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Chapter 49

Later the same afternoon the dancer from the club and released a video online denying anything more then a kiss that happened between her and Klaus. She had also stated in her video that a gentleman had come up to her and asked her if he could buy Klaus a dance and if she would give him a kiss that Klaus had wanted her too but was to shy to talk with her, and that Klaus reaction after she had kissed him had made her very aware that he did not want the kiss. From seeing the picture all over the internet of them kissing she believes that the man who bought Klaus the dance did not have good intentions and was using her as a pawn to put negativity about Klaus and Caroline's relationship which she apologize to them if she caused any issues it was not her intention she was just doing her job or so she thought.

Caroline and the girls seen the picture and watched the dance who's named they learned was Emily video on the way to the airport. Caroline checked her phone and there was no call or message from Klaus. Caroline sat on the plane staring at her phone when Rebekah flopped down next to her. "What running through that pretty head?"

"He hasn't messaged me in the days that we've been gone. I had no idea that he was leaving New York, he told me they weren't. He didn't even bother to call or text to give me a heads up about the picture or to explain what actually happened."

"When I spoke with Stefan he said that Klaus had forgotten his phone at the apartment."

"So Its not like they all didn't have their phones, Matt is my cousin for god sake he definitely has my number saved."

"Yeah I guess your right. I'd love to tell you I know what my brother was thinking but I don't."

"I understand that we both agree to have limited contact during this time apart but if I was leave the state or country I was in I'd send a quick text and if something like that kiss happened I'd call him as soon as I could even if it was only to spill my heart to a voicemail. How would you feel in this was you and stef? Though I don't think he would ever put you in this position."

"I would be just as angry and upset as you are Caroline and you have the right to be, please try to remember that it has been a long time since he has been in a relationship so these type of things are a bit foreign to him."

"That doesn't make it ok."

"I never said it did. So what are you gonna do?"

"You mean after crying all the way home?" Caroline asked her with a pitiful laugh.

"Yeah" Bekah asked with a smile and hug.

"Well I'm gonna get a large order of loaded nachos and lock myself in my room and watch rom-coms and cry all night. Then out early to work on last minute wedding details with your mother the wedding is in two weeks."

"So avoiding Nik? For how long?"

"I don't know, the wedding?" Caroline joked again.

"How about until the rehearsal dinner? I've been working really hard on it and don't need you and my idiot of a brother messing it up with your awkward actions."

"I could do that, but not for him for you."

Rebekah held Caroline in her arms as she cried most of the trip home. "It would be so much easier if I didn't fall in love with him" Caroline confessed to Bekah right before she fell asleep.

As she declared to Bekah Caroline got her nachos, put on her comfy sweat pants and over sized shirt and turned on Me Before You and movie that never failed in the task of making her cry.

Rebekah enter the apartment she shared with Stefan to see Klaus passed out on the couch. She kicked the leg jolting her brother awake. He made eye contact with her "What the hell Bekz."

"Don't you Bekz me you stupid selfish man."

"Excuse me?"

"I just spent a twenty hour flight holding Caroline while she cried. And you know why because my older brother is unaware of how one is too act when he is in a relationship. She is my best friend Nik if you break her heart I will never forgive you" without giving him a chance to respond she walked down the hall way and slammed her bedroom door informing him not to fallow her.

He decided to go home and face Caroline but when he entered the apartment all the light were off the only thing he could see was the light under Caroline's bedroom door. He knocked on the door but got no response, he knocked again and tried the doorknob which was locked. With a desperate plea in his voice he knocked harder "Caroline Please open the door." Still no verbal response but the volume of the program she was watching started to rise to drowned out his pleas at contact with her. 

Klaus gave up for the night and sighed walking down the hall to the bathroom to shower the plane smell off of himself. While in the shower he cried and once the tears started coming he could not stop them "FUCK" he screamed hoping that he did not just fuck up the best thing that has happened to him. 

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