Girl Talk

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Chapter 44

Rebekah woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon, she walked out of her room and see Liz cooking. "A mother who cooks whats that?"

"Rebekah Mikaelson you lived under my roof long enough you know what a loving breakfast is. Do you wanna wake Caroline and the others up? Breakfast is almost done."

"I can get the others up but Caroline isn't in bed."

"Do you know where she is?"

"She probably snuck out early this morning to see my brother. The bloody love birds cant be away from each other for too long. I give her a cell a buzz and request her return."

She looks around for her phone and could not locate it. She decided to run down to her car to check for her phone. When she existed the elevator she noticed Klaus's car in the lot. As she advanced toward the card she seen Caroline and her brother in the back seat passed out.

Caroline woke up to a tapping on glass. "Nik has is that noise?" Klaus opens is eyes and to the window. "Bekah?" Caroline's eyes fly open and meet her friends eyes as she peers into the car with that mischievous Mikaelson smirk. "Your going to owe me one lover."

"What do you mean Sweetheart?"

"I'm going to get out of this car so you don't have to deal with your sister unrelenting mockery" Caroline leaned up and planted a kissed on his lips. She picked her panties of the floor and left.

"Caroline Forbes crawling out of mans car panties in hand, and people say I am the bad influence" she joked nudging Caroline.

"Is this gonna be like when we were in high school and I sneak back in and tell you all the dirty details?"

"If it was anyone but my older brother I would have pulled the details from your slutty little lips."

"Oh Bekz I don't know what it is but I'm so giddy, and butterfly in my stomach, and just addicted to him. I'm so damn scared. I thought I was in love with Enzo and now that I know what true love is what I feel for Nik I know it wasn't really with Enzo, If his doesn't workout with Nik I will be devastated I will be completely broken."

"I've never seen my brother like this with anyone, just have some faith. Maybe put your panties in your pocket so your mother doesn't know how you get down."

"She is a detective if you think she did not know what we were up too your crazy." The girls shared a laugh as they walked into the apartment "perfect timing breakfast is ready."

"Great thanks Mom, let me just quickly wash up."

"Yeah you probably need too" Bekah joked.

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