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Chapter 30

Klaus already knew the key code to enter the building and Bekah had left a key at the security desk for her, so he let himself into the apartment. He quietly enter the apartment and placed the soup on the counter and his bag on the couch and and went to Caroline's room. As he opened the door he seen Caroline fast asleep on the bed in nothing but her underwear. Klaus swallowed hard took a deep breath closed the door leaving Caroline to rest. He changed into a pair of sweat pants leaving his undershirt on made himself a cup of tea and relaxes on the couch while reading over some contracts.

About forty five minutes pass and Caroline joins him wrapped in her blanket. She lays down resting her head on his lap and sighs. Klaus begins to run his fingers through her hair soothing her back to sleep. Klaus snaps a pic and post it to instagram. An hour passes and he needs to use the restroom so he lift her head as lightly as possible and lays it gently on the couch.

When he returns from the restroom Caroline is standing in the kitchen wearing a over sized shirt warming up her soup. "Love please sit don let me make that for you."

"Klaus its fine I'm feeling a lot better now. We don't need you to cook and get me sick all over again" She joked. "You think your so funny" He mocked tickling her side. She rushed to around trying to get away he grasped her shirt and it rode up reveling her lace boyshort underwear. Klaus hand slid down to her thigh and ran his finger across her exposed underwear. The couple went silent as their bodies came closer together, their lips were just inches apart when the door opened and Rebekah poked her head in yelling "If your not decent you better get some clothes on, I live here too."

Caroline scampered off to her room and threw some leggings on when she reentered the kitchen Klaus had her soup in a bowl ready for her to eat. Sitting on the other stool was Bekah. "Hey the color is returning to your face."

"That will teach me to eat street meat."

"I think it might have been the brown jalapenos that did you in." Caroline let out a laughed and agreed. "At least it wasn't as bad as the time you went off with that guy when we were in Jamaica."

"I'm still convinced he poisoned me on purpose. Getting your stomach pumped in a Jamaican hospital is not the way a girl wants to spend her 19th birthday."

"WHAT?" Klaus questioned. The girls share a look and a smirk. "I forget that everyone things your so innocent."

Caroline rolls her eyes at her best friend and tell her friend proceeded to tell the story.

"It was about four months after Care had left Enzo and school. Liz had this work training thing and was allowed to bring us. The first week we were there this bar tender asked her out every day. With a little convincing from yours truly she agreed to go out with him. So he takes her to this pig roast and our girl over here get sick and vomits all over him while they were hooking up."

As Bekah finishes the story Caroline's face is beet red with embarrassment.

"Caroline I wouldn't picture you the type of girl to have relations with a complete stranger" Klaus stated trying to make his jealously and anger of this Jamaican bar boy.

"I'm not and I wasn't but at the time in my life where my heart was broken into pieces I had never done anything like that and wanted to step out of my comfort zone."

"Technically you did that. Before that day you never threw up on someone" Bekah joked.

"Thats true" Caroline joined in with a laugh.

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