Making This House a Home

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Chapter 38

The next morning Caroline and Klaus had woken up gotten ready and were off to see Caroline's surprise. They drove to a small community on the outskirts of the city. The houses were quiet a distance from each other and though the houses were large like the community were Klaus's family lived they were all unique, many looked to have private woods in the back.

"Love, last night I was only joking about you getting us murdered however now I'm getting a bit worried."

"You said you'd have faith in me."

They pulled up to a old Victorian style home that obviously needed work.

" Whats this?"

"This is our home."


"I was remembering how you told me about how you love to do carpentry and it is what you would do if you were not a Mikaelson so I bought it for you well us for a year at least. This is an up and coming neighborhood so if you choose to sell it after you have it all fixed up and our year is done you'll make a killing. I just seen it and thought of us living here and it seemed like home to me. There is a cute little lake in the back. I've been talking a lot, what do you think?"

Caroline stood nervously watching Klaus waiting for him to speak.

"I'm just in shock no one has ever done anything so nice and thought full for me before, thank you so much Caroline."

"Wait how much did this cost you? "he quickly added.

"I used the money that I got from selling my apartment it not a big deal."

"So thats the large check  you wrote that my mother was so worried about. Why did you wait so long to let me about it? You must let me reimbursed you" 

" Absolutely not. When you sell it you can pay me back that amount nothing more if you so desire. I know is not a mansion not they style of house you are use too. I was going to give it to you when we came back from out honeymoon but this seemed the the right time"

"I will never sell this house ever" Klaus said with such honest it scared Caroline a bit.

"Would you like to see the inside?"

They walked into the house the door was almost rotted off and the first few room they walked into were not much better.

They walked into the house the door was almost rotted off and the first few room they walked into were not much better

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"Wow this kitchen doesn't look too bad just a bit outdated" Klaus said with surprise.

"Wow this kitchen doesn't look too bad just a bit outdated" Klaus said with surprise

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"Don't go getting to excited this is by far the nicest room in the house. Lets head up the the second floor."

As they went up the stair case Klaus bounced on a step to test its integrity it make many creaking sounds making a mental note to fix them

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As they went up the stair case Klaus bounced on a step to test its integrity it make many creaking sounds making a mental note to fix them.Caroline pointed out the trip around the stairs asking him if they "can we keep the trip you just don't see detail like that these days."

"I'll do my best love."

They walked in to the room at the top of the stairs. "This seems like a dungeon more then a bathroom" Klaus joked.

"So if I'm being a bad girl will you lock me up in here?" Caroline flirted

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"So if I'm being a bad girl will you lock me up in here?" Caroline flirted.

"i'm more of a tie you to the bed type" he flirted back leaning down to kiss her.

"So what do you think?" Caroline asked as they walked back to the car.

"I love it. It will be a great home for us. But now that I have all this renovating on my plate it looks like your going to have to plan this wedding with my sister and mother since I will be so busy here."

"No sir I'm helping you and don't for a second this I'm going to let you decorate this place."

"Fine by me love, but we still have a issue where are we going to live until this place is livable? I don't want to be away from you, I don't think it puts a good message out there."

"Well I talked to Rebekah and she is going to move in with Stefan so there is a free bedroom at my place."

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