Temporary Home

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Chapter 20

Stefan was waiting at the passenger side door of Bekah's car when Caroline came flying out of the building throwing herself into the car. "Are you ok?" He asked. "When you go up there ask Klaus how Aurora is doing." Stefan sighed and closed the door making his way up to Klaus's office.

"So what about Awhorea?" Bekah asked with a giggle to her joke. "While I was waiting for you I decided to go visit Klaus. I was chitchatting with Chris and I questioned as to why Klaus had a meeting this early in the days. Well he told me that that it wasn't a business meeting and then don't you know it Aurora and Klaus walk out of the office."

"My brother is an utter moron" Bekah said rolling her eyes. "I know I was foolish to think that Klaus felt the same way as I did but to meet her in such a public way, like what if people start talking? We aren't even married yet" Caroline said with tears in her eyes.

"I could just kill him for making you feel like this. You know what move in with me." Caroline laughed. "I'm serious I just got a lease for an apartment in the city today the movers are at the family home I will call them and tell them to get your stuff as well. This way we can focus more in to the business. We can actually make the website do a lot more photo shoots, come on Care you know the dream was always for us to do this together."

"Ok, Make the call, but I just want to you know I'm not doing this to get away from Klaus I really do want to make this fashion line work and show everyone that you're not just some rich airhead"

After a few hours out getting somethings for the new apartment Rebekah took Caroline there to see her new home for the next two months. After unpacking and decorating her room Caroline headed out to meet Klaus for dinner.

Klaus had already arrived at Valentina's when Caroline walked up toward the hostess desk "Hello Miss. Forbes, Mr. Mikaelson is already here, let me show you to the table." Once he noticed Caroline he stood kissed her cheek and pulled out the chair for her. "Hello, love how was your day?"

"Busy I went shopping with Bekah and I moved."

"You moved?" Klaus questioned Caroline confused and worried. "Yes I will be living with Bekah in the city for the next few months."

"Is this because what happened at the office today?"

"No no I don't want to be at your parents' house, its super uncomfortable, but my main reason is so Rebekah and I can work on the Clothing line. It will be late night sessions and this way be will be close to the downtown for props and photo shoot locations."

"Well that does make sense I'm just worried with you moving that I'm going to lose you." She took his hand in her and looked him deep in the eyes "You are not going to lose me. Not because I'm moving anyway" Caroline informed him. "I know you are upset that she was in my office and I didn't want to tell you about it because I don't want you upset."

"Well it seems like that was unavoidable so would you prefer me be upset with you or her?"

"She came to my office because she found out my father gave me his mother's wedding ring to give to you as a wedding gift, she feels since she is the wife of the eldest male that it belongs to her so she was trying to seduce me into giving it to her."

"Well did she? Seduce you?"

"Are you serious? Love even if you weren't around I would not touch her with a ten-foot pole."

"Ok, then you are forgiven."

"Really just that easy?" Klaus questioned being use to women who would milk this type of situation for all that they could. This was just one more reason that he knew that Caroline was special that she was different then other girls.

The couple finished their meal with random chatter about their day. Klaus insisted on taking Caroline home so he could check out the new place. Caroline would have put up more of a fight but during lunch Bekah texted to inform her she would be at Stefan's for the night. They left Valentina's and headed further into the city to Caroline's temporary home.

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