What If

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Chapter 40

"Where is she? What have you done you monster?" Before Klaus could respond Caroline was at the door "Enzo?"

"Care" he exclaimed in relief.

"Your an absolute mess, come in."

Enzo was sitting on the couch on his second cup of tea that Caroline made for him to sober him up. "What is going on?"

"Send him home so we can speak" Enzo requested motioning to Klaus.

"This is his home."

"What? How could you!"

"We are getting married mate" Klaus jumped in not liking the growing rage in Enzo voice.

"Because you've brain washed her. She never wanted to live the life of a kept women."

"You are speaking out of turn Lorenzo. I am not a kept women, I am fallowing my dreams, working on my music and photography. This apartment he and I live in together I paid for it. I will not have you question our feelings for each other. Nik please call him a car and see he leaves our home safely."

After Caroline closed herself behind her bedroom door Klaus and Enzo sat in silence.

"Its just so hard to believe that she left me because of this live style just to end up living it with you I just don't understand."

"Its not the life style that she is marrying it the person and I don't know how things where when you where together but you did lie and she hates being lied too."

After making sure Enzo got into the Uber safely Klaus knocked on Caroline's door hoping to continue their conversation, there was no answer so he assumed she was sleeping. He made his way to the guest room, he crawled into bed curious about what she thought of his confession. Her words to Enzo kept running through his head 

"I will not have you question our feelings for each other". 

Feeling for each other that is what she said, so she did have feelings for him. Then he thought of her confession from the first night they were romantically together started running through his head. 

"To be honest Klaus I was trying to avoid you a little bit. I find myself drawn to you. It has been a really long time for me since I've been inmate with anyone. I get attached I'm not the kind of girl who just sleeps around with out emotions and I know what this is I know that it will end. I'm just trying to protect my heart the best I can." 

As he laid in bed thinking back to that drunken night he realized that she had confessed her feeling to him and he made a stupid joke about testing driving a car. What if that was his chance she put herself out there and he was too excited that she wanted to have sexy that he might have lost his chance a real happiness.

What if Enzo is right and this life is too much for her? What if she just doesn't want to be Mrs. Mikaelson for any long period of time. What if her feelings for Enzo have come back and she does want to runaway with him? 

All these what if's where running through his head and he could not sleep. Klaus decided to take a cold shower to relieve his thoughts from consuming him. Afterword he laid back down in bed where he opened Instagram.

 where he seen Caroline's post from earlier with a caption that read "Never thought I was the marrying type but this boy I got make my heart dizzy, can't wait to be his mrs!" and he  stared at the picture of Caroline until he fell asleep

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 where he seen Caroline's post from earlier with a caption that read "Never thought I was the marrying type but this boy I got make my heart dizzy, can't wait to be his mrs!" and he stared at the picture of Caroline until he fell asleep.  

Married to Money   (A Klaroline FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now