I Think I'm in Love

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Chapter 13

Klaus and Caroline decided to go to her apartment and start packing up her belongings for storage. Caroline unlocked the door and let out a big sigh. "Are you alright love?"

'Yeah, it's just upsetting that some strange person was here and going through all of my stuff."

"I'm sorry about that love, I should have had security here to keep any eye on thing" Klaus said with a bit of guilt. Caroline lightly rubbed his arm "It's not your fault" she made him aware sealing the statement with a kiss on the check before entering kitchen to start packing. "I'll start taking your furniture apart" Klaus offered walking into the bedroom.

An hour or so past and Caroline had just finished packing up the kitchen. She took a glass out of a box and filled it with cold water. As she was about to enter her bedroom went she stopped and leaned on the door frame admiring the shirtless sweaty Klaus. "Is that for me?" He questioned pulling her from her gaze. With a rose color painting over her checks she smiled and handed him the cold glass. "What are you smiling at?" He questioned again. "I'm just happy to see Nik! This is the first time you look like a person and not a walking bank statement." He beamed at her thankful of her comment. "I really enjoy doing things with my hands." She took his free hand in hers moving her delicate finger up and down his palm. "They're very large you probably get a lot of work done with them" she said flirting more then she intended. "I do" He flirted back peering into her eyes.


"Yeah, I can show you if you like" he offered just now inched away from Caroline face.

Her heart was racing she desperately wanted him to show her just what his hands could do but she knew that she was not ready for it. "I would like that" she said stepping away from him "just another time we have a lot to do" she added.

"As you wish."

"So Klaus I was actually thinking that I'm going to donate most of my stuff here."

"Why is that love?"

"I'm not going to use most of this stuff for at least a year. None of it matches it's not like we are going to use it to furnish our home."

"Mix match furniture not really some billionaires do" he joked. "Ok I'll finish packing up you cloths in here why do you pack up everything from the living room and bathroom and I'll call someone to come and it up the rest to take to the Goodwill" he offered. Caroline nodded her head in agreeance and took the empty glass from him turn to leave the room. Klaus grabbed her arm and spun her around kissed her neck sending chills through her entire body. "Thanks for the water" he whispered. Her checks turned a fiery red as she exited the room.

Caroline had finished in the bathroom and was working on the living room while Klaus was on the phone making arrangements with the realtor to sell Caroline apartment. A light knock came at the door. Caroline opened the door expecting to see the Goodwill drives instead she seen a very well dressed red head. "Aurora was it?" She questioned knowing very well that was her name. Without an answer she pushed past Caroline walking in the living room. "What a quaint little home you have here. Are you moving?"

"Selling my apartment and donating some things I no longer have use for."

"Moving a bit fast are we? Darling you seem like a nice but little naive girl let me give you some advice" Aurora offered. Klaus was listening in from the bedroom and fiercely wanted to end this but he knew that if he and Caroline were going to pull this off she would need to deal with Aurora. "Why is it that the ex-girlfriend always wants to give the new partner advice or warning? Your relationship obviously did not work out mainly because you were tongue wrestling with his brother."

Aurora smile and shook her head and smiled. "Yes, I was having an affair with his brother but no one ever questioned why? He spent all of his time at school and if he wasn't at school he was at that silly construction job he had that he did not need. His idea of a date was dinner in our apartment and watching a movie on the couch. A girl of my stature needs to be shown off. If you were smart you would cut ties with him and try to make things work that St. John boy you were with." 

"Aurora what I had with Lorenzo is dead and buried even if Klaus and I were not an item there will never be a me and Lorenzo ever again. Everything you just explain about Klaus is the reason why I love him. His work ethic is something from the gods, have you ever watched that man work? His focus is breathtaking. His love for carpentry is inspiring. Dinner and a movie at home is how we spend most of our nights and that where true intimates happens. You are simply a trophy for a man to flaunt around and that fine however I have my own ambitions and he supports them and encourages me. He's not only going to be my husband but he's my best friend and biggest fan. And if you gave up such an amazing man for Finn I hope you have that with him. Now if you'll please leave my home I have an event to get ready for." Caroline ended while holding the door open for her to leave. Slamming it behind her as she stepped out.

Caroline turned around to be swept into Klaus's arms and a light kiss on the lips. As they pulled apart she noticed a tear running down Klaus's check. She pulled him to sit with her on the couch. "Nik what's wrong?"

"That's the first time I heard why she did what she did. It hurts."

"Niklaus you are an amazing man. So you can be a bit harsh, you are determined and know what you want. Even though we are not in a romantic relationship we are still partners and I do love you for all those reason I told her. You are to amazing of a man to have a trophy wife." Caroline stood to kissed his check and went to the bathroom to start to get ready.

Klaus held his head in his hand shaking his head. He pulled out his phone and texted the only person he could talk to.

Klaus: I think I'm falling in love with her.

Stefan: Ok, Well do rush into anything you have a year to figure this out.

Caroline still in the bathroom head spinning with the events of the last few days. She pulled out her phone.

Caroline: I think I'm in love with your brother!

Rebekah: I knew it! Well talk in person tonight I want to hear everything.

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