The Reception part 3

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Chapter 62 

An hour maybe more has past as Caroline, Klaus, and most of their wedding party dance in a large group. Caroline slowly started to pull herself and Klaus away from the group and out of the ball-room " Where are we going?" Klaus question while being pulled behind her. She just looked back at him and held her pointer finger to her lip to shh him. They stopped in front of the door that held to the changing room she used when they first arrive for a quick make out session with her husband. Right before she pulled him in with her, she noticed the door was a jar and could hear voices coming from the room.

"How is Australia treating you?" They over heard a man who was definitely Finn, had to be talking to Sage.

"Its fun there, but really hot and lonely. How have you been? Haven't seen you since you came to visit me in Japan to inform me that you were marrying your brother fiancée."

"Being the first born into this family I can't be the man I want, but what I could do was save my little brother from a loveless marriage with a women who can't love anything but money. That action has damned me to be the villain in my father and all my siblings eyes" Finn informed her with real sadness in his voice. Caroline looked back to make contact with Klaus too see what his reaction would be. His eyes looked like glasses filled to the brim begging to spill over. Caroline squeezed their connected hands as a show of support.

"How's married life treating you?" Sage asking with a snarky tone while Klaus and Caroline refocused on the conversation they were eavesdropping on.

"Its as fine as it could be when your married to the wrong woman."

Sage sighs before responding "I couldn't marry you not this fake version of you, I couldn't watch you pretend to be this asshole that I know your not while you push down the man I love."

"Its not going to stop you from letting me kiss you is it? Not going to stop you from making love to me like every other time we cross paths is it?" Finn asked with a cocky but playful voice.

"No, its not" Sage whispered. There was a silence before Klaus and Caroline heard moaning and decided that they have over stayed their welcome.

Once they were far enough away from the room Caroline squeezed Klaus's hand causing him to look at her. "I'm here when ever your ready to talk about what he said." He nodded a few times. Rebekah came out of the ball-room before he could verbally respond. "There you two are. You better getting doing back to the apartment and change you have to be to the airport soon your flight will leave in a few hours."

The happy couple made there way through the ball-room saying goodbyes to some guest. Caroline's mother had left to her hotel room while they were dance the night away earlier in the evening. So now Klaus's parents were the last people they needed to see before they could leave. Mikael hugged them both and wish them a fun honeymoon while winking at his son. Esther request that Caroline come back with a new grandchild for her. They made their way to the limo and were off to the honeymoon Klaus had planed. 

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