Chapter 50

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Third POV

Percy groaned in pleasure and Evanne bobbed her head up and down on his dick. He had his hand threaded in her long hair, helping her take more with each dip of her head. Agnes sat on the desk, watching the whole ordeal and silently judging the girls technique. Considering Percy was enjoying himself, she couldn't have been doing too bad which she wasn't. Agnes' phone rang so she dug it out of her cleavage and answered it. With a sigh she got up.

"Gotta go Percy, business at the club." He just nodded and Agnes left. A few minutes later Percy tapped Eva's cheek to warn her that he was gonna cum. Without pulling off, she nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Percy came in her mouth and filled up her cheeks. Eva groaned from the taste, surprised by how good his semen was. Once she knew he was done she pulled off and swallowed the rest of Percy's cum. "Sheesh, has it been a while?" Eva asked. "Actually yes, it has. Bend over the table." Evanne stood up and pulled down her pants and panties.

"You don't wanna take off your shirt?" He asked. "You want me too? I mean I'm comfortable with my body, but I didn't think you would be." Percy smirked and pulled her shirt off. "Don't worry about that, I wouldn't be fucking you if I didn't like it." He said and kissed her. He then bent her over the desk and slid himself into her soaked pussy. Luckily she wasn't a virgin. Percy grabbed her by the ass and started pounding into her, making the desk creek and Eva moan. Percy smiled, loving how his fingers sunk into the fat of her ass. Eva grabbed the edge of the desk, her teeth clenched and eyes screwed shut.

Had guys always been this good and it had just been a while? Was she actually really sensitive or was this boy that's younger than her actually this fucking good? Eva didn't know what was going on, but got damn did she love every minute of it. Her body felt like liquid nitrogen was flowing through her veins, but everything else was burning in the pits of hell. If this was her first time she would think she was peeing with how much she was cumming. Her vision was blurry and even her own moans sounded different to her. Percy noticed this and grinned cockily.

This was always the effect he had on people when he first had sex with them. He was mesmerized by how pliable her ass was. With every thrust it rippled like a pond after you threw a rock into it. Percy had never been able to curl his fingers into the top of someone's ass and pull them back and he was loving the change. It just made him fuck her harder. The clapping sound her ass made when it hit his hips and even when the cheeks clapped together only made it better. Getting an idea Percy smirked. He let go of her ass meat and grabbed her arms to pull her up. One arm wrapped around her body, just under her fat tits to lift them up and the other went downwards. Not to rub her clit, no he grabbed her stomach and squeezed lightly. Eva's eyes widened when he did this, but widened even further when he seemed to go even harder and faster.

"Fuck, how can a stomach be so fucking sexy?" He mumbled in to her neck. He used his thumb to caress her chub and curl his fingers into it. Eva blushed, not used to guys liking her stomach. Percy started kissing, licking and biting at her neck and shoulder to make as many hickeys as he could. Percy's left hand reached up and gripped one of her titties. His middle finger swirling around her nipple and even pressing it in. His right hand was still tightly gripping and massaging her stomach and Eva didn't know why, but she was loving it.

"Grab my stomach with your other hand." She moaned. "Play with it." Percy happily obliged. His other hand went down and gripped her belly as well then he started using both both hands to squish it, loving the way his fingers sunk in. He squeezed the sides of her stomach, pushing it together and jiggling it. Eva groaned and whined in pleasure, her pussy clenching and getting wetter. Percy's dick got harder and started twitching, from what Eva could feel it even got bigger. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum so fucking hard!" Eva screamed.

"Then cum, just let it all out." Percy smiled. "You're gonna cum too, right? You're gonna cum in my pussy?" She asked. Percy just nodded into the crook of her neck. "Fuck yes, fill me up." With that Percy's grip on her chubby stomach tightened and he slammed into her, making her ass clap one more time before cumming so hard it was only rivaled by his first orgasm. Eva screamed as Percy's seed shot into her so fast it actually hurt when it made impact with her womb. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it it just made her climax even harder.

Eva's legs turned to jelly and if Percy hadn't been holding her she would've dropped. Eva couldn't feel it, but her legs were shaking like she was having a seizure. Percy held her in place though, letting her rid out her orgasm. When she was finally done and had calmed down, Percy sat down in his chair and let her rest in his lap. Both were panting, which was odd for Percy since he could go for days and still have energy.

"That was the best sex I've ever fucking had." Eva panted tiredly. Percy nodded. "Yea, I haven't cum that hard since my first time and I've had a lot of sex." He chuckled. He waited for a response, but got nothing. That's when he noticed that Evanne had fallen asleep. He chuckled again and stood up with her in his arms. Their mixed juices spilled out of her, but he didn't care. Percy carried her up to his room and laid her on the bed. He would've laid with her, but he unfortunately had business to take care of so he wrote a note, took a shower and left.

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