complex in your own way and you have the same eyes. It should be easy to tell." He said and dropped her. "If you still need help."

Percy used Yamato to slice open a portal.

"Just look at the least expected person." He said walked through as the portal closed. Ryuko leaned her head up before dropping it and passing out.

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