Chapter 68

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Third POV

Chloe sighed as she watched the kids run around the pizzeria yelling at the top of their lungs. 'Snot nosed little brats.' She thought I'm annoyance. She doesn't know how Rachel managed to talk her into getting a job, especially one that deals with children. Don't get her wrong, she doesn't hate kids. She just finds them disgusting, and loud and annoying.

"Hey, Chloe!" Rachel called. The girl looked over to her best friend. "It's your turn to plunge the toilets. Good luck." Did she mention, disgusting? With a groan, Chloe left to plunge toilets.

With Percy

Percy stood behind Integra as they watched Alucard and a guy named Alexander Anderson threaten one another. That is until Seras popped up leading a group old people between the two. Afte the situation was defused Integra and Enrico Maxwell went out to the outside cafe for coffee and talks while Percy went missing. Alucard had gone back to sleep and Seras and Walter were looking at the art in the museum. You might be wondering, where is Percy? Well....

"Hello." The two men that Percy appeared behind quickly rounded on him with guns drawn. All he did was smile. "So, you're the doctor that created Schrodinger." Percy stated a the man. "What? How'd you know?" The Doctor asked in shock. "I fucked him a few times." The demigod shrugged. Percy walked around and sat in front of the Major. "So, Major. You want a war do you?" Percy smiled. The Major smiled as well. "What gave it away?" He asked. "Clairvoyance, I know everything." Percy sat back and took out one of the cigars that he stole from Integra and lit one. He took a puff and blew the pink smoke into the Major's face. With a smile he stood.

"Well, your secrets are safe with me. I want to see how this ends." Percy stated. "What? You won't kill us?" The Doctor asked. "I can't finish the story if I kill the author now can I?" Percy asked snd suddenly he was gone. Just like Schrodinger, he had no theatrical exit, he was just gone. Like he was never there to begin with. "This is an.... interesting development." The Major said as he laced his fingers in front of his mouth. "Do you think we should trust him Major?" Doctor asked. The Major didn't answer. He just closed his eyes.

With Agnes

The blonde woman was currently three months pregnant and miserable. She was eating a spicy pickle that she had dipped in a pint of pistachio ice cream. Was it disgusting, the concept of it was, but she found the taste damn near orgasmic. She had officially gotten to know Nico and Bianca better and had to say, they weren't as bad as she originally thought they'd be. Nico was like a ball of sunshine despite why his father and brother was like and Bianca was a paranoid and constantly worried about Nico. Agnes nearly cursed the girl out because she wouldn't stop complaining about Nico running around or something like that.

"Agnes?" The woman looked over and saw Daisy, who was holding a tray of food. "Oh thank god." She said and sat up. Daisy brought the food in and sat it down. "Thank you so much Daisy." Agnes gushed and dug into the food. "No problem, are you ok? Any pains?" The blonde shook her head. "No, not lately. I'm surprised honestly. Percy is one powerful guy. From all the movies I've watched, I thought the pure power growing inside of me would be slowly killing me." Daisy chuckled. "This isn't some fanfiction Agnes, you won't die from something stupid like that." She giggled.

With Percy(?)

He had gotten separated from his group of demigods and was wandering around now. Percy had appeared on a farm. He walked past the pigs that were rolling around in mud and up to the farmhouse. Percy knocked on the door and waited for a bit. The door was opened by a ginger woman with brown eyes and fair skin. She wore a checkered shirt that was tied in a knot to show her huge tits and chubby stomach, a pair of cut shorts that showed off her unbelievably thick thighs and brown cowboy boots.

"Hey there, can I help ya hun?" She asked. Percy looked her up and down. "Um, hopefully. You wouldn't happen to have any odd triangle symbols on your wall or anything, would you?" Percy asked. "Don't know, never paid much attention." With a sigh, Percy nodded. "It's fine, thanks anyway." He said and was about to walk away, but was stopped. "Hold on now, maybe I can look around for one. If you're willing to help me." She said. Percy saw the look in her eyes and sighed. 'Sometimes, my thirst for sex is a curse.'


Violetta stood in Tifa's kitchen making Emma, who was watching Blue's Clues on the couch something to eat when he phone rang. Without even looking at the caller ID, she picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello?" She asked. After hearing who was on the other side of the call, she frowned deeply and hung up before tossing her phone back to the counter. She finished making her daughter's food, the woman made her way to the living room and handed it to her. "Thank you mommy." The five year old said and started messily eating. "Hey, no messing up Aunty Tifa's couch. Eat properly." Emma nodded and slowed down. Tifa then came through the door with more groceries. "Hey guys. How's it going?" She asked. "We're good. He called again." Violetta said.

"Hi Aunty Tifa!" Emma yelled. "Hi Emma." Tifa smiled. "So, what did he want?" The brunette asked. "Don't know, hung up on him the second I heard his voice." Violetta shrugged. Tifa nodded, she understood why V didn't want to talk to the man. "Well, I'm going to take a shower." Tifa left with that. Violetta sighed and leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes.

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