Chapter 9

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Percy POV

I sighed as I stepped into the shop. Lady and I had just gotten back and I was ready to get started on renovating the club. I needed to see what exactly needed to be done. Agnes was sitting at the desk filing her nails with Valentina sitting on the couch with a martini in her hand.

"Hey V, didn't expect you to be here." I said. "Percy. I came to visit, but you weren't here. Glad I waited." She said. "Why is that?" I asked. "I heard you were opening a nightclub?" I nodded. "Its in dire need of being renovated though. Or that's what Agnes said." I said. I walked behind the desk and Agnes stood up to let me sit down. She then proceeded to sit on my lap. "Damn, can I take my coat and boots off first?" I asked. She didn't answer, but she did slide my coat of my shoulders and pulled my feet on to the desk and pulling my boots off. "Well that works too." I said.

"Who are you?" V asked. "That's Lady. A new business partner. She'll be helping me with the demon hunting." I said. Valentina narrowed her eyes, but sipped her martini suspiciously. "Is your sister here?" I asked to avoid having to slap a bitch. "She's upstairs playing her games. Ugh, I'll never understand her love for those things." She said with an eye roll. "They're relaxing and great for taking out aggression. You should try it. You seem to have a bunch of it." Tina glared at me, but I ignored her. "Well, I should probably go take a look at the club and see what needs to be done." Agnes looked at me like I was crazy. "No, you're gonna fuck me first." She said. Lady, who was leaning on the pool table looked over with wide eyes.

"Agnes." I chuckled. "No, don't 'Agnes' me. You teased me over the phone, knowing I needed to cum." She said standing up and shedding her shirt and shorts. "Agnes." I tried to say, but she yanked her panties down, laid on the desk and spread her legs. "Fuck me." Aww, Lady left. Poor soul. But, her pussy does look extremely inviting. Damnit. Business is gonna have to wait.

No Smut Yet

I got out of the cab with Agnes and Valentina, who looked disgusted at being in a cab and most likely in Redgrave period. She's a bit special. I looked at the small building in front of me and sighed. It was covered in dust and the sign was broken. I walked in, having to push the door open because of something being behind the door.

"I'm gonna stay out here." Val said. "Naturally." I muttered. Agnes walked in along with me though. "Huh, this isn't as bad as I thought it was. You made this out to be so much worse." I told Agnes.

"They told me it was a lot worse

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"They told me it was a lot worse." Agnes said looking around. "All we gotta do get a few things replaced, sweep and open up." I said. "Think the gremlin is gonna help pay for the renovation?" Agnes asked. "Be nice Agnes and possibly. Might have to fuck her for her to say yes." I said. My phone started ringing so I took it out and answered. "Hello?" I asked. "Hello, is this Perseus Jackson? Owner of Devil May Cry?" The person asked. "It is. How can I help you?" I asked. "We'd like to discuss the ownership of the Bullseye Bar and Love Planet." I sighed, but smiled.

"Of course. Anyway you wanna come by the shop to talk. I'm always available." I said. "Is tomorrow ok? Say around 5:00 pm?" I agreed to the time and they hung up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and Agnes looked at me. "Bar and strip club?" She asked and I nodded. "They'll be at the shop tomorrow to talk about it." She nodded. "Well, come on. Let's go see what I gotta do to get Val's help."

Third POV

A week later Percy, with the help of a few guys and having to be Valentina's 'pet' for a day Percy has managed to fix up the club. Now he was just looking for a staff. A bartender, a cook and waitresses and/or waiters. He had also officially bought the Bullseye Bar and Love Planet. So he needed three bartenders, more cooks, more servers and at least five strippers. He really wished some would've told him that being an entrepreneur would be so tiresome and taxing.

Currently he was laying on his sofa with his head on Agnes' lap and Daisy laying on top of him and playing a 3DS. Lady was sitting on the pool table and cleaning her guns. Valentina had left to do a bikini photoshoot in the Bahamas or something. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Percy sighed.

"Agnes." He said. The blonde stood up, making sure to put a pillow under his head to make sure he was comfortable before going to answer the door. She pulled the large door open and looked the person up and down. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Uh, yea. I saw you needed a bartender? Specifically for the small bar?" She asked. "Damnit." Percy said under his breath. "Let'em in." He said and got up. Daisy had to get up, which annoyed Percy since her ass felt nice on his lap. He moved over to his desk and sat down. Agnes let the person in and Percy started to think getting up was worth it.

The girl that walked in was sexy as hell. Long black hair, red eyes, smooth fair skin and a pretty large bust. She was taller than Percy, probably Nico's age. She wore a white tank top that showed off her slim and well toned stomach, a mini skirt, black boots and red fingerless boxing gloves. Other than that she had black suspenders and black arm sleeves.

"Hey, you're Perseus Jackson, right?" She asked. "I am, but please. Just call me Percy. You are?" He asked gesturing to the chair in front of him. The girl sat down and held her hand with Percy shaking it. "Hi! I'm Tifa Lockhart."

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