Chapter 44

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Percy POV

"This place is filthy."

'Uh-oh. We gotta a neat freak.' Was my first thought. Three people walked into the shop dressed in odd clothes, kinda reminded me of an army of sorts. "Hello there." I said. "Good morning." The middle man said. He was was tall and muscular with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Um, May I ask where a Perseus Jackson is?" The man asked. "I swear." I muttered and rubbed my eyebrow. Thalia laughed causing me to glare at her. "Shut it. Anyway, you're looking at him. My name is Perseus Jackson, but please. Just call me Percy." I said. "You're the demon hunter we've heard so much about?" The other man asked rhetorically. He was much shorter, probably an inch or two under me and had a blank face with dead eyes.

"Yes, yes I am." I said. "I find that hard to believe." He deadpanned. "I don't really care. You came to me for, uh. The hell did you want?" I asked myself looking at the notes I took of them. "Help with funding and fight against the Titans?" Thalia looked up, but I gave her a look and she slowly went back to whatever she was doing. "Ahem, yes. I'm surprised you're the guy we're looking for. How old are you?" The woman asked. "15, what's you're name?" I asked. "Hange Zoe." She smiled. "The scientist of the Survey Corps." She said. "Speaking of science, can I have a blood sample?" She asked. "Hange, not now."

"Sorry about them, I also apologize for not knowing." I waved Erwin off. "It's fine. Not many people expect a teenager when they come here. Especially when they're not from Red Grave." I said. "As for the blood sample, no. Sorry, but I can't risk my blood getting into the wrong hands. Very dangerous." I said. "Aww, please! I'll take good care of it." She begged. "Shut it shitty glasses." The short man scolded. "Both of you, quiet. Ahem, you were correct. We're here, because our funds have run low thanks to the government of Paradis pulling out. We've been all but banished. In order to continue our fight against the Titans we must have proper funding for food and supplies." I stated at him for a bit.

"So you're broke and you need help. That's cool. I can help. You also wanted help fighting against them. What exactly did you mean by that?" I asked. "We've heard of your combat abilities and would appreciate it if you could help in our fight. Any fees could be taken out of the funds you would provide." I nodded. "Well, as you know I already have a job so I might not be able to stick around. I'll also be busy all summer. I'll come check out the Survey Corps when I get the time." He nodded. "Please, just a few experiments!?" Hange begged. I sighed, but smirked.

"You know what, how about this. For each experiment you do, I get one date." I offered. "Uh, a date?" She asked. A huge blush on her face. "Yea, a date. What? Never been on a date?" I teased. "Um, not really." She muttered. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." I purred. "That means he'll..." I didn't let Thalia finish. "Hush it sparky!" I yelled. "You do remember that he's a child." The short guy said. "In Red Grave, age doesn't matter unless you're under the age of thirteen." I informed. "Deal!" Hange exclaimed. "Hange!" Erwin yelled. "Its for science!" She exclaimed. "Nice, come back tomorrow and we can start on your experiment." She nodded and the two men sighed, dragging her out of the shop.

"You're horrible." Thalia shook her head. "Maybe, but yo gotta admit that I'm damn good at what I do." She did in fact agree. "So, any more meetings?" She asked to which I nodded. "Someone named Satsuki Kiryūin. Wants me to be a partner to her school, Honnōji Academy. Weird name." I said. "It is not a 'weird name'!" I looked up and saw some tall buff guy yelling at me. "Who are you?" I asked. "Ira Gamagōri and you will not disrespect Lady Satsuki!" I gave him a dead look. "Where is Satsuki?" I asked.

"Right here." A firm yet feminine. She was pale and a bit taller than me with long black hair and really thick eyebrows. Thicker than Erwins. "Satsuki Kiryūin. You're my last meeting before I have to go. Make your pitch." I smiled. "You dare! It would be a pleasure to work with Lady Satsuki!" A little girl with pink hair yelled. "Hush it loli." I said and threw a dog biscuit at her. Where the hell did I get a biscuit?

"You, eyebrows. I got shit to do so start talking." I said. She held up her hand, stopping her lackeys from saying anything. "It's simple really. I will eventually be in need of your services, however I can't put your name on any documents unless I have an actual reason. My solution is to enlist you as one of the founders for Honnōji Academy." She said. "Huh, so you haven't started the school yet?" I asked and she shook her head. "The building has been built, the students applications are being looked over and the staff has been picked." I nodded.

"Alright then. I can deal with that." I nodded. "Good. Here is the contact you have to sign." I picked it up and read through it. Pretty standard honestly. "Alright then." I said and signed the contract. "We're all set, now if you excuse me, I must get going." I said. "Yes, business to take care of and all." Satsuki stood up and we shook hands. "Until next time Satsuki." She simply nodded and left. "We need to get going too Thalia." I said. She nodded and we went to the garage. Nico was visiting her grandma so she wasn't here, but Cindy was.

"Hey babes." I said and kissed her cheek. "Hey Percy. Who's this?" She asked. "This is my cousin Thalia. Thalia, this is my personal mechanic Cindy." They shared a short greeting before Thalia got into my old school Shelby Cobra and we left the shop.

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