Chapter 70

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Third POV

"Redraw that line. You're trying to summon a demon. Not a goblin." Percy said. "Wouldn't a goblin be better though?" Eva asked as she erased the line and redrew it. "Demons are respectable, for the most part. Goblins are rapists." Percy said. "Oh." Marianne walked into the building with a tired look and slumped shoulders. "Tough job?" Percy asked. The woman nodded and sat on the couch. "Fuck, I hate angry ghosts." She groaned. "Need a drink?" The woman nodded. "Yea, thanks." Percy got up and poured his business partner a drink. Just as he was walking back, he paused mid step and smiled.

"Here ya go Marianne. Eva, take a break. I'll be back." He said as he left the shop. The chubby college student stopped her drawing and got up to sit on the couch. "Um, do you know where he's going?" She asked. "Nope. Likely to fight or fuck with someone. He was smirking when he left." Marianne shrugged.

At the edge of Town

Percy arrived at the edge of town to see the entire Bat Family waiting for him. Percy smiled, a genuine smile which was odd for this occasion.

"Bruce! You're back and you brought the family." He said. "You got Dick, Barbara, Jason, Damien, Kate, Harper, Cassandra, Stephanie, Luke, Tim, Helena and Duke." Percy clapped his hands. "To be honest, Jason is my favorite." He said jokingly. "A real honor. Honest, I don't know anyone who can do a number on Bruce like you did other than Superman." Jason said. "How do you know our names?" Damien demanded. "I know everything. Like how hot your mom is." Percy smirked.

"She's a good fuck too." Jason added. "Really, I'll have to investigate that for myself." Percy said, not even seemingly talking to them anymore. "I'll kill you!" Damien yelled angrily. "You can try, but you won't succeed." Percy shrugged nonchalantly. Damien unsheathed his sword and would've charged if Bruce hadn't held back. "Don't recklessly attack." He grumbled. "He's good at angering you. Makes you sloppy." Percy chuckled. "Sorry, but it wouldn't matter. I'd kick your ass either way." Dick stepped forward. "Ok, let's calm down. We just wanna know, why'd you kick Bruce's ass the way you did?" He asked.

"He was being a hypocritical asshole." Percy replied. "How?" Barbara asked. "Ok, here's the whole story. Joker came into Redgrave thinking shit is sweet. He wanted Roulette for something. I wasn't letting whatever he wanted to do go down, so I put a bullet in his skull. Then dragged him where I put a few more in his chest, stomach and face. A few months later, Batman shows up all pissed that I killed Joker. I told him to fuck off cause this is my city and I do what I feel is best. Ya know, like not letting mass murderers run amuck. He didn't like that I used his own line against him and threw a bat thing at me. I then proceeded to whoop his ass like his parents should've." Percy explained.

Each bat family member had a somewhat different reaction. Bruce ground his teeth in anger at the parents comment, Jason was laughing. It was a whole thing.

"Now are we gonna fight or...?" He trailed off. "Nah, I'm not fighting you. You're hilarious." Jason said. "I'm out. It would be pointless to fight you." Kate said. Cassandra shook her head and stepped back. "Aww, ok then. What about the rest of you." The only response he got was Damien charging him. "Hmm, ok. First lesson. Kenjutsu." Percy said summoning Yamato. Damien swung high and Percy parried. Damien jabbed and Percy sidestepped. He then ducked under a flying kick from Dick and a swing from Tim's staff. "Woah, come on now. We were in the middle of a lesson." Percy snarked.

"Well new lesson, team takedown." Dick called. Percy jumped over a leg sweep from Tim, jumped and spun in midair when Dick tried to hit him with his batons. Percy landed and deflected a swipe from Damien's sword and caught a batarang before crushing it. Luke flew at him, but Percy caught him by his shoulders and knees him in the face. He then ripped the jet pack off of his back and threw it away.

"No flying. It's dangerous." Percy ducked under a punch from Stephanie and kicked Luke away. He caught Duke's wrist and looked at the blades on his Eskrima sticks. "Is the blade shaped like a bat? Really?" Percy asked and Duke shrugged sheepishly. He was thrown into Luke, who flew into a building. Percy sidestepped a kick from Barbara and grabbed her long hair. Using her like a club, he batted Dick away and slammed her on top of Damien. He then threw her into Bruce, who caught her.

Percy kicked Barbara in the back which sent Bruce into a wall back first. Harper ran at Percy with her tasers and jabbed at him. Percy dodged every attempt while he caught and snapped every one of Helena's arrows. He caught one of Harper's hands and spun her around to take the pole strike from Tim. After he kicked Tim away, he put her in the way of Dick's batons which electrocuted her. Percy didn't get electrocuted due to being Percy.

He then threw her away like a rag doll. Bruce came back and tried a spin kick, but Percy ducked under it. He backed away from the Dark Knight and back flipped over a lunge from Luke.

"He is completely working them. Sheesh." Jason said eating a protein bar. Cassandra nodded. "He's humiliating them." Kate blinked. Cassandra took out her phone, texted something and showed Jason. "You don't think he's going all out? Eh, I don't know." Jason said. "There's no way he's not going all out to keep up with all of them." Kate shook her head. "I'm not." Percy said from behind them. He ended up with a gun pointed at him. "Woah, calm down cowboy. We can fight whenever you want." Percy joked with a chuckle.

"How the hell are you here, but over there too?" Kate asked. "I am everywhere I want to be. I go where I want. If I want to be in two places at once, then I will." Percy shrugged. "That's broken." Jason shrugged. Percy smirked. "Yes, yes it is. Anyway, no. I'm not going all out over there. If I was, they'd be dead. I don't want that though." Percy shrugged. "Why not?" Jason asked. "They're inefficient in dealing with villains, but they do help to an extent." Percy replied. "Eh, gotta agree." Jason shrugged.

"You guys hungry? I'm gonna go get food." Percy said. Cassandra nodded. "Can we really trust you?" Kate asked. "I don't care if you don't or do. I'm going to get some food." He said walking away. "You paying?" Jason asked. "Yup!" The three followed after that.

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