What Have I Gotten Into?

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Chapter 31

The group had moved to the living room. Klaus and Rebekah were talking about the wedding and Caroline was scrolling on instagram when she seen it, a video of her paying the guitar and singing. "KLAUS" she yelled getting the siblings attention. "What did you do?" Bekah questioned looking at his sister a bit scared to look his fiancee in the eyes. "I don't know." Rebekah scooted toward Care looking at the phone and seeing the video "Oh she is gonna kill you" She informed him Rebekah knew hoe private Care is about her singing. She takes the phone and hands it to her brother. "oh your upset that I posted that because your only in a long shirt? Don't worry love you can't see anything?"

"I didn't even realize that I'm super self conscious about my singing. The two of you and my mother are the only people I've ever played for."

"Caroline I'm so sorry,I didn't know. Your so talented and come alive when you sing and play I just wanted to show the world."

"Don't you think it should be my choice when I show the world."

"Of course love, again I say I was unaware it was this weird secret. Have you read any of the comments?" She did not answer just started at her hand as her finger trembled together. He was trying to make eye contact any signs that she had forgiven him. Trying to evade the awkward silence Bekah took the phone and stare to read.

Wow what an amazing talent why was she wasting her time as a damn assistant?

This chick is way too hot to be with a stuck up British dude.

The smile that was previously on Klaus face disappeared. "Wow Care this guy is a total fox, look" Rebekah said as she shoved the phone into Caroline's face.

"Oh wow" Caroline agreed before Klaus grabbed the phone out of her hand. "What kind of guy has their profile picture to a shirtless bathroom selfie?" He questions mocking the man. "One that is hot and trying to FU.."

"REBEKAH" Caroline yelled.

"What you know I'm right."

"Yeah but gross."

"Care don't act all innocent with me I shared a room with you, I know all the weird things you've tried. Plus my brother over here was captain of the man whore club so no need to impress him with your virtue."

Caroline stood from her position on the couch and stormed into her room slamming the door behind her."Good job Bekah you've upset her."

"No I didn't but something is wrong. I better go talk to her" she knew that Caroline had no problem with her joke they talked that way often with each other. Rebekah sighed as she tapped lightly on the door before opening it and closing it behind her. "What wrong?" She questioned as she joined Care on the bed. "My head is all messed up. Those freaky things you joked about were all with Enzo. Hes been coming around talking about what we could have been, what we could still be."

"Are you thinking of leaving Nik for him?"

"NO. I agreed to do this with him I'm not backing out. When I first found out who Enzo really was I had no interest in living the life of a kept women, now that I've got a glimpse of it, what Klaus has shown me, is not so bad. Did I make a mistake by running away?"

"Babe you didn't just run from that lifestyle you ran from a man you couldn't recognize anymore, one that lied to you and let his family treat you like nothing."

"I know your right." After a long silence Rebekah asks "do you think its the man who is keeping you rather then the lifestyle itself?"

Caroline started to cry "I hope not. I can't deal with the heart break that it will bring me."

"Thats it we are going out for girls night. We are gonna get sexy and dance our asses off and forget about this pickle you've found yourself in. I'll go sent Nik away" Rebekah informed Caroline as she left the room.

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